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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Happy New Year Pink Scrub!

  2. Mounted movement. Healer. Great bases. Comes early. 9/10
  3. 36. Lucia = Titania. Since I already have Jill in PoR. Might as well get a mighty axe unit for RD.
  4. Updated Teams Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Barst, Navarre, Malice, Est, Wrys, Castor, Nagi, Samto, Blues/Marth:Luke, Frey, Ogma, Warren, Athena, Ellerean, Robert, Abel, Beck, 13th: Sirius, Draug, Wendell, Gordin, Roger, Jeorge, Astram, Ymir, Dolph, PKL/ Toon Link: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, Midia, Yubello, Matthis, ThisisJaye: Cecille, Cain, Minerva, Merric, Caesar, Leiden, Dice, Darros, Michalis, LeaderR Elliot: Catria, Palla, Linde, Etzel, Cord, Norne, Belf, Katarina, Frost, Macellan, Bord Bantu Tiki Tomas Sheema Samson Roshea Vyland Sedgar Wolf I call dibs on Matthis.
  5. ^Eww. I wouldnt pick that as first pick ever. Youre gimping urself in one game to get a godlike unit in the other. I prefer to get decent units in both game than be completely gimped in one game but do good in the other.
  6. Pent exists. 1/10 Ok, now seriously...he has Lyn mode for a bit of training and hes got decent availability. Has decent speed growth and hits RES. 5/10
  7. Oops...I mistook the picks lol. I thought mr.game and watch was the one who picked rhys/nolan. Still, Soren/Aran isnt too shabby either. Soren is decent in PoR (although hes way too frail at the beginning) and Aran isnt too bad.
  8. Nolan is one of the best draftees in an old penalties draft.
  9. I saw that coming from a mile away. Predictable/10 for Soul.
  10. Updated Teams Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Barst, Navarre, Malice, Est, Wrys, Castor, Nagi, Blues/Marth:Luke, Frey, Ogma, Warren, Athena, Ellerean, Robert, Abel, Beck, 13th: Sirius, Draug, Wendell, Gordin, Roger, Jeorge, Astram, Ymir, Dolph, PKL/ Toon Link: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, Midia, Yubello, ThisisJaye: Cecille, Cain, Minerva, Merric, Caesar, Leiden, Dice, Darros, Michalis, LeaderR Elliot: Catria, Palla, Linde, Etzel, Cord, Norne, Belf, Katarina, Bord Matthis Samto Bantu Tiki Macellan Tomas Sheema Samson Frost Roshea Vyland Sedgar Wolf We're only missing Elliot this round. Come on guys, lets finish this ^^.
  11. Nvm, log is messed up. Turncount so far = 53 as of 1-8 Micaiah's suckage in HM really hurts my LTC strategies :(. She couldnt even survive an attack in 1-6 to be put in resolve.
  12. HM is definetely not the most suited for drafting lol. Man, Sothe dies in 1-4 if I try to do the usual 7 turn strat o_O or runs out of beastkiller uses. And Micaiah sucks.
  13. It couldve been even better. If the crossbow guy didnt decide to be in best bio when marcia passed through him :/. He had like 90 display hit against her. So I had to drop Ike. I dont like reset abusing. But technically, I couldve shaved 2 turns there. Also, you have 2 fliers and Nolan :o. I wouldnt count you out just yet.
  14. I finished An NM Radiant Dawn Draft in 206 turns.
  15. What would you have picked? There arent that many other good options. Flier for FE9 does wonders. And Marcia is good in FE10.
  16. 2/10. Her growths are good, but too much babying required and the results are less than stellar. Shes decent for earlygame chipping. Almost no enemy phase makes her too bad. Shed actually be pretty decent If she had 1 range because then she'd actually be able to use her growths.
  17. An NM Radiant Dawn Draft. Hosted by Silver Harpoon PKL - Titania, Marcia, Zihark, Brom, Rolf, Tormod, Sanaki, Makalov, Renning. Units that are free for all are: Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, the Herons, Heather , the Black Knight, and Lehran. Transfers: Ike- hp str mag skl spd def res Sothe- 39 hp 20 str 5 mag 20 skl 20 spd 26 lck 20 def 15 res Titania- str skl spd Rolf- str skl spd def res Marcia- str skl spd def Nephenee- str skl spd def Jill- str skl spd def Oscar- hp str skl spd def Boyd- hp str skl spd def Mia- str skl spd def Elincia- mag skl [spoiler=Part 1] 1-P 5/5 Edward kills almost everything and then weakens boss. Micaiah kills 2 leftover bandits in EP and then the boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 3 13 16 2 8 9 8 12 4 6 Light D 1-1 6/11 Free unit was Nolan. Micaiah needed to dodge a few fighters. She got the boss kill :3. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 4 78 17 2 9 10 9 13 4 7 Light D 1-2 6/17 Got Thani and the Energy Drop. Free unit was Nolan. Couple of shoves on Laura from undrafteds was neccesary. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 5 85 17 2 10 11 10 13 5 7 Sothe A Light D Sothe 1 17 39 20 5 20 20 26 20 15 Micaiah A Knife B 1-3 7/24 Rfof strat. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 7 41 18 2 12 12 12 14 6 8 Sothe A Light D Sothe 1 64 39 20 5 20 20 26 20 15 Micaiah A Knife A 1-4 Base: BEXP- Micaiah to 7.99 Gave Cancel to Sothe. Wrath to Micaiah. Sold Fortune. Bought Beast Killer for Sothe. Sold Heal. Sold Ilyana's tomes. Sold the Iron Bow. Gave a Vulnerary to Sothe and one to Micaiah. Funds: 8750 G 1-4 7/31 Rfof strat again. