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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Now that I think about it…I think I’d like to do away with timers for at least the boss battles themselves. They clearly weren’t built to be rushed.
  2. An idea I had for a Sigurd alt was his ghost appearing as him on fire, on a dark horse with fiery eyes. Sigurd: Betrayed Spirit (Sword Cavalry) Weapon: Tyrfing Assist: N/A Special: Blazing Flame A Skill: Fury 1 B Skill: Crusader’s Ward C Skill: N/A The Holy Knight who won the Battle of Belhalla, only to be burned alive by someone he thought to be a friend. Appears in Genealogy of the Holy War.
  3. This tweet brings up a good point for a hypothetical Danganronpa character. EDIT: Darn it, I just realized I DIDN’T have it. Fixed:
  4. After watching this video, I got myself wondering what veteran Final Smashes COULD be changed. My ideas were: -Donkey Kong: Arcade (2:08 of this video) -Kirby: Robobot Rush; Kirby dons his Robobot Armor, and the Copy Ability will either be Stone, Sword or ESP. -Pichu: Electric Terrain (3:44 of this video) -Falco: Arwing (5:17 of this video) That’s all I got.
  5. Whoever’s read this fanfic I made, please leave any feedback here. I’m willing to hear anyone’s thoughts.
  6. This was an idea I got when I was wondering what would be if TH characters were major characters in Book 4, but the Order of Heroes weren’t in it at all. Note that this is purely hypothetical, and is not intended to undermine or outdo the current events of Book 4 as they are presented to us. … Prologue: Destiny’s Creek An Unknown Castle, Daytime ???: So you are certain? Strange nightmares have reached a different mortal realm? ???: Yes, King Freyr. No way I could’ve seen it the wrong way. King Freyr: So, it is as I feared…the barrier between dreams and reality have cracked, and it’s even worse than I thought. Peony, you know what must be done. Peony: Don’t worry, King Freyr! I’ll make sure no mortals get consumed by…whatever nightmares are invading their world. …Wherever it might be. King Freyr: Whatever the case, do be careful. This is new territory you might tread when you take this world’s mortals into Ljósálfheimr. (Meanwhile…) Garreg Mach Monastery; Cathedral, Close to Midnight ???: Claude, are you sure those suspicious-looking bandits went this way? You know we were only allowed in there during the Rite of Rebirth. (Cue picture of a hole in the door to the Holy Mausoleum) Claude: Unless I dreamt it up while sleepwalking, there’s no mistaking what I saw. ???: I never thought I’d say this, Dimitri…but I believe Claude’s story. Dimitri: I’m somewhat hesitant to, but…so do I, if it involves something dangerously suspicious afoot in the Monastery. ???: In any case, those two bandits couldn’t be anymore suspicious than the Western Church fiasco during the Rite of Rebirth. Claude: Or Flayn’s kidnapping, for that matter. Glad we could at least get the latter two out of the way before the Battle of the— ???: Edelgard? Dimitri? Claude? What are you doing near the Mausoleum’s door at this hour? (Byleth walks in) Edelgard: Oh, Professor! Fancy seeing you here. Claude: Huh? Oh, er…we tracked some oddly suspicious individuals sneaking into the Holy Mausoleum, so we— Byleth: …Strange. I came here to investigate as well, per orders from Seteth. You wouldn’t happen to be pulling some kind of prank, would you? Dimitri: If we were, Professor, I’m sure Claude would’ve prompted you to come with us. Honest. Claude: …Aaanyways, what an odd coincidence, seeing you here as well. Edelgard: If you were ordered by Seteth to investigate, then…no, it’s already late enough. I was considering asking if you could ask Seteth to let us help you, but we’d only be wasting time. Byleth: As if we weren’t already? *sigh* Let’s just go. I don’t want yet another potential tragedy before the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, and I’m sure Seteth wouldn’t either. (The four go down the stairs and enter the Mausoleum) Battle Map: Holy Mausoleum Player Phase: Officer’s Academy -Byleth (Sword of the Creator) -Edelgard (Iron Axe) -Dimitri (Iron Lance) -Claude (Iron Bow) Enemy Phase: Suspicious Bandits -Ruffian x4 (Bronze Sword) -Fighter (Bronze Axe) -Bandit Leader**, Ruffian (Iron Sword) -Plumeria, Ruffian (Iron Sword) Battle Music: Fódlan Winds (Rain/Thunder) Pre-Battle Bandit (Ruffian): Hey, boss! It’s those nobles youse were tellin’ us about! Bandit (Fighter): And, er…the teachuh, or whatever? Bandit Leader: Oh? So they’re here? Plumeria, let proceed as Lady Freyja ordered. Plumeria: Hmm hmm, yes…I cannot wait to see how salacious we can get with these mortals… In Battle Vs. Bandit Leader (When any unit engages Bandit Leader in combat) Bandit Leader: Lady Freyja’s orders are absolute. I cannot be wavered from them. (When Byleth engages Bandit Leader in Combat) Bandit Leader: That sword…I wonder if it is capable of interaction with the realms of dreams… (When Bandit Leader is defeated) Bandit Leader: Ah, time to tag out. Plumeria! Plumeria: Ah, time to play. I think I’ll play “dress-up” with that white-haired girl… Vs. Plumeria (When any unit engages Plumeria) Plumeria: Hehehe…my name is Plumeria. Come on, let’s play around a little… (When Plumeria is defeated) Plumeria: Hmhmhm…you fell right for it! Post-Battle Dimitri: Alright, we’ve got you cornered. If you don’t want to face the Church’s worst punishments, you’ll— … Bandit Leader: Oh, I don't think so. Plumeria, it’s time to spring the trap! Plumeria: Very well, then. Sleep tight, children… (Purplish-red gas appears out of nowhere as the two bandit leaders flee) Byleth: What the—! Edelgard: Wh-wha…? I’m uneasy…I can’t *yawn* keep my…eyes… Dimitri: Huh? What is…this…*yawn* Claude: Guys, get up…! We can’t…sleep when…*yawn*…get up… Byleth: Guys…? Guys, get up…! Get…up…! *yawn* **This is Triandra, disguised as a human in a Fódlan bandit’s clothing. Same for Plumeria.
