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Some Jerk

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Everything posted by Some Jerk

  1. Thank god, I've been waiting for this one. I can finally run my L!Eliwood team without putting a dumb stat seal on Nowi. https://fehpass.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en-US/00049002000096/
  2. This month's Hall of Forms: Bridal Tharja Summer Cordelia Halloween Nowi Dancer Inigo This was... actually way easier than I expected it to be, holy shit. Once Nowi and Tharja got their refines, they just carried the run from start to finish.
  3. ...As a dancer specialist who will unequip Dance to keep using the dancer as a regular unit, I'm not sure if I should feel attacked or not.
  4. Oh I've got better tankbusters, but my gimmick with this game is "make dancers into monsters", and Larum is the fastest dagger dancer that can get Infantry skills like Flashing Blade, Special Spiral, and Time's Pulse; in fact she was the fastest Infantry dancer period before Brave Marianne happened. When your primary choice of units is strapped for BST, you have to work with the tools you're given. Also, Larum is a favorite and a cutie and deserves to be spoiled (and already had all of the things you listed). Also she's an FE6 unit and thus gets the Harmonic buff from Cuteria, which is going to be hella fun to crack open Saveballs with. ...I somewhat doubt IntSys ever has reality in mind when designing horseback units.
  5. Dithorba: Midori solo. She didn't even go below half HP. F & P: Larum and L!Lilina duo. I attempted a Larum solo, but Forsyth's Armor March pinned her down too fast, and Python had a very rude habit of doing exact damage KOs. Solon: Edgelord auto-solo. Didn't feel like using effort on Yet Another Red Debuff Tome. R & L: Ashnard solo. The final boss got off his throne early. (Video!) Legendary Leif: You think they'd learn to bring Hardy Bearing at this point. @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @Maaka @GuiltyLove @Wanda @Diovani Bressan Phina is still the only Archanea dancer, so of course she rides shotgun on this team. Given what she did to the bulkier Hríd way back when, it should come as no surprise that Leif exploded on contact; the only reason Phina didn't destroy half the map again (though she still came close) is because L!Marth and L!Tiki didn't want to be upstaged by a dancer again and got those wicked refines/remixes. And of course Mininerva is a flying ball of defensive stats who doesn't care who takes potshots at her aside from the Red Mage.
  6. Whoa nelly. Lethality is way more powerful than I expected. The Edgelord is a worst case scenario +10+10 with a Def superboon. Meanwhile Larum is just +2+15 and Neutral, with her only external help being a +6 Atk buff (but I could make it non-external with a Rouse). I was concerned that Larum was too noodlearms at first, but any fears I had about Lethality being wasted on her have been safely assuaged.
  7. Hoo boy, it didn't even occur to me that Eitri and Fáfnir could debut at the same time like Freyja and Triandra did. I can totally see Eitri and Fáfnir having opposing blessings. Man though, that Green selection would destroy me if Gatekeeper is a part of it. I need to +10 Gatekeeper for the meme and I don't have Dagr, but I still need to roll some of those ninja weapons for my dancers... I don't have the orbs for this so soon after sparking A!Laegjarn!
  8. Eitri's Special art is far too memeable, and so I have made it my own. (Are there rules against animated avatars? I'm not sure how else to comprehend the lack of them on this forum.)
  9. My banner luck for A!Laegjarn was actually shockingly generous: Dieck (+Def/-Res) Leo (+Spd/-Atk) F!Kris (+Atk/-Res) A!Laegjarn (+Spd/-Def) Astrid (+Atk/-Res) Hector (+HP/-Res) Volke (Neutral) (Spark) That was just 40 pulls. I was worried when I got Dieck'd right at the start, but then I came back with the tickets and my bad luck 180'd hard.
  10. Ascended Laegjarn is now available, thus the max Floret count is now 3. I suppose that warrants poking the thread. Now that we've got more than one Ascended Hero to talk about and a third Ascendant Floret to play with, I've updated the OP with a list of Ascended Heroes and plan to maintain the list going forward. It'll give me something constructive to do.
  11. Am I the only one having an aneurysm at how Eitri is yet another fucking villainous green unit? No, IntSys, I will not treat Alfonse as the main character of this game, stop pushing me to use him in the story.
  12. To the surprise of no one... That's way more NA love than I expected for Mira though. Not that I'm complaining, I may get my chance to +10 her yet.
