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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Neku Sakuraba: “Fail, and face erasure.” (Fights characters who are on a time constraint in their home games; the time limit is 2:30) Stage 1: Mario and Luigi on Mushroom Kingdom 64 (Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros. (Original)) Stage 2: Young Link on Great Bay (Termina Field (Remix)) Stage 3: Donkey Kong (team battle w/Peach) on 75m Ω (Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Jr. Medley) Stage 4: Ryu (Stamina Battle, 100HP) on Suzaku Castle Ω (Ken Stage Type B) Stage 5: Little Mac (Stamina Battle, 100HP) on Boxing Ring (World Circuit) Stage 6: Samus, Dark Samus and Ridley (free-for-all) on Brinstar (Escape - Metroid) Boss: Galleom (Twister (Remix))
  2. Even if they’re isn’t in IGN’s little own thing, Nintendo probably had their own Digital Event planned for E3 (as you do), so we’ll probably see one sometime around when E3 used to be (which was June 9-11 for this year, IIRC).
  3. Poppant (Subspace Emissary): Runs around ramming into opponents and dropping items.
  4. Well, after playing the ARMS trial a while back, I now officially root for Min Min to be FP6!
  5. Only a little. I used to think it looked great…I mean, it still doesn’t look that bad, but I can see where people are coming from.
  6. Mainly an art form, but I’m neutral on this. If a video game only exists to sell out to the kiddy winks regardless of quality, it’s corporate horse waste. It can’t truly be considered an art form without the right amount of care put into it (Kingdom Hearts 3, N. Sane Trilogy, Smash Ultimate, just to name a few).
  7. I just entered the tournament and last in Round 1 on Bridge of Eldin (I’m a casual player), and so I decided to watch the replays. And everything before the Semifinals took place on Bridge of Eldin.
  8. Big Rigs, Superman 64, and Rise of Lyric.
  9. There’s going to be an online tournament themed after Brawl tomorrow.
  10. I just thought of a brilliant idea: what if WoL never existed, and Smash Run came back? Here’s a slightly altered take of mine on Smash Run; firstly, the most noticeable change would be that the whole thing takes place in Dracula’s Castle (the Castlevania one) so naturally, it’s big in size. The idea is the same as in Smash for 3DS. Except instead of special items to equip before each Smash Run session, you equip Spirits before. And instead of collecting stat boosts from City Trial, you earn normal gameplay items by either defeating enemies or hitting candles. Whenever you see a red door (taken straight from Subspace Emissary), you’ll enter a random challenge. When you succeed in that challenge, you’ll earn a Spirit that’s rarer than others. When you fail, you get booted right back onto the main map. When you see a red door covered in dark mist, a mini-boss (some of them Assist Trophy characters) awaits beyond it for a chance to earn more Spirits and other goodies. When you see a purple door (taken from the Subspace levels) in that same mist, a normal boss awaits for a chance to earn an extremely rare Spirit. All of the normal bosses found in Classic Mode are here, plus Queen Sectonia and Grima. Before any door, you get a preview above said door of what the challenges are going to be or which boss or mini-boss you’re going to face. There are also stars next to the title of each challenge, determining the difficulty. 1 star=Easy 2 star=Normal 3 star=Hard When the timer runs out (5:00 again, just like the 3DS game), the fighters are presented with one final challenge that either has all of them at once or in separate screens. Unlike the 3DS version, up to 8 players (human or CPU) can participate. Here is where the main meat of this hypothetical mode lies: Enemies Minibosses Challenges
  11. To play the devil’s advocate, the first pass was planned alongside the base game, whereas the second pass wasn’t planned at all. And even when we knew there would be more DLC, we didn’t know until the ARMS character announcement if first parties were on the table.