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 8 18 19 2 13 12 13 15 6 9 Sothe A Light D Sothe 4 59 39 22 5 22 22 28 20 15 Micaiah A Knife A 1-5 base: BEXP- Micaiah to 8.99. Forged an Iron Knife for Sothe with Max MT, +5 Hit and Max Crit. Funds: 15700 G Forged another Iron Knife for Sothe with Max MT, +10 Hit and Max Crit. Funds: 12500 G Forged another Iron Knife with Max MT and +5 Hit. Funds: 10700 G Forged another Iron Knife for Sothe with Max MT, +5 Hit and Max Crit. Funds: 7650 G And finally, I forged 2 Iron Knifes with +2 MT and +5 Hit. Funds: 6150 G Sold Volug's Howl. Funds: 7650 G 1-5 6/37 Defend chapter lol. Micaiah killed a bunch of things. As did sothe. Sothe got boss kill. Volug helped Zihark's group. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 10 49 19 3 14 14 15 16 6 11 Sothe A Light C Sothe 5 40 39 22 6 23 22 28 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S 1-6 base: BEXP- Micaiah to 10.99 BEXP- Zihark to 3.60 Sold Renewal. Funds: 9150 G Resolve on Micaiah. Wrath on Sothe. 1-6-1 4/41 Micaiah handles the armors to the north and the archer. Then, she takes on the eastern PK reinforcements. Sothe handles the west. Critting the armors with his crit knife. Zihark helps with a few enemies in the center. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 12 68 19 4 15 14 16 18 7 13 Sothe A Light C Sothe 6 07 40 22 6 24 23 28 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 3 71 30 17 6 22 23 11 13 11 Sword S 1-6-2 2/43 Zihark shoves Sothe. Sothe crits the boss on EP 2. Micaiah thani bombed a few cavs. Tauro was rescued by Volug and were completely safe in the west patches of grass. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 13 16 20 4 15 14 17 19 7 13 Sothe A Light C Sothe 6 89 40 22 6 24 23 28 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 3 84 30 17 6 22 23 11 13 11 Sword S 1-7 base: BEXP- Zihark to 3.99 Bought a Wind Edge for Zihark. Paragon on Zihark. Savior on Sothe. Sold Imbue. Funds: 8950 G Gave Zihark the Energy Drop, Dracoshield and Seraph Robe. 1-7 5/48 Zihark is the beast. Micaiah gets ferried and dropped by sothe in turn 4. Zihark killing edge adepts the boss. Sothe shoves Miccy and she seizes. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 13 16 20 4 15 14 17 19 7 13 Sothe A Light C Sothe 7 00 40 22 6 25 23 29 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 5 91 38 20 6 24 25 11 15 13 Sword S 1-8 base: BEXP: Micaiah- to 13.99 Zihark- to 5.99 Tormod- to 5.99 Bought another Wind Edge for Zihark. Forged a Fire tome for Tormod with Max MT and +10 Hit. Celerity on Sothe. 1-8 4/52 Celerity Sothe obliterated the east. Zihark got the west. Miccy got the Draco. Tormod got the south. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 14 42 20 4 16 15 17 19 8 14 Sothe A Light C Sothe 7 90 40 22 6 25 23 29 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 6 69 39 21 7 25 26 11 15 14 Sword SS Tormod 6 24 35 13 18 16 20 14 12 15 Fire A Thunder B Wind C Rafiel 12 10 31 1 6 1 6 31 3 13 1-9 Base: Micaiah- to 14.99 Bought a Wind Edge. Kept Resolve on of course. 1-9 4/56 One try is all it took. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 16 95 22 4 18 15 18 21 8 16 Sothe A Light B Black Knight 20 00 70 38 18 40 30 20 35 25 Sword SS Lance S 1-Endgame Base: BEXP: Micaiah- to 20.00 (+2 mag, +1 skl, +2 spd, +3 lck and +4 res) Zihark- to 6.99 Gave Rafiel's Seraph Robe to Micaiah. Sold Shriek and Nailah's Guard. Funds: 16430 G Gave Ilyana the following: (Savior/Shade equipped) Blue Gem 1/1 Ashera Icon 1/1 Pass Brave Sword 40/40 Hammer 20/20 Celerity Red Gem 1/1 Bought another Wind Edge for Zihark. Forged him a Steel Sword with Max MT, +5 Hit and Max Crit. Funds: 10850 G Cancel and Wrath on Sothe. Zihark kept Paragon. He also got a Chest Key. 1-E 6/62 Went through the stairs. Rafiel helped a lot. Zihark killed boss with adept and the steel sword forge. Then Micaiah who was dropped 2 turns earlier and resolve tanked the place, gets shoved by sothe. Then she seizes. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Micaiah 20 00 29 4 20 16 20 24 8 20 Sothe A Light B Sothe 7 95 40 22 6 25 23 29 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Black Knight 20 00 70 38 18 40 30 20 35 25 Sword SS Lance S Tormod 6 50 35 13 18 16 20 14 12 15 Fire S Thunder B Wind C Rafiel 12 51 31 1 6 1 6 31 3 13 Zihark 9 59 40 23 7 27 28 13 16 15 Sword SS Final Part 1 turncount: 62 [spoiler=Part 2] 2-P 8/8 Whoohooo Transfer Marcia is awesome <3. Nealuchi and Leanne helped Marcia get the boss kill. And nealuchi took her lances in turn 8. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Marcia 7 27 36 19 6 19 24 13 20 16 Lance S Sword C 2-1 4/12 Transfer Nephenee ORKO'd boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Nephenee 2 22 33 17 6 22 23 12 18 15 Lance S Brom 2 09 36 19 4 17 16 13 21 9 Sword E Axe C 2-2 base: Sent the Talisman to the convoy. 