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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Well Chrom obviously likes women, Sumia obviously likes men. Sumia has a crush on Chrom. So plenty of support there. However yeah all this match maker stuff is honestly annoying to me, and I don't see why it has to be brought up so much in other threads. Like this is a big forum and I am sure there are other threads where people can argue what is the best pair and how cute it is or whatever. Titania's art........gorgeous. Personally red hair is my favorite hair color and green eyes my favorite eye color IRL. Titania she's no mere girl, that's a grown woman. Pretty sweet we are getting her for free. Look forward to what skills she comes with too. I guess we get the stats with the update, will be interesting if they go 180BST for Greil/Ike or not.
  2. This so much, can people keep it to themselves? Yeah you can say Pent and Louise, cause the game confirms and shows it. These crazy Nina fantasies or whatever, that is fine to have but don't mention it like fact. Also let's say in Fire Emblem the characters that are gay are very obviously so, nothing shows that Ike is so besides shipping with a person which has little to back it up people are shipping with a gender that Ike doesn't see that way. Anyways looks like Valentines will be that sweet perhaps only time of year where we will have an entire seasonal banner free of Fates/Awakening and focused on an older universe. 3 Males, 1 Female on banner, I don't know if this has happened since year one. Pretty awesome. Titania for free seems great she looks great. Mist's art is excellent and she looks adorable. Don't like how feminine they made Soren look, but whatever. Ike and Greil look good. No PRF weapons, fury 4 I guess is pretty nice surprised it isn't a bigger power creep considering what we've seen lately. Distant counter on Ike also good fodder. We have armors and horses again so that keeps the theme of last year. I am low on orbs, and don't pull on seasonals much anymore but this is nice. Glad to see such enthusiastic responses to this, it is what seasonals should be. We even got Greil whom we unlikely would get otherwise.
  3. Anyone think Christmas Fae has a chance? I'd rather have a new character than good fodder, she is a 180BST green dragon armor with an (unusual for most) strong focus in res. With this event yeah another merge, fixing a IV, or great fodder is nice. However what I would much prefer, and I believe many others also feel this way, is getting an awesome new unit.
  4. @AndrewMcC00l @bottlegnomes I had the same thing happen. I voted for Marth today and then looking at voting ballot history it showed nothing for first day even though I voted for Duma and it was confirmed and everything.
  5. That person is an amazing artist, the detail is astounding. I would be totally cool if this is it. Lloyd and Seliph both desperately need new versions, Lloyd is lackluster power/role wise and his art is some of the worst in the game. Seliph's art is decent but he is mediocre at best as a combatant. Judgral also doesn't have a seasonal yet unlike any other universe.
  6. When they show 2 female silhouettes isn't it usually all female banner? Could 2 male silhouettes mean an all male banner? That would be the most shocking thing ever.
  7. It could be Greil, I think highly likely and pretty fitting. Sigurd would be awesome too, Judgral still hasn't a single seasonal. Maybe Sigurd, Dierdre, Greil, Elena 4 person banner. My few orbs would be tempted.
  8. Is this from Japanese twitter, or what are the sources? I would agree red should be the most contested, blue likely the least. I wonder if everyone sending feedback and even negative reviews would be enough for them to make some sort of change. Again wonder what Japanese twitter and all that are saying, I think their feedback is by far the most important. It is being seen by the Heroes team, while English feedback is just seen by the American team which is completely outside and has no input.
  9. Now it is so much more important that each color gets won by an amazing unit. A unit that is limited availability as in seasonal/legendary preferred, unit that is unique and powerful but also has good fodder. If those requirements are filled, then everyone wins. However I am sure there will be a clunker on at least one color, and a lot of people will be extremely disappointed. Like if I want Legendary Azura and I end up with Duma/Halloween Mia for colorless, or Halloween Myrrh/Legendary Marth red will I be disappointed...only very slightly but still very satisfied. Of what you listed, I don't want Veronica to win...I already have her as do many others. Wouldn't mind Eirika armor, but I think her chances are low. Eir...well another merge isn't helping point wise much but I don't think her chances are high since we all got a free one and she was on herofest so many who wanted another copy got one. I agree that Tibarn has a big chance cause just came out, Halloween Myrrh was a long time ago. However I do think Marth has a great chance of edging him out and hope for that. Though my Tibarn is -atk, so fixing that would be nice and I wouldn't be upset. I think Hrid is a bit of a dark horse cause he has distant counter and is a legendary hero, however I don't think he is that popular. I'd love Winter Fae for green since I have all the Hectors and Surtr, but yeah it is likely Legendary Hector or Surtr. Hey Distant counter, that is something many of us want more of.
  10. Nothing is safe, nothing! Really price goes up for extra copies regardless of if you use them to merge or fodder. I much rather use those precious grails to merge up the IMO 2 exceptional unique units we have gotten so far. Aversa and Naesala. Now extra copies we get from GHB, the extra from TT yeah I am fine foddering those away for a skill if it is really good. However I am not going to the grail shop for skills, probably not until Aversa and Naesala are +10, but then maybe not even then cause who knows what other free powerhouses we will get.
  11. Music is the 2nd to only FE4 in the series. Map design in Conquest is some of the best in the series, the gameplay was just an absolute blast. Like the eastern flair of classes/weapons for Hoshido Forrest is one of the most progressive characters in the series, and just phenomenal design that breaks a lot of stereotypes. Forrest enjoys dressing in female clothing, but does not identify as a woman. He looks feminine, dresses like that, but he is heterosexual. Leo being embarrassed by him and having trouble accepting it is probably much what many fathers would go through dealing with something of that sort. Though he does eventually accept Forrest for who he is. The mycastle while flawed in some ways was a fun diversion. Kids are more balanced than in Awakening, and art character design is fairly attractive.
