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Some Jerk

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Everything posted by Some Jerk

  1. My autobattle team also had trouble with him too, albeit for a slightly stupider reason: Muspell kept spawning on his map -- on the same space every time too. I'd keep coming back to the "choose your next team" screen wondering what went wrong, and it would always be Y!Ike and Muspell as the only enemies alive.
  2. Too bad I'm foddering Mia once I get her. Larum wants that Spd/Def Tempo -- it's great for her build and fits the Dancer theme. ...The problem is that the game is definitely punishing me for riffing on Distant Dart now, because I've somehow pulled another Y!Ike with a trash nature (+Def/-Spd). This is my tenth summon. I should be overjoyed, but it feels life is giving me lemons when I'm trying to make orange juice!
  3. Apologies for the thread necromancy, but there seems to be a new problem cropping up on emulators as of the latest FEH version update: This problem doesn't seem to be happening on proper phones, so it looks like there's been another Google SafetyNet update expressly designed to fuck with emulators.
  4. Welp, I've now been punished for my disparaging comments towards Distant Dart, as in my prayers for sniping a quick Y!Mia, I instead got a Y!Ike (+Res/-HP) in four pulls. No idea what I'm doing with the glaringly obvious Distant Dart fodder, but I do know I'm snapping off the fingers of this monkey's paw and throwing it out the nearest window.
  5. You probably shouldn't hog all your team's Spd for yourself. ...I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm no more bored with FEH than usual and much more bored with PSO2 lately, yet I grinded to the new level cap in PSO2 less than four hours after it updated. What even is my procrastination. Anyway, not a whole lot to say on this one. I saw people having issues with the Axe Fighter, so I made it my mission to kill him immediately. I was once again prepared to do tanking things with Merrybilis, and once again my team proves to be too murder-happy for that to be necessary; I thought I'd have to gank Nanna at the end, not expecting Puddle to just kill her in one hit before Miracle even charged.
  6. Am I the only one who thinks Distant Dart is being overhyped? I feel like dedicated Spd-tanks are already stacking plenty, so the extra 5 Spd won't do much in the way of DR, and units that want to double you will probably still do it anyway with all the Player Phase Spd options. I think I might prefer Distant Pressure over it just so I have something for Player Phase, though that could just be me misconstruing "becomes a better speedtank on EP" for "the unit now does one task and one task only", and skills that lean towards only one end of the versatility spectrum aggravate me.
  7. Good lord, what a skippable banner. Only thing that possibly interests me is Spd/Def Tempo to give to Larum, and knowing my luck it's probably restricted from Ranged. The difference with Distant Pressure is that its Spd buff works on both Phases. Distant Dart's boost is only on Enemy Phase.
  8. RIP the dancer refine dream. Definitely have an eye on Tibarn. He was a menace for quite a while after he was introduced, though it remains to be seen if IntSys will lean into his original gimmick or his Galeforce alternative more (since Pirate Tibarn does the latter already). I want to say Aversa is another scary one, but IntSys flip-flops heavily on what free units get.
  9. Nanna: "I'm here to end the Damage Reduction meta!" B!Hector and A!Idunn: "This is the sound of me caring." S!Maria: 🙂 L!Caeda and Phina: "What meta?" Yeah, this one's dead on arrival. That's not to say a Sword Cavalier with a pinch of Ullr and B!Alm is bad, in fact it's pretty good by Canto nuke standards, but Nanna really should've been Green if she wanted to shake up the metagame the way that IntSys clearly intended. Unfortunately, she's the one who was destined to bring the EarthLands Sword to the game, so an axe was out of the question. Also, yet another Atk/Spd Push 4 fodder. She could've at least had Surge Sparrow to make pulling her more appealing. Miracle doesn't even work with her kit because she shouldn't be getting hit back!