2-2 5/17 My usual Neph Wrath strategy. Nealuchi traded the javelins and steel lance to neph. Brom helped chokepoint and revealing enemies. Plus, he made Lucia stay out of combat in turn 4 EP by blocking both her and Leanne from a venin lance soldier. Neph wtfraped the boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Lucia 14 00 38 18 10 27 27 19 14 15 Sword S Nephenee 4 44 35 17 6 23 24 12 19 16 Lance S Brom 3 25 37 20 4 17 16 14 22 9 Sword E Axe C Leanne 6 00 26 0 4 1 6 28 2 11 2-3 Base: BEXP- Marcia to 7.99 Geoffrey to 15.99 Bought a Hammer, a Horseslayer and a Killing Edge (for Makalov). Funds: 14300 G Bought a Javelin for Geoffrey and one for Marcia. Funds: 13100 G Gave Marcia Danved's Killer lance, a javelin and a horseslayer. Also gave her a Hammer for ferrying. 2-3 5/22 Marcia got the boss kill with the Brave Lance after Geo weakened him in EP. Geoffrey did open door with the brave lance but marcia traded it that turn for an Iron Greatlance so Geo would only weaken the boss. Makalov couldnt get the Wing Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Geoffrey 16 51 37 25 8 24 21 19 18 16 Lance S Marcia 8 91 37 19 6 19 25 14 21 17 Sword C Lance S Makalov 7 40 37 18 5 17 18 20 17 9 Sword A 2-E base: Nothing except for sending some stuff to the convoy and giving stuff to Neph and Haar for ferrying. And BEXP Brom- to 8 00 (41hp 21str 4mag 18skl 17spd 18lck 26def 9res) 2-E 2/24 Here's what I did. Had Brom move and wait. Marcia flies to him, trades him the hammer, unequips her brave lance and rescues Brom. Then, Leanne vigors them. Elincia puts the AI on halt. Brom is dropped to where the boss will attack at 1 range. He eats a counter from Brom for 33 damage. Brom and Marcia survive the EP barely. Then, Marcia killer lances a guy so she can get vigored by Leanne and Brave Lance the boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Marcia 9 74 37 20 7 19 25 15 21 17 Sword C Lance S Brom 8 71 41 21 4 18 17 18 26 9 Sword E Axe C Leanne 6 20 26 0 4 1 6 28 2 11 Final Part 2 turncount: 24 Total turncount as of Part 2 ending: 86 [spoiler=Part 3] 3-P Base: Titania get :D. Transfer Titania, no less :D. Rolf also has transfers :D. Oh God...I dont even want to look at Ike...so broken with transfers... Removed Soren's Adept and gave it to Titania. Gave Ike the Provoke. 3-P 7/7 Titania rushed. Ike helped while Rolf killed stuff with his Killer bow and killer ballistae. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Ike 11 87 49 26 4 30 25 14 23 9 Sword S Titania 17 82 37 26 10 25 23 20 20 14 Axe S Rolf 2 86 33 20 2 22 21 13 15 12 Bow S 3-1 Base: BEXP Titania to Promotion Titania 1 00 44 29 14 27 27 23 23 19 Gave the rest of the BEXP to Ike for a level up. (hp str def) He already has capped hp str skl -_-. This shit is ridiculous. Also, the remaining BEXP got Rolf to .95. Perfect. Free unit will be Mia btw. With no adept but eh at least shell help some. Gave the Crossbow to Rolf. 3-1 4/11 Titania rushed. Rolf killed stuff with his killer bow. Mia got the robe village and helped guard Rolf from a swordmaster and a halberdier. Ike killed stuff. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Ike 13 22 50 27 4 30 25 14 25 9 Sword S Titania 1 38 44 29 14 27 27 23 23 19 Sword C Axe S Rolf 4 93 35 21 3 23 23 15 16 13 Bow S Mia 7 52 34 19 5 28 30 18 15 8 Sword S 3-2 Base: BEXP: Titania to 1.99 Rolf to 4.99 Brom to 8.99 Bought a Wyrmslayer. Sold the Ashera Icon. Sold Red Gem. Sold the 2 Blue Gems. Sold Healx2 and Mend. Sold Ellight, Elwind, thunder and fire. Bought 4 Wind Edges and 6 Hand Axes. Then sold the Silver Card. Funds: 20353 G Gave Adept to Ike. Celerity to Titania. Shade and Wrath on Rolf. Miracle on Titania though she doesnt need it. 3-2 3/14 I do my shit legit. 3 turns because Titania cant kill boss unless she gets a lucky 8% critical. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Ike 13 73 50 27 4 30 25 14 25 9 Sword S Titania 2 72 52 30 14 28 27 24 23 20 Sword C Axe SS Rolf 5 52 36 22 3 23 24 15 16 13 Bow S Brom 9 69 42 21 4 18 17 19 27 10 Sword E Axe C 3-3 Base: BEXP- Ike to 14.00 (spd lck def) Rolf to 5.99 Brom to 9.99 Ike x Titania C support. Bought the Dracoshield. Gave Gatrie a few lances as he'll be my free unit here. 3-3 8/22 Celerity Titania rushes. Gatrie opens the door. Rolf chipped the general and titania finished him and canto'd. Ike kills a halb and Brom moves. Pass Rolf keeps moving forward and kills a halb positioning himself so the mage to the west will attack him at 2 range. Titania keeps rushing, killing a swordmaster and canto'ing. Ike and the others move. Brom attacks a thunder sage from 2 range. The west mage SDs to rolf. A lot of enemies SD to Titania. Brom then finishes the thunder sage. Rolf moves and crossbows the ashera icon senator. Ike moves. Titania uses Steel Poleax to 1RKO the general blocking the way. Gatrie gets Blossom. Rolf keeps moving forward. Ike too. Titania rushes with the Steel Poleax. Brom moves east. Gatrie lights up the west supply after taking care of the last halb. Titania kills a general on EP. Rolf lights up the center supply. Ike moves towards the northeast supply. Titania kills a steel longbow archer with hand axe equipped. Boss SD'd to her. And a few more enemies. Then, Ike keeps rushing to the northeast. Rolf kills a mage. Titania lights up the north supply. More enemies SD to her and Ike. Then, Rolf killed an archer for CEXP. Ike kills the halb. Titania burns the supply to the northwest (the one near master crown) and then she kills the White Gem senator in turn 8. And Ike lighted up last supply. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Ike 14 96 50 27 4 30 26 15 26 9 Titania C Sword S Titania 3 88 53 31 14 28 27 24 23 21 Ike C Sword C Axe SS Rolf 8 04 39 25 3 25 26 18 17 13 Bow S Brom 10 38 43 22 4 18 17 20 27 10 Sword E Axe B Gatrie 10 37 44 25 5 18 20 15 24 11 Lance A Axe B 3-4 Base: BEXP: Ike to 16.00 (+2 to all of spd lck res) Titania to 3.99 Rolf to 8.99 Brom to 10.99 Sold the Ashera Icon, Blue Gem and White Gem. Funds: 30753 G Bought the Silencer. Funds: 22753 G Celerity on Ike. Blossom on Brom. 3-4 7/29 Titania Rolf and Ike opened Ranulfs path. Brom battled as much as he could near the start. Titania went to the right and killed the 2 range enemies from below the gap. Ike and Rolf cleared the way for Ranulf. And Ranulf arrived. Ranulf had barely enough move to make it in turn 7 from the gap. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 17 71 50 27 4 30 29 17 26 11 Titania C Sword S Ranulf 26 00 55 14 6 16 15 23 13 10 A Titania 4 21 54 32 15 28 28 24 23 21 Ike C Sword C Axe SS Rolf 10 25 40 27 3 27 26 19 18 13 Bow S Brom 11 72 44 23 4 19 18 21 27 11 Sword E Axe B 3-5 Base: BEXP: Ike- to 18 00 (spd lck res) Rolf- to 10 99 Brom- to 11 99 Titania- to 4 99 Celerity on Titania. Blossom on Rolf. Smite on Brom. Pass on Reyson. 3-5 1/30 Titania kills the a general to the left and cantos. Reyson gets smitten by Brom. Rolf kills a general for a blossom level up. Titania gets vigored by Reyson and she ORKOs boss. She proc'd str from the general that she killed. If she hadn't she wouldnt have been able to ORKO boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 18 00 50 27 4 30 30 18 26 12 Titania C Sword S Titania 5 52 55 33 16 28 29 24 23 21 Ike C Sword C Axe SS Rolf 11 11 41 27 3 28 26 20 19 14 Bow S Brom 11 99 44 23 4 19 18 21 27 11 Sword E Axe B Reyson 15 10 40 3 5 5 11 31 6 17 3-6 Base: BEXP- Zihark to 15.00 BEXP- Micaiah to 1.99 BEXP- Sothe to 8.00 (skl spd lck) Zihark 15 00 40 24 10 30 30 18 20 15 I crowned him. Zihark 1 00 44 26 14 32 32 18 22 19 Bought a Beast Killer for Sothe. Bought a Storm Sword for later. Sold the earlygame Kard, a Steel Bow Funds: 7215 G 3-6 8/38 It CAN be done in 7 with a foot unit Im now sure of this. Sothe just had to not run out of beastkiller uses in front of lethe Only 1 enemy left in EP 7 :/. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Micaiah 5 88 34 7 24 18 21 27 11 25 Sothe A Light A Staff C Sothe 11 75 40 22 6 26 26 32 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 6 12 47 29 14 35 36 21 23 21 Sword SS Black Knight 20 00 70 38 18 40 30 20 35 25 Sword SS Lance S 3-7 Base: BEXP: Rolf to 11.99 Blossom back to Brom. Shade on Rolf. Celerity on Ike. 3-7 12/50 Zihark was a pain to take down. Silencer Rolf with a crit took him down. BK attacked Ike in turn 11. Then I retreated. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 50 27 4 30 30 20 26 12 Titania C Sword S Titania 5 62 55 33 16 28 29 24 23 21 Ike C Sword C Axe SS Rolf 13 89 42 27 3 30 26 20 20 14 Bow S Brom 13 55 45 25 4 20 20 23 27 12 Sword E Axe A Reyson 15 90 40 3 5 5 11 31 6 17 3-8 Base: BEXP: Rolf to 14.00 (hp lck def) Brom to 13.99 Titania to 5.99 Ike x Titania B Celerity on Titania. Adept on Ike. Hand Axe forge for Titania with Max MT. The coin got me an arrow for +10 Hit. Another forge and a coin for me a vine...another one with an arrow -_-. Bought a Steel Blade for Ike. Funds: 14792 G 3-8 4/54 Celerity Titania rushed to the boss area. Rolf and Brom took the east. Ike got the southern stationary general and also the steel longbow archer and few other enemies. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 50 27 4 30 30 20 26 12 Titania B Sword S Titania 7 20 56 34 17 30 30 24 23 22 Ike B Sword C Axe SS Rolf 14 90 43 27 3 30 26 21 21 14 Bow S Brom 14 43 45 25 4 21 21 24 28 13 Sword E Axe SS Reyson 16 31 41 3 5 5 11 32 6 17 3-9 Base: BEXP: Marcia to 17.00 Makalov to 7.99 Marcia 17 00 40 24 8 24 27 21 22 19 Then, Crowned her. Marcia 1 00 44 27 12 26 29 21 25 23 Gave Geoffrey's Paragon to Makalov. And Astrid's Paragon to Marcia. Bought Adept from the Shop. 3-9 3/57 Marcia flew to the boss. Makalov trained a bit with Geoffrey's help. Marcia got the Wing btw. She also picked up a Spirit Dust and sent the Brave Lance to the convoy ^^. PERFECT. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Geoffrey 16 66 37 25 8 24 21 19 18 16 Lance S Marcia 2 46 44 27 13 27 29 22 25 24 Sword C Lance S Makalov 9 41 39 18 5 19 19 20 18 10 Sword A 3-10 Base: BEXP: Rolf to 15.00 (hp lck def) Brom to promotion. Brom 1 00 49 29 8 27 24 30 32 20 Then BEXP him to .99 Pass on Rolf. Everybody else kept the same skills. 3-10 5/62 Titania rushes to boss area with a little push from Reyson. The others handle the south. Killer Lance Marcia destroyed stuff that got close to Elincia. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 50 27 4 30 30 20 26 12 Titania B Sword S Titania 8 52 56 34 17 30 31 24 23 22 Ike B Sword C Axe SS Rolf 16 63 45 27 3 30 26 22 22 14 Bow S Brom 2 25 50 30 8 28 24 30 33 21 Sword C Lance D Axe S Reyson 16 71 41 3 5 5 11 32 6 17 3-11 Base: BEXP: Rolf to 18.00 and crowned him. Rolf 1 00 49 29 7 32 28 24 26 20 Makalov to Promotion. Makalulz 1 00 49 26 9 23 27 29 22 16 Makalov, Rolf, Brom and Marcia to .99. Celerity and Savior on Marcia. Makalov kept Paragon. Rolf got Paragon. Made a Javelin forge for Marcia with Max MT and +5 Hit. Got a Coin with +2 MT. Another javelin forge for her with Max MT and +5 Hit. Another javelin forge for her but this time with Max MT, +5 Hit and Max Crit. Drew a Card that gives 4 more coins :o. Another javelin with the same stats as the one directly above. Drew a coin with +10 Hit. Another javelin with the same stats. Drew an Axe Coin for +2 MT. And the last one with the same stats. Drew a Soldier Card for +1 MT and +10 Hit. Made 2 Hand Axe forges with Max MT. Got a +2 Mt card again and no more coins left for the second one. Funds: 28558 G Bought 2 Hand Axes for Makalov. Funds: 27308 G Pass on Ike. Daunt on Titania. Gave Ike a Slim Sword. 3-11 6/68 Marcia ferries Ike. Drops him so he can kill the crossbow guy. Then pass ike keeps moving forward. Marcia stuns boss. Ike equips Slim and seizes. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 50 27 4 30 30 20 26 12 Titania B Sword S Titania 8 66 56 34 17 30 31 24 23 22 Ike B Sword C Axe SS Rolf 3 09 51 31 7 33 30 25 26 20 Bow S Brom 3 05 51 30 8 29 25 30 34 22 Sword C Lance D Axe S Makalov 5 39 52 26 11 26 31 30 25 16 Sword S Axe B Marcia 4 65 46 28 13 27 30 24 26 25 Sword C Lance SS Leanne 6 60 26 0 4 1 6 28 2 11 3-12 Base: Resolve on zihark. Paragon on Micaiah. Bought the Taksh. Funds: 11215 G Sold a few useless items including beastfoe. Funds: 14335 G Bought a Killing Edge. Funds: 10735 G BEXP Sothe a level. ( mag spd lck) Miccy to .99. 3-12 4/72 AI was put to target the right side. So they left the gaps to Sothe and Miccy. Zihark murdered everything down the ravine. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Micaiah 7 87 34 7 25 20 21 28 12 27 Sothe A Light A Staff C Sothe 12 54 40 22 7 26 27 33 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 6 46 47 29 14 35 36 21 23 21 Sword SS 3-13 Base: Spared Pelleas. BEXP: Zihark to 6.99 Sothe to 13.00 (mag spd lck) Bought Micaiah a Physic. Funds: 5185 G 3-13 3/75 Zihark makes way towards Ike with help from Sothe. Sothe killed an unstransformed tiger in the way and Zihark killed Ike. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Micaiah 8 85 34 7 26 20 22 29 12 28 Sothe A Light A Staff C Sothe 13 52 40 22 8 26 28 34 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 7 67 48 29 14 36 36 21 23 21 Sword SS 3-E Base: BEXP: Marcia to 4.99 Rolf to 3.99 Makalov to 5.99 Brom to 3.99 Made sure Miracle and a few other skills were in the convoy. Paragon Daunt on Marcia. Celerity on Ike. Ike x Titania A. Rolf x Reyson C. Forged a Fire tome with max MT and -1 WT for Sanaki and put it in the convoy. Bought 2 Pure Waters and gave one to Ike and one to the convoy. Funds: 22628 G 3-E 5/80 Rolf picked up Rescue along the way. Ike and Titania roflstomped everything that dared to attack them. Marcia also roflstomped a lot of enemies. Rolf killed Zihark with deadeye. Makalov and Brom were useful too. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 1 00 54 29 8 32 32 20 28 16 Titania A Sword S Axe A Titania 9 06 56 34 17 31 31 24 23 22 Ike A Sword C Axe SS Rolf 4 68 52 32 7 34 30 25 26 21 Reyson C Bow S Marcia 6 86 48 30 14 29 32 25 26 25 Sword C Lance SS Makalov 7 21 53 27 12 27 33 30 26 17 Sword S Axe B Brom 4 18 52 31 8 30 26 30 34 23 Sword C Lance D Axe S Reyson 17 21 42 3 6 6 11 33 6 17 Rolf C Final Part 3 Turncount: 80 Total turncount as of Part 3's Ending: 166 [spoiler= Part 4 Team Distribution] Italic = forced Silver- Micaiah Sothe Leanne Sanaki Marcia Greil- Ike Titania Rafiel Zihark / Tormod Hawk- Reyson Makalov Rolf Brom [spoiler=Part 4] 4-P Base: BEXP: Marcia to 6.99 Sothe to 15.00 (+2 mag spd lck) Micaiah to 8.99 Sold Rexbolt. Funds: 32313 G Gave the Boots to Marcia. And all 6 of the javelin forges. Also gave her Adept and Vantage. Went back to the base and did the following: Gave Sanaki the fire forges (Tormod's from earlier in the game and her's) Then gave her Resolve and Daunt. And BEXP to .99 4-P 3/3 Resolve Daunt Sanaki went east. Marcia killed the crossbow guy in turn 1 and stepped on the magic tile :p. Micaiah and Sothe helped with a few enemies near the starting point. Marcia prioritized killing the steel longbow pally and the tempest blade general in her turn. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Micaiah 15 45 37 8 30 23 25 36 14 30 Sothe A Light A Staff C Sothe 1 00 44 24 14 28 32 35 22 19 Micaiah A Knife S Sanaki 5 80 31 6 36 24 25 34 11 29 Fire S Thunder A Wind A Light A Leanne 6 90 26 0 4 1 6 28 2 11 Marcia 11 78 50 32 15 30 36 28 26 26 Sword C Lance SS 4-1 Base: BEXP: Ike to 1.99 Sold the Rexcalibur. Gave the 2-2 Torch to Ike. Gave Zihark 2 Storm Swords and a Tempest Blade. Paragon on Ike. Gave Imbue to Zihark for lack of anything better. Ill need that resolve in 4-2 for Rolf. 4-1 5/8 Torch Ike went south. Zihark Adept Storm Sword the sandbag to the left. Titania went east. Rafiel helped Titania with the bishop in turn 5. Ike had like 36-37 speed by Catalena so he obviously had no trouble doubling her. Zihark killed the west bishop then doubled back a bit to handle a warrior reinforcement close to Ena and a few other enemies. Torch Ike moved in a way that makes the last bishop be revealed for Titania to kill him. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 14 49 62 36 10 40 37 30 31 20 Titania A Sword SS Axe A Titania 10 93 57 34 17 32 32 24 24 22 Ike A Sword C Axe SS Rafiel 12 81 31 1 6 1 6 31 3 13 Zihark 10 71 50 30 14 38 37 23 24 23 Sword SS 4-2 Base: Gave Brom the Brave Axe. Makalov grabs a Hammer from the convoy. Forged him 4 Hand Axes with max MT. Gave 2 Crossbows, Taksh and Aqqar to Rolf. Adept on Rolf. Celerity on Makalov. BEXP: All 3 of them to .99 4-2 7/15 Rolf went south and also took on reinforcements with Reyson's help. Makalov took the south then the boss area. Brom got a little push from Reyson in turn 3 and he killed the northwest side and the bishop close to the boss area. Rolf adepts the Pally reinforcements, finishing the chapter. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Reyson 17 81 42 3 6 6 11 33 6 17 Rolf C Rolf 7 86 55 34 7 35 32 27 27 21 Reyson C Bow SS Makalov 13 67 58 31 13 30 33 30 30 17 Sword S Axe A Brom 9 41 57 33 8 31 29 30 36 24 Sword C Lance D Axe SS 4-3 Base: BEXP: Marcia- to 12.00 (skl lck def) Sanaki- to 5.99 Resolve and Miracle on Micaiah. 4-3 6/21 One turn more because of Sanaki's incompetence :p. Micaiah handled the east, also recruited Stefan for his sword. Sothe was actually decently useful. Probably couldve been 5. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Micaiah 20 00 40 9 30 23 25 40 15 30 Sothe A Light S Staff C Sothe 3 35 45 26 14 29 34 35 22 20 Micaiah A Knife S Sanaki 9 40 35 7 39 25 27 36 12 31 Fire SS Thunder A Wind A Light A Leanne 7 50 26 0 5 1 6 28 2 12 Marcia 17 20 50 32 16 32 36 32 27 27 Sword C Lance SS 4-4 Base: BEXP: Ike- to level 15.00 (hp str and def) Tormod- to 20.00 Tormod 20 00 40 15 25 23 25 17 17 23 Then I crown him. Tormod 1 00 44 19 27 25 27 17 21 25 I give him a Spirit Dust and a Speedwing. Then BEXP him to .99 and give him Paragon. Cancel on Zihark. Zihark to .99. Titania's level is completed (hp skl spd). 4-4 7/28 Ike rushes with Pass. Tormod took the west. Titania took the east and the reinforcements. Zihark took the northeast room but didnt get fortify because he had to double back and beat reinforcements in turn 7 with ike. (a fighter moved after a general in front of Ike so it wouldve ended in turn 8) So I had zihark handle those reinforcements with Ike. Tormod flare'd a Bishop to the left and Oliver in EP. Oliver and Tormod have a battle convo :o. Its a shame I didnt get fortify :(. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 65 37 10 40 37 30 32 23 Titania A Sword SS Axe A Titania 14 50 60 34 17 34 33 24 25 22 Ike A Sword C Axe SS Rafiel 13 41 32 1 6 1 6 32 3 13 Zihark 14 27 51 32 14 40 40 24 26 24 Sword SS Tormod 7 37 48 23 32 26 32 18 24 26 Fire S Thunder B Wind C Staff E 4-5 Base: BEXP: Makalov- to 14.00 (hp str skl) Rolf x Reyson B. Makalov x Brom C. Promoted Geoffrey with BEXP. Geoffrey 1 00 45 27 12 26 26 22 22 20 Then BEXP to .99. Reyson receives Miracle. Rolf receives Celerity and Adept. Makalov receives Provoke. Brom receives Smite. Paragon on Geoffrey. I made a Silver Axe forge for Makalov with Max MT. 4-5 3/31 Took a lot of figuring out. Basically, I had Reyson use a Stone. Rolf killed a cat with taksh and protected Reyson. Geoffrey traded his Taksh for Aqqar then canto'd to form a 2 person wall. Brom killed a cat with Brave Axe. Makalov with his Silver Axe went north to the where the tigers are. He lured Izuka's enemies to him. Making Rolf and co. face less enemies. Brom killed a tiger, Rolf silenced a cat, Geo killed a cat with killer lance then canto'd. They formed a diamond and reyson vigored them and he cantos close to Izuka. Brom smites Rolf. Rolf moves forward and equips Aqqar. Reyson and Rolf are adjacent to each other here. Geoffrey moves forward. Makalov kills a cat and moves a bit more toward Izuka. A bunch of enemies SD to Makalov on EP. A tiger a cat and a dragon attack Reyson in EP but he dodges them. The pacifist crow moves and tries to block Rolf. Geoffrey Sol Iron Longbows the crow. Rolf aqqar adept crits a tiger thats blocking the way. Reyson vigors Rolf and Rolf silences Izuka. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Reyson 18 04 42 3 7 6 12 33 7 17 Rolf B Rolf 10 29 57 35 7 36 33 28 27 22 Reyson B Bow SS Brom 11 16 59 34 9 32 29 30 36 24 Makalov C Sword C Lance D Axe SS Makalov 16 68 60 33 13 32 33 30 30 17 Brom C Sword S Axe A 4-E Preparations: BEXP: Rolf to .99. Tormod to .99. Marcia x Sanaki C. Zihark x Tormod C. Sold the Laguz Gem since I dont have any laguz drafted... Bought all the Arms Scrolls to make Miccy and Tormod be able to use Rescue. The last arms scroll is going to micaiah on light once she promotes for Rexaura. Skills: Ike- Provoke, Pass Micaiah- Paragon, Miracle Sothe- Stillness Sanaki- Resolve, Daunt Marcia- Adept, Vantage Tormod- Paragon, Cancel Rafiel- Miracle Titania- Celerity Zihark- (Adept) Wrath, Vantage Makalov- Adept Rolf- Provoke, Paragon Brom- Smite Renning- nothing Made a few forges with the remaining money. Filled Rolf's inventory with random unusable items. 