  13. @BoaFerox And I've accepted it. Thanks for the heads-up. Yeah, I don't put much effort into Light season. It's the season I'm in the Vault, and rather than deal with the trash fire that is Dark Mythics I just let myself fall out so I can climb back in in the vastly-easier Astra season. I should fix the bonus building though, I forgot to do that.
  14. Where are the knives swords. Wow this banner is underwhelming. Unless you're playing favorites, everyone on this banner other than Duo!Corrin is a fodder delivery service. Not even N!Igrene does anything unique unless you want H!Nowi-but-physical (or don't have H!Nowi), and even then I'm leery because N!Igrene is built for Spd and yet ISN'T quadding a fucking Axe Dragon in the trailer??? That said, I do have interests in lifting the Ninja Yumi and Ninja Naginata for my Dancer builds. If only I weren't saving orbs for the inevitable Ascended Laegjarn spark... e: I did not look at the colors and assumed Igrene was Red, not Colorless, so she's not a comparison to H!Nowi. She's Duo!Lyn trading the Duo Skill for H!Nowi's movement silliness. That's... honestly even worse. e2: It was not an Axe Dragon in the trailer. Whoops.
  15. BIRD UP @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @Maaka @GuiltyLove @Wanda @Diovani Bressan @daisy jane I had more sensible counters to Fae's Life Unending (Larum was sitting in my barracks with Courtly Fan, Ruptured Sky, Watersweep and Fatal Smoke in case she was needed), but 1) I wanted to try it without breaking the Special, and 2) I wanted to swag. So I decided to see how well Leanne would fare. In hindsight, this ended up being the right decision: Fae is a lot less threatening once her weapon turns off, and Leanne having Mystic Boost and Brazen Atk/Res means she'll win a chip damage duel since she has an offensive Special and Fae doesn't. The actual challenge was getting to that point. Silvia had no problem containing the left side of the map after the Axe Knight was gone, but the right side required some lateral thinking. There was a lot of Spd fuckery going on thanks to the Bow Flier and the Blue Mage, and Leanne couldn't afford to take any hits before dueling Fae, so Balldigan and Puddle had to eat a couple of hits they weren't meant to. Once they survived that turn though, the bottlenecked row of enemies fell over just in time for Leanne to receive her guest.
  16. Fight a small child*. *citation needed Lunatic Map: Infernal/Abyssal Map:
  17. In addition to what Ice Dragon said, having 36 Def currently tells me you've got her at +10+15 with an S-Support, which means she's loaded with 50+ HP too. A physical bulk of 90-ish is already enough to make her not a glass cannon, and 90 or 94 wouldn't make much difference against the metagame's current nukes that do 100+ damage. Spd is the clear winner here. If she desperately needs to take less damage for one of those "edge cases", she could slot in an Atk Trace.
  18. Welcome to the Ascendant Floret Thread! This is an Ascendant Floret. Give it to someone you love. It's occurred to me that this new crystal flower thing is both a very awesome thing and a very easy thing to screw up, so I thought it warranted its own thread. What is an Ascendant Floret? Ascendant Florets are a new item introduced with Ascended Heroes. Upon being given to a Hero, that Hero will gain a second Asset in a stat of your choice. Have you ever pulled your hair out agonizing over Asset selection because a certain Hero has two optimal stat choices? Fear baldness no longer! (But if it's more than two, then I'm sorry, there's no saving your follicles.) How do I use it? The appropriate menu is located under Allies > Traits/Equipment > Ascend Traits. You may have to scroll the menu to to click the button. I think this is the first time anything in the Allies screen has been scrollable... Once there, you'll see the long list of all the Heroes you own. Find the Hero you want to give the Floret to, and you'll be sent to the Trait selection screen. The Asset granted by the Floret works just like a regular Asset: normal Assets boost the Trait by 3, and a Hero having a Superasset in a particular Trait will boost it by 4. If the Floret is dropped into a Trait that is currently a Flaw (subtracting stats rather than adding), then the Flaw will be cancelled out. If the Hero gains a merge that cancels that Flaw, then the Floret Trait will become a proper Asset. Conversely, if the Ascended unit is used as merge material themselves, then the inheritor will gain the Floret in the stat it was previously boosting. Bare in mind that this can lead to a problem if the Ascended Asset is already an Asset on the inheritor, which means the Floret will have no effect. This will have to be corrected in the "Change Traits" menu -- more on that below. For those having seen my videos, I'm sure my first choice of who to Ascend will surprise exactly no one. If a Hero has had a Floret used on them, it will be reflected in their stat screen -- a little