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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Let's not go to Bride Sanaki again that topic was shut down I believe. However notice how Halloween Nowi and Bride Sanaki were complained about a ton, but everyone is fine with Myrrh? Why no complaint about Myrrh (either version), any of the young Tiki, Fae, regular Sanaki? Cause the Nowi/Sanaki were clearly created to pander hard to pedophiles, despite what story or whatever they explain it with. We all know what. Anyways glad no pedo bait in this banner, one a year is more than enough. Hopefully we don't get any more of those kind of units. On Ike, others have explained. It's a lot different than Freddy or any Fates/Awakening character since they have a bunch of silly costume DLC and there is a ton of humor within the games. A lot of characters are quirky anime tropes as well. Meanwhile Ike has none of that, the Tellius games are dreadfully serious, Ike's tragic tale is all serious. While Xander is a serious character cause of the game he is in, and having a failed cassanova dancer and bloodthirsty noblewoman cook as his retainers as well as everything else in fates it is much easier to put him in a silly costume and make it work. I can see Ike as a summer unit, after all there isn't anything that silly or crazy about wearing swim wear. Kagero. Yeah she doesn't deserve 2 alts in a year, but Camilla does right? Oh Camilla is popular? I see. Well Spring Kagero probably sold a ton, so besides being a busty ninja (ninja girl is exciting in itself to many) she makes bank so that is enough. Just like Camilla or any other character that is getting multiple alts. Let's not go into the laughable matter of how well written the character is or how unique, cause otherwise a lot of these characters with multiple alts don't deserve it.
  2. If they are using this list to determine, I hope our Blue hero is Shanna could always use more desperation, and our green unit is Barst Reposition is by far the most popular movement skill. There is no colorless on the list, but I guess maybe Sothe, for that 4 star LnD3.
  3. I think Ike is looked at so seriously that they are hesitant to give him a seasonal alt which is usually a very silly rendition of character. It might be why we only got Groom marth, I doubt we would ever get bunny man Marth or something. Halloween Myrrh is perfect....except that A skill. They just have to keep distant counter exclusive to Hector I guess. Speaking of armor dragons. With Myrrh we will now have red, blue and green armor dragons. Enough for full coverage. Perhaps a colorless armor dragon is next. A blue flying dragon may come soon too. I think this is the evolution of dragon emblem. Dragon armor emblem. Dragon flier emblem. Oh yeah it might seem ho hum to many of you, but Mia comes with Hone fliers. In the regular pool there is only Hinoka, and it is so vital for flier teams. I hope one day Hone fliers is found on more units, or even Hinoka moves to 3-4 stars. Makes setting up a flier team so hard. Also why do people hate Kagero? The Ninja who likes to draw? So why is she there over Oboro and such? Well cause of how she looks. People who haven't played Fates see a 10/10 beauty. Don't want to be mean but I don't think Oboro's looks are why she is popular, you need to know her personality and who she is to be interested. @Diovani Bressan Totally agree, the editted version is so much better. I'm glad they didn't go the lolicon route this time and kept things classy.
  4. See this is the kind of child character I'm cool with. Wholesome and cute, nothing perverse about it. This fits Halloween. Yeah this is a pretty amazing banner. First flying healer. First armor dagger of any color. First blue bow armor and only the second blue bow unit in the game. First red breath armor. Not to mention new skills as well. The bad news is we got 2 Fates characters again, but at least the 2 non Fates characters are amazing....and personally what I will try to go for. Halloween Myrrh, finally found the perfect support for Legendary Tiki. I also like the guard effect, we need more stuff to combat all the special acceleration power. One other negative, 1 male to 3 females. Oh and they had to repeat witch, Mia should have been something else.
  5. Though I was originally Arvis, I moved to Lilina after his lost at her delicate hands. Happy she won, the blaze burns brightly.
  6. Hey child characters are fine. Young Tikis, Fae, Myrrh. Nowi is disgusting pedo bait, both her regular version in that hot pants slave outfit and her witch outfit which shows as much skin as a string bikini. It is pretty obvious when they sexualize children for that otaku minority that gets their rocks off to it, as compared to normal child characters. The latter is fine, the former belongs in hentai doujins or whatever not in a respected franchise. I think it is just a big waste. Cause there are a million halloween options, and we only get this banner once a year. We could have mummies, fairy princesses, pumkin fiends, zombies, skeletons, banshees, and endless other creatures.