4-E-1 3/34 Ike Titania and Makalov get vigored by Rafiel (who was smitten then stillness rescued by Sothe). Makalov opens Ike's way and he kills the sleep staff bishop. Titania kills Hetzel with a 16 MT Hand Axe from before. Rolf kills the Double Bow guy and sends Silencer to the convoy, equipping Double Bow. Marcia kills blizzard sage. Then, I had hammer ike and hammer titania pound the generals while resolvesanaki and the others handled the east part. Tormod and Zihark handled west. Micaiah just physic'd the whole chapter. Rolf and Makalov blocked the sages when Titania and Ike were using hammer so as to kill them. In the last turn, Rolf killed the remaining bishops with double bow. And Hammer Ike killed the last general near Lekain. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 65 37 10 40 37 30 32 23 Titania A Sword SS Axe A Micaiah 2 76 45 15 33 25 27 40 20 33 Sothe A Light S Staff A Sothe 3 35 45 26 14 29 34 35 22 20 Micaiah A Knife S Sanaki 11 25 37 7 40 27 27 37 13 33 Marcia C Fire SS Thunder A Wind A Light A Marcia 18 18 50 32 16 33 36 33 27 28 Sanaki C Sword C Lance SS Tormod 10 13 49 24 33 26 32 18 25 28 Zihark C Fire SS Thunder B Wind C Staff A Titania 16 98 60 34 18 35 33 25 25 22 Ike A Sword C Axe SS Zihark 14 49 51 32 14 40 40 24 26 24 Tormod C Sword SS Makalov 18 17 60 33 13 34 33 30 30 18 Brom C Sword S Axe A Rolf 15 39 60 36 8 38 34 30 29 22 Reyson B Bow SS Brom 11 73 59 34 9 32 29 30 36 24 Makalov C Sword C Lance D Axe SS Geoffrey 6 03 49 29 12 29 27 23 23 23 Lance S Bow C Renning 16 35 56 31 18 32 29 24 27 23 Sword SS Axe A Rafiel 13 61 32 1 6 1 6 32 3 13 4-E-2 Preparations: Brom x Makalov B. Rolf x Geoffrey C. Titania to 17.00 (lck def res) Nihil on Ike. 4-E-2 1/35 Tormod and Sanaki meteor Levail. Marcia rescues Sanaki and cantos. Micaiah trades Tormod's Meteor for Arcfire. Ike hammers BK. Everyone resues their support partner. Tormod arcfires a bunch of enemies in EP. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 65 37 10 40 37 30 32 23 Titania A Sword SS Axe A Micaiah 2 76 45 15 33 25 27 40 20 33 Sothe A Light S Staff A Sanaki 11 38 37 7 40 27 27 37 13 33 Marcia C Fire SS Thunder A Wind A Light A Marcia 18 18 50 32 16 33 36 33 27 28 Sanaki C Sword C Lance SS Tormod 13 65 50 24 35 28 32 20 25 28 Zihark C Fire SS Thunder B Wind C Staff A 4-E-3 Preparations: Ike- Ragnell Micaiah- Nosferatu Sanaki- Cymbeline Tormod- Rexflame Marcia- Wishblade Sothe- Peshkatz Titania- Urvan Zihark- Vague Katti Makalov- Silver Axe forge (20 MT, 105 Hit, 0 Crit) Rolf- Double Bow Brom- Brave Axe Geoffrey- Brave Lance Renning- Alondite Mia- Wyrmslayer Sanaki x Marcia B. Zihark x Tormod B. Marcia eats? the last scroll to be able to wield Wyrmslayer. Traded the Wyrmslayer to Marcia. Celerity back on Ike and also Parity. Nihil on Marcia. 4-E-3 1/36 Ike crits the Red Dragon. Marcia (west), Zihark (south) and Titania (east) form a diamond. Rafiel is shoved by Rolf, Tormod and Sothe. Rafiel vigors Ike Marcia Zihark and Titania. Marcia hits Dhegy for 30 dmg with wyrmslayer. 70 HP remaining. And she cantos. Ike trades the wyrmslayer and uses it to deal 40 dmg. 30 HP. Titania grabs the Wyrmslayer. Makalov rescues Zihark out of the way. Brom smites Zihark. Miccy physics Marcia for the lulz (and exp). Zihark trades the wyrmslayer and finishes Dheginsea. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 65 37 10 40 37 30 32 23 Titania A Sword SS Axe A Micaiah 3 20 45 15 34 25 28 40 20 34 Sothe A Light S Staff A Sanaki 11 38 37 7 40 27 27 37 13 33 Marcia B Fire SS Thunder A Wind A Light A Marcia 18 49 50 32 16 33 36 33 27 28 Sanaki B Sword B Lance SS Tormod 13 65 50 24 35 28 32 20 25 28 Zihark B Fire SS Thunder B Wind C Staff A Titania 17 00 60 34 18 35 33 26 26 23 Ike A Sword C Axe SS Zihark 15 50 52 32 14 40 40 24 26 24 Tormod B Sword SS Makalov 18 17 60 33 13 34 33 30 30 18 Brom B Sword S Axe A Rolf 15 39 60 36 8 38 34 30 29 22 Geoffrey C Bow SS Brom 11 73 59 34 9 32 29 30 36 24 Makalov B Sword C Lance D Axe SS Geoffrey 6 03 49 29 12 29 27 23 23 23 Rolf C Lance S Bow C Renning 16 35 56 31 18 32 29 24 27 23 Sword SS Axe A Sothe 3 35 45 26 14 29 34 35 22 20 Micaiah A Knife S Rafiel 13 71 32 1 6 1 6 32 3 13 4-E-4 Preparations: BEXP: Marcia to 20.00 (+2 skl + 2 lck +1 def +1 res) Makalov x Brom A. Geoffrey x Rolf B. 4-E-4 1/37 Sothe Sanaki tormod and brom shoved Rafiel and Rolf. Rolf reaches a Lehran Spirit barely with 3 range. Rolf Marcia Ike and Titania get diamond vigored. Marcia attacks Lehran with wishblade for 19x2 damage. Remaining HP: 12 Titania Sols a spirit to the south (with pass). Rolf kills a lehran spirit too. Micaiah rescues Zihark. Zihark kills the other spirit with adept. Then Ike finishes Lehran. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 65 37 10 40 37 30 32 23 Titania A Sword SS Axe A Micaiah 4 00 45 15 35 25 29 40 20 35 Sothe A Light S Staff A Sanaki 11 38 37 7 40 27 27 37 13 33 Marcia B Fire SS Thunder A Wind A Staff A Marcia 20 00 50 32 16 35 36 35 28 29 Sanaki B Sword B Lance SS Tormod 13 65 50 24 35 28 32 20 25 28 Zihark B Fire SS Thunder B Wind C Staff A Titania 17 30 60 34 18 35 33 26 26 23 Ike A Sword C Axe SS Zihark 15 83 52 32 14 40 40 24 26 24 Tormod B Sword SS Makalov 18 17 60 33 13 34 33 30 30 18 Brom A Sword S Axe A Rolf 16 67 60 36 9 38 34 30 29 22 Geoffrey B Bow SS Brom 11 73 59 34 9 32 29 30 36 24 Makalov A Sword C Lance D Axe SS Geoffrey 6 03 49 29 12 29 27 23 23 23 Rolf B Lance S Bow C Renning 16 35 56 31 18 32 29 24 27 23 Sword SS Axe A Sothe 3 35 45 26 14 29 34 35 22 20 Micaiah A Knife S Rafiel 13 81 32 1 6 1 6 32 3 13 4-E-5 Preparations: Marcia x Sanaki A. Zihark x Tormod A. BEXP: Rafiel to 35.00 Rafiel 35 00 54 1 15 3 8 50 4 25 Also gave him a Dracoshield. Sanaki to 14.00 so she doesnt get doubled by Ashera. Sanaki 14 00 39 8 40 28 29 38 13 35 Gave 2 levels of BEXP to Tormod. Tormod 15 00 50 24 37 30 32 20 25 30 Completed Rolf's level for a bit more accuracy on the auras. Rolf 17 00 60 36 10 39 34 30 30 22 The little BEXP left is given to Zihark for another level. (hp mag lck) 4-E-5 3/40 Rafiel has enough durability to survive her AoE so it was easy. Zihark was MVP here, dealing the most damage to an aura with parity out of the team. Marcia and the cavs were helpful too because of canto shenanigans with rafiel. Rolf was also beast here, dealing massive One hit damage to any aura. Zihark Marcia and Makalov teamed up on Ashera in that order then Ike finished her. Lehran's ashera staff was a bit helpful. Sothe was deployed to help with spirits. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 65 37 10 40 37 30 32 23 Titania A Sword SS Axe A Micaiah 6 40 46 15 37 25 29 40 21 37 Sothe A Light S Staff A Sanaki 14 34 39 8 40 28 29 38 13 35 Marcia A Fire SS Thunder A Wind A Light A Marcia 20 00 50 32 16 35 36 35 28 29 Sanaki A Sword B Lance SS Tormod 15 92 50 24 37 30 32 20 25 30 Zihark A Fire SS Thunder B Wind C Staff A Titania 17 96 60 34 18 35 33 26 26 23 Ike A Sword C Axe SS Zihark 16 60 53 32 15 40 40 25 26 24 Tormod A Sword SS Makalov 18 62 60 33 13 34 33 30 30 18 Brom A Sword S Axe A Rolf 18 08 60 36 10 40 34 30 31 22 Geoffrey B Bow SS Brom 12 14 60 34 9 32 30 30 36 25 Makalov A Sword C Lance D Axe SS Geoffrey 6 50 49 29 12 29 27 23 23 23 Rolf B Lance S Bow C Renning 16 67 56 31 18 32 29 24 27 23 Sword SS Axe A Sothe 3 92 45 26 14 29 34 35 22 20 Micaiah A Knife SS Rafiel 35 30 54 1 15 3 8 50 6 25 Lehran 20 00 50 11 40 40 40 40 23 40 Light SS Dark SS Staff SS Final Part 4 Turncount: 40 Final Turncount: 206 [spoiler= Character Kills] Lehran 0W Renning 2W Geoffrey 11W Tormod 32W Sanaki 32W Brom 67W Makalov 72W Micaiah 79W Rolf 83W Marcia 149 B 96W 5th Sothe 143 B 121 4th Zihark 149B 125W 3rd Ike 211B 155 W 2nd Titania 205 B 181W 1st [spoiler=Character Opinions] Titania- the MVP of the run definetely. Shes awesome. Ike- this guy is sooo good. If it werent for his broken combat come part 4, id never beat 4-4 -_-. His transfers were godlike too! Which helped me BEXP his res a lot :D. Zihark- second drafted MVP. This guy is sooo awesome. Promoted by 3-6 in NM? Yes please! Id draft him again a million times. Sothe- he makes part 1 a cakewalk. He also helped quite a bit with beastkiller in 3-6. I just wish he hadnt run out of beastkiller uses before lethe attacked him. He couldve crit and ended the chapter in turn 7 EP...:( Marcia- BEST CHARACTER EVER. She made the desert and 4-P look easy with adept and forges. Rolf- He made a 4 turn possible in 3-1. Helped in 3-P. Was amazing throughout all of part 3. He was also amazing in part 4 with crossbows :3 and 3 ranging izuka. :3 Micaiah- She ran out of Thani uses this run LOL. She was mad blessed in part 1 then she got spd screwed in 3-6 :(. If she had continued to proc spd...a 3 turn of 3-12 was possible. Oh well, still a great character in NM. Makalov- Im surprised at what this guy can do once he gets going o_O. Hand Axe forges, 11 move with celerity in 4-2? YES PLEASE. He also helped me fool the AI in 4-5 lool. Brom- meh. Brave Axe and Hand axe forges were definetely useful in 4-2 and his good con makes smiting zihark possible :3. But still, he was mediocre throughout. With some moments of glory here and there. One good thing about him is that he NEVER EVER dies no matter how incompetent you are. Sanaki- was decent definetely. She was pretty damn good in 4-P with resolve and daunt but not so much in the desert to bad bio at times. Still, shes a pretty decent Calill replacement. But the desert was mostly Marcia's show. Tormod- Made a 4 turn of 1-8 possible with his fire forges and doubling. Then, he made a 7 turn of 4-4 possible by helping Ike up there after getting the west chest room. If he was around for more of the game, this guy would definetely be high tier. Geoffrey- He had a moment of awesomeness in 4-5, Sol Longbow'ing a crucial crow that was in Rolf's way. Then, he was just support bot mostly. But eh? I cant complain, hes FREE. Renning- This guy's incompetence knows no bounds. Lehran- yay for Ashera staff.
  18. Oh right. Forgot he didnt have Lucia drafted...well, Im gonna draft Lucia less from now on lol.
  19. PKL: Titania, Marcia, Zihark, Elincia, Muarim, Rolf, Lucia, Skrimir, Heather, Bastian, Renning Bumping this and copy pasting the team because Im going to start now :p.
  20. Your 2-2 is actually an 8 turn (4 + 4 from the mordecai penalty). I just checked and you dont have him drafted :/.
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