  12. An idea I’ve had for a while was a king whose axe could also cast White Magic.
  13. The old one I created hasn’t been active in over a year, so I’ve decided to make a 2.0 one like I did some others. This is for creating Classic Modes in general, not special combination ones or revising existing ones. Just any Classic Mode you can think of for your most wanted or just any character just because. I’ll start: Anna: Thank You for Your Patronage! (Fights against Smash 4’s DLC characters) Stage 1: Mewtwo on Kalos League (Victory Road (Ruby/Sapphire)) Stage 2: Lucas on Magicant (Unfounded Revenge/Smashing Song of Praise) Stage 3: Roy on Coliseum (Winning Road - Roy’s Hope) Stage 4: Ryu on Suzaku Castle (Ryu Stage (Remix)) Stage 5: Cloud on Midgar (Let the Battles Begin!) Stage 6: Corrin (Male & Female) on Arena Ferox (Lost in Thoughts All Alone (for 3DS/Wii U)) Boss: Bayonetta on Umbra Clock Tower (Let’s Hit the Climax!)
  14. There, I changed the title to avoid further confusion.
  15. Dive Into the Heart Station of Awakening Game of Origin: Kingdom Hearts (2002) Description: The dive into one’s heart, this place is where most Kingdom Hearts games begin. In 1, 2 and 3, it is part of the tutorial. Layout: Projections of past Kingdom Hearts locations appear often, so each layout is different. Destiny Islands: The bridge near the water; cameos by KH1 Riku and Kairi. Traverse Town: The tower in the 4th district, before the coliseum. A Meow Wow balloon appears on one side of the stage every now and then. Hollow Bastion: The moving platforms near the last floor of the castle; cameos by Shadows, Soldiers and Large Bodies. End of the World: A group of space rocks that float in different directions, and sometimes clash with each other; cameo by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Radiant Garden: The gate to the castle, with two pillars on either side; cameos by BbS Kairi, Even, Dilan, Ienzo and Aeleus. Castle Oblivion: A group of twisted platforms with doors that teleport the player to different sections; cameos by Marluxia, Larxene, Vexen, Zexion, Lexeaus, and Naminé. Twilight Town: The Clock Tower with buildings on either side down below, above a moving tram that fighters can jump on; cameos by Axel, Roxas and Xion. The World that Never Was: Buildings that occasionally move up and down; cameos by Saïx, Xigbar, Luxord, Demyx, Xaldin, and Xemnas. Land of Departure: A central platform in the middle, with two floating platforms on either side held together by a breakable chain; cameos by Terra, Ventus, Aqua and Eraqus. Keyblade Graveyard: A stony stage with ravaged Keyblades that pop up from a random area of the screen (25%, medium knockback); cameos by Vanitas and Master Xehanort. Scala ad Caelum: The top of the clock tower where the final battle of Kingdom Hearts 3 takes place; cameos by the Seekers of Darkness, who all cast a spell that rains down lasers on random reticles on the stage (30%, medium knockback) The order of the projections is random, but Scala is usually the 4th or 5th one. Gimmicks and Hazards: After every 3rd projection, a Darkside appears as a stage boss. It can use one of three attacks: -It can scoop up an orb of darkness, which splits into a huge group of orbs that slowly fall down (2% each, small knockback) -It can create an orb in its heart-shaped hole, which fires missiles that home in on random fighters (3% each, small knockback) -It can punch the ground and create a shockwave (20%, medium knockback) Music: -Dearly Beloved (New Remix) -Destati/Dive Into the Heart (New Remix) -Shrouding Dark Cloud (KH3) -Destiny’s Force (KH1.5) -Hand in Hand (New Remix) -Blast Away! ~Gummi Ship Medley~ (New Remix) -Blast Away! ~Gummi Ship III~ (KH1.5) -Forze del Male (New Remix) -Another Side, Another Story (New Remix) -The 13th Struggle (KH2.5) -Lord of the Castle (KH 1.5) -Revenge of Chaos (Re: COM) -Sora (New Remix) -The Encounter (New Remix) -Tension Rising (New Remix) -Vim and Vigor (KH2.5) -The 13th Reflection (KH2.5) -Hazardous Highway (New Remix) -The 13th Dilemma (KH2.5) -The Other Promise (New Remix) -Fight to the Death (KH2.5) -Darkness of the Unknown (New Remix) -Fight and Away (KH1.5) -Critical Drive (KH1.5) -Vector to the Heavens (New Remix) -Enter the Darkness (New Remix) -Unbreakable Chains -Master, Tell Me the Truth -Forze Dell’Oscurita (New Remix) -Rage Awakened ~The Origin~ (New Remix) -Dismiss (KH2.5) -No More Bugs!! (CD version) -Majestic Wings -Dread of Night -L’Eminenza Oscura (New Remix) -L’Impeto Oscuro (New Remix) -Wave of Darkness (New Remix) -The Consuming Dark (New Remix) Battlefield/Ω Form: The main glass of the Station remains the same, but the pillar below it turns into a bowl-like shape. In Battlefield form, there are platforms based on the steps in KH2’s Station.