Floret will be displayed beside their Rarity, and tapping the boosted Trait will show it as an "Ascended Asset" rather than just "Asset". How many Florets can be used on a Hero? One and only one. Once a Hero eats a Floret, they'll be shoved down to the bottom of the unit list with a red X to denote that you can't feed them again. How does this change Arena scoring? It doesn't. The Ascended Asset is not factored into score calculation; it's for performance only. This means if you need a Superasset to go up a BST bin, it must be done with the regular Asset and not the Ascended one. Know the difference in case scoring is a concern! Wait, my Ascended Hero says it costs no Florets to boost! What gives? That's unique to Ascended Heroes. They've already got that sweet, sweet Ascension juice, so they don't need a Floret -- just pick a Trait and go. Ascended Heroes who have already ascended a Trait will also be grouped at the bottom of the unit list. I screwed up and picked the wrong Trait! / I merged the Ascended unit into a different unit, and the Asset and Ascended Asset are overlapping! Don't panic, there's a way to fix it. Go to "Change Traits" in the Traits/Equipment menu (it's right above "Ascend Traits"). When you change the Hero's regular Asset there, you'll also be able to change their Ascended Asset at the same time. Be aware, however, that this will still cost you 100 Trait Fruits. Try not to mess up the first time -- ask for advice if you're unsure, that's why this thread is here! (Unless your merge target's Asset was the preferred one and there was no chance to fix it beforehand, in which case you'll have to pony up the fruits and suffer in silence.) Oh no, a Hero I gave a Floret to was manual'd/sent home/lost through Skill Inheritance! You absolute goddamned fool. There's no fixing that -- the Floret is as gone as the extra Skills and Dragonflowers that the unit took with them. Don't let this be you! Remember to Favorite your most used Heroes, especially ones you Ascend! For the uninitiated, "Favoriting" is done by tapping the Heart icon on the unit's stat screen. Favorited units can't be lost under any circumstances unless you manually remove their Favorite status. Where do I get Ascendant Florets? One Floret is given to you for free just for accessing the Ascend Traits menu for the first time. Treasure it! As for where to get extras... that's where things get messy. To add to your Ascendant Floret count, you must summon an Ascended Hero. They (usually) debut in New Heroes banners that otherwise lack a theme or special unit. Similar to Legendary Heroes giving you their appropriate Blessing when they join your barracks, an Ascended Hero will give you a Floret for pulling them. Unlike Legendary Heroes though, a particular Ascended Hero only supplies the Floret the first time you summon that specific Ascended Hero. Extra copies of the same Ascended Hero will not give you more Florets -- whether you Spark them, summon them from a different banner, or obtain them from some kind of event, only the very first summon of that Ascended Hero counts. What this means is that outside of the freebie or whatever cockamamie events IntSys hosts, there will never be more Florets than there are Ascended Heroes. Florets are not just rare -- they are finite, and you don't get them back once they're used. They are also the only resource in the game that outright require Orbs to obtain outside of gifts. DO NOT GIVE AN ASCENDANT FLORET TO A HERO UNLESS YOU'RE VERY SURE! Seriously, this cannot be stressed enough. You don't get enough Florets to hand them out like Dragonflowers; Florets are absolutely the sort of thing you give to your most favorite Heroes and only your most favorite Heroes. And again, Favorite the Heroes you Ascend! CURRENT MAX FLORETS: 19 From accessing the Ascend Traits menu: 1 From summoning each Ascended Hero: 15 From events: 2 From paid promotions: 1 ...Well, that sucks. What's the best way to get Florets without gutting my wallet then? There is thankfully one cool thing about summoning Ascended Heroes: New Heroes banners feature Sparking (that doesn't require Feh Pass!) as well as Summon Tickets. "Sparking" (I forget if Fire Emblem Heroes has its own term) is a free Focus Hero summon of your choice after a certain number of summons on a specific banner that features it (denoted by the banner having a "# / #" number on the bottom-left of the screen, usually 40 summons). Summon Tickets give you a free random pull from their featured banner and are usually found from Quests or Events (usually Forging Bonds, which is commonly paired with a New Heroes banner and comes in a set of 4 tickets). Putting Sparking and Summon Tickets together, you can drastically reduce the required Orbs to pull the featured Ascended Hero if your luck doesn't let you summon them normally. You usually need 200 Orbs for 40 summons in a worst case scenario -- the usual banner free pull and 4 tickets subtracts that by 25, and pulling multiple Heroes in one