  7. You saved me a lot of typing. This is exactly how I feel. They should not repeat Vampire, Frankenstein, Witch or Neko. There are a million halloween costumes so this is inexcusable and super boring. Also enough Fates/Awakening, last time we had a seasonal without them was February. Don't tarnish Halloween. Finally one thing to actually add, hope no lolis please, don't tarnish my favorite holiday for the 2nd year in a row.
  8. I'm not going to speak for everyone, but like 80% of character builds use fury, it's crazy how many units can make great use of it. So I think most are thrilled, including myself, and I've pulled a decent amount of Hinatas though most of that was early in the game. Just looking at my barracks now, I want to give it to Peri, Xander, Catria, and Laegjarn. However only have one Hinata atm. Another one would be welcome, another three would be welcome, another 10 will be welcome. Hinata is a wonderful gift. One of the best, if not the best units available at 3-4 star rarity they could have given. Now sure a 5 star unit that is also superb fodder, like I dunno Hinoka, so I can finally have another Hone fliers and a second flier team would be too awesome but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. I agree that the book 2 character designs are superb, why that trailer had me excited. Loki. Sexy, manipulative, busty cunning villain who likes to play games. What's not to love? I'm sure she will be playable at some point, considering she will pull in tons of money.
  9. That's me. I have none of the fire heroes and the only water hero I have is Fjorm. The only wind hero I have is Gunnthra. However I have all 3 earth heroes.
  10. Very easy, Myrrh Great flame is too good, and she was paired with Brave Hector, Brave Celica, and Veronica. I do love maps without reinforcements since it is more like a puzzle of placement and positioning. I think it is much more difficult to create a difficult challenging map without relying on reinforcement spawns but I much appreciate it.
  11. @bottlegnomes Gae Bolg is simple but much underrated. +5 atk/+5 def is huge. Attack is a much more valuable stat than HP, def, res. You only get 2 attack if you do an attack refine. Reprisal+ Lance is 14 might so it still is one less strength vs Gae Bolg. So one less attack, one less defense for 5 more HP. Plus you only get the attack on enemy phase which is very limiting for a cavalry unit. Much worse. Cavalry and Fliers definitely want to take advantage of their mobility. Wo Gun is an axe so I don't understand, did you mean Harmonic lance? I think Quan with his high defense really wants Bonfire rather than moonbow. I think the loss on attack as well as weaker special though quicker makes for a weaker option. Also Shiro's weapon is much much worse. It is +4def/+4 attack only on enemy phase. Gae Bolg is +5 atk/+5 def with no requirement, you can be attacking or defending. This is infinitely better. The only bad thing about Gae Bolg is how it is just a 16MT lance against fliers. It is a nice flavor touch obviously but hurts nonetheless. Slaying lance as in all slaying weapons is near always a powerful option cause of how absurdly powerful accelerating specials are in this game. It would be nice if Gae Bolg got the slaying effect to make up for inefficiency towards fliers but don't know if that would be too powerful.
  12. Arvis won! BBQ party! Oh, mmm this is delicious, what is it though? Chef secret.
  13. That's what I'm talking about! She'll show the boys, Ike and Zelgius, how it's done.
  14. I mean swift sparrow will be useless, darting blow useless, it will be better than pretty much any player phase skill for player phase units. If it had something like no allies within 2 spaces like an actual sort of drawback I would find it more acceptable. I do agree it is probably coming anyways. Though I think it will be a bad case of powercreep when it does.
  15. Cool well can't argue with the simulations, sound like you guys did your homework. Curious do you run Aether on her for scoring?
  16. Yeah that it is true. Normal M Robin and normal F Robin are their most boring versions. F Morgan is our only flying blue mage in the regular pool and the only one with serpent tome (though this isn't a PRF).
  17. I agree, they definitely should open up some more options for healers. Flashing blade should be able to be used by fliers/cavalry as well. Atk/Spd solo...I hope it never comes, just cause it is will just make most other offensive skills useless.