  10. Sedgar: Deathea, Duma, Rinea. I made it more complicated than it needed to be until I realized I could just yeet Duma into Sedgar on Turn 2. Shamir & Catherine: Nifl and Múspell were thrust into their "Get Along" shirt. Bertram: https://streamable.com/53rza0 -> I almost didn't need to mulch NY!Fáfnir for this, but without it things rolled out into Puddle dying to a second Luna proc right before she would've killed the Lance Cav died and cleared the map. (I don't think I would've fed him to anyone else anyway.) Leila & Matthew: Zephiel, L!Lilina, Larum. The hardest of the set for me. With Dance disabled, there's no easy way to initiate on this map without getting swarmed (and I didn't have Canto either). Chrom: Edgelord solo. Though I didn't record it, partly due to laziness, partly because... ...BoaFerox here used the exact same build I did, albeit mine is only +1 and without the S-Support. But it still wasn't very hard, I just had to tiptoe around the Raventome and the Ruse until Chrom was taken out.
  11. Welp, I said I was gonna skip, but a sudden influx of orbs and a desire to feed Vital Astra to Phina has convinced me to spark A!Mareeta. My fingers are crossed that I'll pull one on the way to the spark so I can also give it to Silvia, but I'm not holding my breath. The game has been relentless about throwing highly-required fodder at me over the last few months, sheesh. Since January I have had to spark: A!Joshua (for the floret) P!Surtr (to feed to V!Lissa) A!Idunn (for the floret) Duo!Azura L!Caeda (to feed to Phina) These were all in succession, with not a single 5* on the way to the spark, and I'm still working on S!Maria (whether to use or to feed to Balldigan, I'm not sure) in addition to A!Mareeta now. I'm only considering this because I finally caught a break on the Remix banner, which spat out L!Azura (fed to Merrybilis) and Gatekeeper (a merge project) on the way to the spark, which was spent on another Gatekeeper to save me a headache in the future. Hopefully after the Spring banner I shouldn't have any more pressing troubles until the CYL5 rerun. ...Oh who am I kidding, with my current run of luck, the very next seasonal banner is going to debut the Atk/Def Hold that Merrybilis wants.
  12. Ascended Mareeta has been added and we're now up to 6 florets. Now we have all four colors. Going forward I'll probably stop posting about OP updates, but I'll still be updating it quietly in the background.
  13. Ascended Mareeta sure is a Mareeta. Galzus and Karin are whatever. My interest in August is solely for the "diplomacy has failed" memes, but that's not enough to get me to roll. Yeah, this one is a hard skip for me. Which is good, because at present I don't have the orbs to spark for August or the floretMareeta even if I wanted to.
  14. Mirabilis will never be a memory. Also, CYL5 is being revived in May. e:
  15. I'm one of the people still voting for Mirabilis to keep her alive. Not for the meme, but because I want to merge her at some point. 🙃
  16. That spear sounds incredibly mean to pair with Atk/Def Menace, and my Balldigan will be eating Luthier for it at the first opportunity.
  17. I'm just now realizing that S!Maria and Harmonya are sharing the Green color. That is... shockingly generous? I'm use to a colorsharing unit being the demote, but both Maria and Sonya are really powerful.
  18. There's a problem when my main takeaway from this is that IntSys is doubling down on the Yu-Gi-Oh! card descriptions. This banner is very skippable for me (finally!). I have a passing interest in Spd/Res Hold since F!Grima could use it for scoring without compromising her kit, but I'd probably be better off waiting for a Double Special to spark on.
  19. They even both have dances, only difference is that one is a self-dance.
  20. The real question with this set of refines is if L!Azura has opened the can of worms on dancer refines, or if she is a one-time exception.
  21. Merrybilis gets to be lazy, as she prefers. I was planning to do some shenanigans with Merrybilis's bulk and debuff dance, hence why Larum had Swap to give Whimsical Dream a retreating target. Instead it turned out that Larum, Silvia and Puddle were so efficient at murdering things that there was nothing for Merrybilis to tank, lmao.
  22. I'm on Team Leazura and I don't know what happened! How in the blazes did we tank Edgelord's 11th hour bonus!? In case my avatar doesn't make it obvious, I'm saddened that Eitri lost as I don't yet have her, but everything else about this is aces. (Yes, I did in fact support Leazura just to make sure that Edgelord would stay the fuck out.)
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