  16. I think the fact this next pass started with ARMS of all things makes me curious of which direction this pass will take, if any clear one. We know because of this that both 1st AND 3rd parties are on the table.
  17. No, I just chose to leave out Side Specials to avoid making it easy to talk about.
  18. Hey, so I’ve decided to do something a bit broad. I’m giving my honest opinion on every character’s recovery (Except Jigglypuff because it’s not a recovery, it’s Sing). The thread is exactly what the title sounds like, so I’m gonna keep it simple. I’m also going to ignore recovery potential from side specials, as I figured they’d be too easy to talk about. 1. Mario’s Super Jump Punch: Definitely useful for sure, but only really when you’re closer to the stage. 2. DK’s Spinning Kong: More useful for horizontal recovery than vertical, so like Mario, better suited for being closer to the stage or above it. 3. Link’s Spin Attack: It’s alright for recovery, nothing more or less. 4. Samus’s/Dark Samus’s Screw Attack: Could go a bit higher for a recovery (considering you can Screw Attack infinitely in the 2D Metroid games). 5. Yoshi’s Egg Throw: This isn’t completely useless as a recovery, but probably better suited for offense. 6. Kirby’s Final Cutter: Great vertical recovery, and I’m glad you also move slightly forward, but there is the chance you’ll miss the ledge and die. 7. Fox and Falco’s Fire Fox: Insanely useful, especially given the fact that you can move in 8 directions! 8. Pikachu’s Quick Attack: Way more useful than it lets on; the only problem is figuring out which direction to go in such little time. 9. Luigi’s Super Jump Punch: Shoryuken jokes aside, not quite as high as Mario’s, so not exactly as useful. 10. Ness’s PK Thunder: Kinda situational. 11. Captain Falcon’s Falcon Dive: He can’t recover for Jack. Way better for going “YES” and launching opponents into oblivion. 12. Peach‘s Parasol: Probably better for floating across wide gaps. 13. Daisy’s Parasol: Same as Peach’s, but goes a bit higher. 14. Bowser’s Whirling Fortress: Like DK, better suited for offense and horizontal recovery. 15. Ice Climbers’ Belay: Only really useful with both Ice Climbers. Why can’t Popo throw his own rope? 16. Sheik’s Vanish: Surprisingly decent. I only wish Sheik jumped a bit higher. 17. Zelda’s Farore’s Wind: Trust me, this will be a LIFESAVER if you’re close to the blast zone. 18. Dr. Mario’s Super Jump Punch: Essentially Mario’s but worse. Even with Dr. Tornado. 19. Pichu’s Agility: Way more useful than Pikachu’s despite recoil damage. 20. Falco’s Fire Bird: Not as long as Fox’s, so it’s better to move in one of the 8 directions. 21. Marth’s and Lucina’s Dolphin Slash: Relatively useful, but probably better for being closer to the stage. I personally think Lucina should’ve gotten Dolphin Jump from Smash 4. 22. Young Link’s Spin Attack: Basically Link’s. In this case, I think YL should’ve gotten Link’s Whirling Leap from Smash 4. 23. Ganondorf’s Dark Dive: Bad like Falcon, but with the unimportant detail of BEING HEAVIER. 24. Mewtwo’s Teleport: Already useful on its own, but with a double jump? You’ll be going places. 25. Roy’s Blazer: A bit less risky than Marthcina due to the fact that the angle can be altered. 26. Chrom’s Soaring Slash: Ever wanted to see what would happen if Aether barely went forward? No? Well, too bad. 27. Mr. Game & Watch’s Fire: Useful as heck for both horizontal AND vertical recovery? Yes, please! 