  18. Mythic non playable legends, we are talking Anri, 12 crusaders, etc. That and since everyone the story is about the OCs, them. It is a waste to just release lord alts, that can be done on any banner which they are doing already. I'd be much more excited and enthused about a new OC or legendary character from the main series that was unplayable, rather than an alt of someone already in the game. Just a huge wasted opportunity, other than Fjorm and Gunnthra. I mean yay 5th Lucina, or 3rd or 4th other character, yawn. That doesn't compare to dual wielding Altina. Now that would be something to be excited about.
  19. Hmm I am actually super shocked Morgan is the most popular. Seems to contradict CYL which would have Hector by a country mile, and Robin is also much more popular than F Morgan as well. I guess girls always win though cause they are waifus or daughters or whatever.
  20. Atk/Spd push right, such a valued skill for healers. Veronica wants that too, as does just about every healer. One of the few actual great options they have for A slot which is ridiculously limited.
  21. Good write up. However for the special fighter build wouldn't speed boon be ideal, since it you want to be able to naturally double enemies? Also is res the better bane than HP, considering it is already her lowest stat?
  22. You...sacked your only summer Tana? Unlike the many green armors she is one of only two red tome fliers, and many consider the better of the two. Has amazing art as well. She is a player phase monster which I thought was your cup of tea as well. I was pity broken multiple times going for her and never ended up getting her, so it hurts to see she was thrown away. Bridal Ninian is the unit I didn't know how much I liked until I got her. Someone I've used a lot and one of the best utility units in the game. I liked Sheena a lot in the Archanea games, she was an amazing mixed green tank I feel Lissa release kind of completely overshadowed her like Mia does to Athena. Both Athena and Sheena are available at lower rarity so easier to merge, but that seems to be their only advantage. Sheena really needs a PRF, I think she was a significant enough character in her own game to get one.
  23. Oh so you got her best boon which is pretty sweet! I'm going to give her Aether also, I think it is a great fit. Have you thought about adding one other non infantry unit so you can run attack tactic and speed tactic?
  24. @mampfoid You...sacrificed your only copy of W! Lissa? She is an amazing mixed tank, the only problem you need to give her distant counter (like for every armor that doesn't have a DC weapon)....though she is really impressive just with Sturdy blow. That art too, and she spreads christmas cheer! I had a hard time foddering the extra W! Lissa I pulled, and only didn't merge cause Bold fighter is too desirable. I am very happy with these refines. I have Tana who is on my main (sadly only) flier team and she is great. I have Innes who is paired up with Katarina for owl mayhem. I like his mage tankiness and good attack/speed. I will definitely do both refines unless they suck. Hoping Tana refine greatly increases mobility for herself and/or teammates and/or increases her tankiness. For Innes maybe atk/spd/def/res boosted by number allies X 4. As for why they got refines as opposed to units that perform much more poorly. Well usually they do 2 refines for 5 star exclusive units and 1 refine for a 3-4 star unit. Sometimes it is 3 refines for all 5 star focus units. I think the important thing they are trying to do is make it so the 5 star exclusive units have worthwhile PRF weapon and perform well in general. You can't compare Tana or Innes to Frederick or Shanna or the peg sisters. Looking at the 5 star pool with PRF weapons, Tana and Innes I think are up there with the worst ones. Outperformed by generic weapons. Also units like Frederick, or Lon Qu like we are getting, are a completely different category. They are giving a PRF weapon and refine to a unit that originally just had a generic weapon.
  25. I mean as far as doing legendary things, what did Ryoma do? Oh maybe he becomes King of Hoshido? Well that is what Hrid is doing as well. People are saying legendary Camilla, well she certainly didn't do anything remarkable in her game. Grima is a villain, not even a hero. If people are putting such strict requirements on being deemed worthy of 'legendary' status then it should be applied to all characters. Let me tell you what Fjorm did, she sacrificed her life in a ritual to help defeat Surtr. Legendary. Yes the story sucks but if looking at accomplishments relevant to story Fjorm has done more than most. The only real reason they wouldn't release Hrid or Ylgr as 'legendary' is because they feel it won't pull enough money. Also Muspell generals banner doesn't mean we get Nifl banner. Helbindi and Laegjarn are both dead, and Laevetein is Queen and likely out of the story. Ylgr and Hrid are very much alive and allies to Askr, I don't see them being thrown on a regular banner.
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