session costs gradually less. A Spark typically takes anywhere between 175 to 135 Orbs, depending on your willingness to snipe specific colors or pull full wheels. So who are the Ascended Heroes anyway? Fjorm: Ice Ascendant Laegjarn: Flame Ascendant Joshua: Resolute Tempest Idunn: Divine Demon Mareeta: Astra Awakened Ishtar: Echoing Thunder Florina: Azure-Sky Knight Celica: Valentia's Hope Hilda: Helping Hand Eir: Life Ascendant Tiki: Awakened Blood Elincia: Devoted Queen Fir: Swordmaiden Ced: Sage of the Wind Merric: Wind Pontifex Is dumping the Orbs worth it? That's up to you. Bare in mind though that you're not just going for the Ascendant Floret. The Ascended Hero that gives you the Floret is a very strong unit in their own right, and they may or may not have some Skill Inheritance that your other Heroes could want. That being said, you don't have to go for the Ascended Hero and their Floret right away. While I advocate Sparking as the easiest method simply because it subverts the RNG entirely, you and your wallet might not (or cannot) appreciate the Orb investment with IntSys's sporadic banner schedule, in which case there's always next time -- as New Heroes, Ascended Heroes are moved to the general summoning pool after their introductory banner ends which means they can pitybreak you later, and God only knows what Events they could show up in. Now that all of that's out of the way... Now comes the fun part: discourse and showing off! I will now open up the floor for showcasing what you've done with your Ascendant Florets, as well as questions on how to best use your Florets if you're unsure. I look forward to seeing what abominations we create!
  19. Man, watching all of these videos really highlights how goddamn strong Heroes units are. With their mascot Askr Trio being eternally shat on, it's easy to forget.
  20. It's that time of the month. ---------- Calleach: F!Grima Auto-Battle solo. Of course, she's my +10 S-Support. Stahl & Sully: Bector Auto-Battle solo. What did you expect? Veld: Ares solo. Also a Silvia and Balldigan duo; a dancer solo wasn't working out, sadly. Tiki & Nagi: Belica, Deathea, Lalm, Duma. I could've made this easier on myself with the Cuteria I recently pulled, but was too lazy. I inevitably regretted it because this was the hardest one. Thrasir: @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @Maaka @GuiltyLove @Wanda @Diovani Bressan @daisy jane Thrasir was not an Impostor. because she's as easy as she was the first time Two Impostors remain. Múspell probably would've been better for this, but I've been lazy about levelling him too, so Lífþrasir it is. Really though, this map wasn't a problem for any recent Heroes units as they're two generations ahead of Thrasir; the only time I had trouble killing something was when Nifl had to beat up the Blue Mage, and Lífþrasir's duo skill fixed that.
  21. Blargh, had to wake up early today, so I couldn't get to this right away like I usually do. @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @Maaka @GuiltyLove @Wanda @Diovani Bressan @daisy jane He really should've kept his follow-up prevention. Between Atk/Def Menace and Frenzy, Ótr had no way of tanking Silvia even with his Weapon effect on (and even if he did, Puddle could turn it off by blowing up the Steam Sword, she'd just need an Atk buff and a slightly different strat). The real misery for this map was surviving the aftermath; Balldigan needed Life and Death 7 to double the Steam Sword, and Leanne needed Steady Posture of all things to not get chipped out by the Blue Mage (he does 24 damage -- she'd live with 1 HP) and still have enough Spd to instagib the Green Flier at the start. It was funny not actually needing any damaging Specials on an Abyssal map. Even with Melancholy and Pulse Smoke shutting them down, this team has enough raw damage (and bulk in Balldigan's case, even with L&D7 and subtracting his first Aether proc) to smash through all the enemies on their own merits. The only special I needed was Galeforce, and even that only needed to proc once when Silvia took Ótr out -- Odd Tempest is proving to be a great investment for Abyssal maps where she's likely to hit enemies more than twice.
  22. Quick, everyone act surprised! ...Yeaaaaah, not thrilled with this one. Ótr is very clearly a fodder delivery service. His Duel becomes worthless for himself after a merge, and Flow Refresh + Atk/Def Menace is a godlike inheritance combo. I was honestly dreading Ótr as a MHB boss because his Weapon was annoying, but... they've changed it to give himself a follow-up instead of denying a follow-up to the enemy? And they changed his Special too? His story-mode kit had everything he needed to be a premier Cav tank, and now he's suddenly a janky player phase unit, what the heck? He becomes threatening if he has a Catch slotted into his A Skill, but outside that those big defensive numbers won't save him from a real player phase unit.
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