28. Meta Knight’s Shuttle Loop: A bit toned down in usefulness due to the removal of the glide mechanic, but it still gets the job done. 29. Pit’s and Dark Pit’s Power of Flight: Man, these two couldn’t be more awesome! Even without the glide mechanic, this recovery always puts a smile on my face. 30. ZSS’s Boost Kick: It’s just alright, I only wish she followed up with a jumping kick. 31. Wario’s Corkscrew: Nothing amazing. Never thought I’d say this, but it’s probably better following up from a fully charged Wario Waft. 32. Snake’s Cypher: This is one type of recovery I adore; the Hold-B-to-Float recovery. Man, those are some of the best recoveries in the whole game. Only drawback with Cypher is that it doesn’t go as far as K. Rool’s or Piranha Plant’s. 33. Ike’s Aether: Goes pretty high, but not much before Ike plummets to his doom. 34. Pokémon Trainer: Spoiler alert, they suck. Squirtle and Charizard barely go a few feet, and Ivysaur can’t jump for jack squat. Why couldn’t Charizard I heart Fly High from Smash 4? 35. Diddy Kong’s Rocketbarrel Boost: Not as good as Power of Flight, but far from useless. 36. Lucas’s PK Thunder: WAY more useful than Ness’s version. 37. Sonic’s Spring Jump: Almost heavenly for the fact you don’t enter freefall once you do it! 38. King Dedede’s Super Dedede Jump: When it comes to getting closer to stage when above it, better to tilt up to cancel the slamming down bit. 39. Olimar’s Winged Pikmin: Hope you’re willing to sacrifice innocent Pikmin, because they’ll weigh you down while you try to fly up. 40. Lucario’s ExtremeSpeed: Better when you’re higher on damage (just make sure you don’t accidentally fly off the stage). 41. R.O.B.’s Robo Thruster: As long as you don’t run out of jet fuel, you’re golden with this! 42. Toon Link’s Spin Attack: Link YL, I wish TL got his Flying Spin Attack from Smash 4. 43. Wolf’s Fire Wolf: Basically just a worse Fire Fox, and Wolf’s not even on fire. Why couldn’t he get a variation of Fox’s Flying Fox from Smash 4? 44. Villager’s Balloon Trip: Again, this is the kind of recovery that can be a lifesaver, and they’re my favorite. 45. Mega Man’s Rush Coil: Despite not going as high as Sonic, it’s bliss for the fact that you can move freely after using it. 46. Wii Fit Trainer’s Super Hoop: Like DK and Bowser, way more useful for horizontal recovery than vertical (an exercise trainer that thin shouldn’t weigh more than a pebble, much less a hole sack of rocks). 47. Rosalina’s Launch Star: Despite of horizontal movement, this move more than makes up for it with its VERTICAL movement. 48. Little Mac’s Rising Uppercut: Spoiler alert, it also sucks. Saved you the trouble of finding out (Even Sakurai said back in April 2014 that his recovery sucks). 49. Greninja’s Hydro Pump: Given the name of the move, I figured it would be single big shot. In this case, should’ve called it Water Jet, if you were going to make a slower version of Quick Attack. 50. Palutena’s Warp: Basically what I already said about Zelda’s recovery. 51. PAC-MAN’s Pac-Jump: You probably wanna jump on it until it turns red, as that is where the recovery is pushed to its limits. 52. Robin’s Elwind: Pretty useful, as long as you don’t run out of the tome’s energy. 53. Shulk’s Air Slash: Better used for when the Jump Art is active, as it goes WAY higher in that state. 54. Bowser Jr.‘s Abandon Ship: Only goes somewhat high, but in its place we can attack midair, dodge when we’re not close enough, and even use the Koopa Clown Car as a bomb! 55. Duck Hunt’s Duck Jump: Basically a Hold-B-to-Float move that goes up slower, so better suited for horizontal recovery. 56. Ryu’s and Ken’s Shoryuken: Goes up higher when you input the command, but I’m not good at Street Fighter command inputs. 57. Cloud’s Climhazzard: Better to wait for the Limit Gauge to fill up before you decide to brave it. 58. Corrin’s Dragon Ascent: When I first saw this in Corrin’s reveal, I imagined them soaring about as high as Power of Flight. Imagine my disappointment when their recovery turned out to be shorter than Fire Bird. 59. Bayonetta’s Witch Twist: It’s short as heck, but it’s meant to be used in conjunction with After Burner Kick, so I can forgive it on that front. 60. Inkling’s Super Jump: Basically Power of Flight, except it doesn‘t go as high. However, it’s still VERY useful. 