  12. What the? We can't choose? Why should I vote then, just to have a unit show up on a regular 3% focus for after the freebie? This is terrible, is it that costly for them to let us choose? Or if they aren't can we get herofest rates at least? The whole point of voting I assumed was to get your favorite unit as one of the four, so then you could pick that unit you wanted most. Now even if that unit you wants wins their color you are going to have a 1/4 chance of getting them. So many peopled are going to be ticked off.
  13. Wait you would actually put money on it? What are you basing that on? Just the comments here and reddit? We have no clue what the Japanese feel. Anyone else feel that they are forced to choose Azura? She was made so good superior to all other dancers, the herons at least have 3 move so they are not completely invalidated by her but all other dancers are. She is on like every Aether raid team and is phenomenal for arena coming with Duel skill. She can make enemy maps easy, you can move your Lilinas, Ophelias, Lewyns 3 spaces and destroy even easier and can easily do max buff for blade tomes. Cause she is that good, one of the best units in the game and no one like her, as well as limited availability as legendary one can't pass on her if they don't have her already. If they care about usefulness for modes and adding the most bang for their buck to their roster.
  14. Looking at that red is easily the best again. Fewest units, and every single one of them is powerful and has good fodder. I mean you literally can't lose here, well unless no red orbs show up. What the hell is with that, there should be one of each color....I mean you can end up with 5 of your least wanted color and be forced with that. Either way year 2 is much better. From Performing Arts 1 each seasonal banner has been full of good to great units.
  15. I'm glad they let infantry get double the stat bonus so +10 instead of +5, even with more infantry skills they are still lagging behind the other move types overall. These flowers are likely not going to be easy to get a ton of, so people will have to pick carefully. Lewyn is getting max infantry flowers, L! Tiki is getting max armor flowers, for flier and horse I will think hard about which one.
  16. I don't know guys, people here seem confident that we are going to get the best/rarest units for each color. As we saw last year with Hero rises that is not the case. I think the most likely is L! Azura as blue cause she is recent, legendary, a popular character and she is one of the strongest units in the game now. Surtr has a great chance as green he's become infamous, I think L! Hector also has a good chance cause of distant counter, being a popular character. Red and colorless though? Don't know, I would like red to be someone rare and powerful like H! Myrrh and colorless to be H! Mia or something but I highly doubt it will come to that. Anyone wondering on not wasting their votes on blue? Cause L! Azura is most peoples most wanted, but she is almost guaranteed to win blue. So then one can make the other colors better, though I guess what is the point if one wants L! Azura the most.
  17. This is what happened with me, I always try to do near the end of the day but completely forgot was doing something else. Luckily it looks like I have some padding and should be able to stay tier 20.
  18. Wanted red and luckily a red orb was in the circle. I got maybe the unit I wanted most of the reds, NY Camilla! Her IV is unfortunate at -spd/+def but still overall quite happy with this. My tanky red flier I guess.
  19. Well for SSR the rate is 2% (for any one I believe this is focus and nonfocus), while the overall rate for Heroes is 6% (3% focus/3% non focus) also I don't know if pity rate increases happen in Langrisser either. Heroes is actually one of the best ones, in that most quests have an extended period of time to do them and in general not much grinding. A lot of them I think are big time sinks, like you have to the dailies every day cause it is the main source of income, and there is so much to optimize characters and it takes forever. The troops still play a part in protecting the Hero's HP from what I understand and have a weapon strength/weakness system of their own. In the main games though it is so cool each troop moves independently, and each commander has an aura, so if the troop is in that aura (size of which dependent on level/class) then they get bonus stats (these differ by commander), if are outside aura they get no bonus stats and as a result are usually really weak. So it is moving your commanders, using weapon weak/strength system, while moving the troops within the auras and conquering enemies and their squads. It is really cool. I have seen some reviews/videos. Oh another thing about rarity. Apparently the low rarity heroes are pretty much worthless. That is a big difference from Heroes where there are some very strong low rarity heroes so even if one's luck is terrible they can still do well.
  20. This is just perfect, exactly what I think. I've been a long time anime fan, but is so damn embarrassing to say this to friends and other people cause there is all that other otaku pandering weeb stuff. There is so much great art being made in the realm of anime, mature complex story telling, beautiful art styles, in depth characters however the first thing people think when they hear anime is the harem, lolicon, maid, and all types of fetishes. I won't go into Camilla again but you describe the problem well and what is the biggest reason she has been criticized.
  21. This is exactly why I didn't download Langrisser. I don't have enough room on my phone with heroes and SMT Dx2, well I could barely fit it in, but that would lead to problems later. Also I think the first week if you downloaded you got a free SSR unit (highest rarity) and the rates are really bad so this was a big deal. If one of those games dies or I decide to quit I'll jump in probably. Also only so much of these type of gacha grinder games one can play. It does look great, good music too, classes and different troop types. Big full maps like the main series as well, but you can't move the troops independently I think they just travel with the hero.
  22. Yes Eir lift gain is amazing, and there is no way you can gain as many points. Meanwhile on defense, good teams can sometimes go days without a loss which means Duma has no effect there. Duma also is a poor defense unit like others have said (this is on IS), and probably going to lower your chances of victory. However I thought at least some people would be running 2 copies unmerged, it isn't that he is everywhere. It is like he is almost never found. It is like trying to find a Mist or something.
  23. Why does Camilla get her own thread? Can I make a thread about Oliver? Also this should go in general Fire emblem or Fates, not in Heroes.
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