61. Ridley’s Wing Blitz: Basically a slower Fire Fox, 8 directions and everything. Yet arguably more useful, because you have a shorter startup. 62. Simon and Richter’s Uppercut: Tied with Falcondorf for second-worst recovery in the game. Why couldn’t Simon at least get a cool spinning and rising whip attack that aims for ledges? 63. King K. Rool’s Propellerpack: Goes higher than Snake’s Cypher, PLUS it damages one hit at a time. 64. Isabelle’s Balloon Trip: Basically Villager’s, but with a cuter aesthetic. Nothing more or less. 65. Incineroar’s Cross Chop: Worst recovery ever. Couldn’t at least let us angle the drop after the vertical ascent, huh? 66. Piranha Plant’s Piranhacopter: Goes higher than K. Rool’s recovery, AND attacks faster? Yes, please! 67. Joker’s Grappling Hook/Wings of Rebellion: Basically Vine Whip for the former, but better in comparison. I say “in comparison” because the one drawback is that you can’t EXACTLY use it on the edge. Henceforth, I prefer Wings of Rebellion because you at least have a more direct recovery. 68. Hero’s Woosh/Swoosh/Kaswoosh: I like how each different tier is used for different heights, although I mainly use Kaswoosh just to be safe. 69. Banjo-Kazooie’s Shock Spring Jump: Like Sonic and Mega Man, but not as high. Thankfully, their triple jump more than makes up for it. 70. Terry’s Rising Tackle: Not as cool as a recovery as it could be, especially since you can only charge on the ground. 71. Byleth’s Sword of the Creator: Not only can grab ledges (wish you could grab the air, too. This sword can tear reality.), but you can also grab fighters and footstool off of them. I excluded the Mii’s as well, you’ll notice. Spoiler alert: they all suck, and I can’t be bothered to go into depth. Okay, so that’s my opinion on nearly every single recovery. Got any opinions of your own?
  19. Question: What would be the general consensus if Sigurd’s death was changed to him looking at the fireworks wondering where Deirdre is, only for Arvis to subtly hint at the whole brainwashing thing with Deirdre present? And then him forcing Sigurd to watch as his army gets slaughtered by Arvis’s on the balcony and then assassinating Sigurd personally with Valflame?
  20. Anyone hear that IGN are doing their own thing to fill the void of E3?
  21. Know what? (Sorry for the gray text) I think I’ll include a gene list of music I would’ve loved to see in Ultimate (bold means new remix, * means a new remix I’d love to see Yoko Shimomura do, amd ^ means a different version (remix or not) of a song already in the game) WARNING: VERY, VERY LONG LIST
  22. That is a bummer, I would’ve loved to see that. But for what we DO have; Pantsless Marth is now a thing in Heroes, and other young versions of FE1 characters are coming later down the line. This only makes me wonder what they can manage if they have something else planned for the next 2/3 of the year.
  23. I know Smash 4 has come and gone, but I think the 3DS version had some of the most unique stages in the whole series, and I only wish there were more unique stages. We all know the focus was handheld stages, so which returning stages would you replace with entirely new ones? This is for the 3DS version specifically. For me: -Repalce Jungle Japes with a level from Donkey Kong 94 (Game Boy; not to be confused with Donkey Kong Land for the same system) -Replace Brinstar with a level from Metroid II (Game Boy) -Replace Corneria with a level from Star Fox 64 3D (They did the same with Gerudo Valley because of OoT 3D, but eh…I can’t change that) -Replace Flat Zone 2 with a stage based on Game and Watch Gallery (Game Boy) -Replace Green Hill Zone with Water Palace from Sonic Rush (DS) -Replace Wily Castle with a stage based on Mega Man Battle Network (GBA)
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