  7. Damn it, the title had me thinking this was Black Eagles related…oh well.
  8. Yeah, figured. If this were a completely different saga from our adventures in Askr, I would make the story something like: Seteth hears rumors of suspicious looking bandits lurking around in the Holy Mausoleum, and reluctantly sends Byleth to investigate while everyone prepares for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion (the one in Ch. 7, just to be clear). Coincidentally, the other House Leaders are investigating as well, per Claude's immediate notice. They all head down and take care of the bandits, save for their two leaders (both young-looking women with scarves over their faces). Suddenly, pinkish-red gas envelops the Mausoleum, and the House Leaders fall asleep right before the Professor does. I think you know where I'm going with this.
  9. Anyone else wish some Three Houses characters were involved in Book 4's story? Mainly Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude? Maybe even throw in Linhardt while you're at it, since he should feel right at home in the dream world.
  10. Friendly reminder that in terms of tone, this... ...follows on from this:
  11. Just as the title says; if there's anything you don't like about Classic Mode (be it gameplay or how certain routes are handled), you can discuss it here. I'll start with a more general nitpick I have: I like the idea of the difficulty raising as you win each battle. However, this system only cares about who much damage you take and how long it takes to win. None of the little things like in 64 or Melee.
  12. Sora Intro: Sora appeared from a save point and gets into his fighting stance. Stance/Idle 1: Sora holds his Keyblade near his right hip and looks around. Idle 2: Sora rests his Keyblade on his right shoulder for a few seconds. Idle 3: Sora bares his teeth in the direction he's facing. Notable Palette Swaps: KH3 outfit, KH2 outfit, KH3 Guardian Form, KH2 Valor Form, KH3 Element Form, KH2 Final Form, KH3 Second Form, KH2 Limit Form Walk: His walk from the games. Dash: His run from the games. Damage: His damage animation from the games. Jump: High Jump and Doubleflight. Crouch: Crouches with his Keyblade's end on the ground, holding it. Weapon of Choice: The Kingdom Key, the Keyblade Sora starts his journey with. A,A,A: Slapshot; Sora slashes twice, then follows up with an uppercut (14%, OK knockback) Forward+A: Speed Slash; Sora slashes twice (8% each hit, small knockback), and then does a quick dual slash (13%, OK knockback) Down+A: Sliding Dash; Sora performs a slide across the ground, slightly faster than that of Cloud (12%, OK knockback) Up+A: Upper Slash; Sora swings his Keyblade upwards with both hands (10%, OK knockback) Air+A: Magnet Burst; Sora briefly surrounds himself with an array of magnetic orbs (13%, OK knockback). Pressing A again, if necessary, sends these orbs flying out (19%, medium knockback) Air Forward+A: Aerial Finish; Sora slashes forward three times (12%, small knockback), and then finishes with a strong slash (10%, OK knockback) Air Back + A: Aerial Sweep; Sora slashes behind himself three times (11%, OK knockback) Air Up+A: Hurricane Blast; Sora vertically swings around four times with his Keyblade (14%, OK knockback) Air Down+A: Diving Strike; Sora dives down and strikes the ground with his Keyblade (15%, OK knockback) Dash Attack: Prism Windmill; Sora spins Keyblade in front of him, protected by a shield of light (15%, OK knockback) Edge Attack: Magic Flash; Sora lifts himself up and uses a flash of light that affects the area around him (11%, OK knockback) Smash Moves Forward+A: Strike Raid; Sora throws his Keyblade forward as it spins (15%, OK knockback). Pressing A again performs two more throws, and then the last throw is slightly stronger (18%, medium knockback) Up+A: Ripple Drive; Sora swings upwards and summons a barrier of light with rectangular patterns (21%, medium knockback) Down+A: Explosion; three orbs of light surround Sora as he thrusts his Keyblade down to the ground (22%, medium knockback) Grab: Sora casts Magnet and binds the opponent. Pummel: Sora crunches the opponent with Magnet (2.1%) Forwards+Throw: Quick Blitz; Sora thrusts his Keyblade on the ground in a downward arc (14%, OK knockback) Down+Throw: Fail-Safe; Sora spins once before tossing the opponent on the ground (13%, OK knockback) Back+Throw: Merge; Sora spins around backwards before hurling the opponent in that direction (11%, OK knockback) Up+Throw: Lunge n' Launch; Sora pushes the opponent forward and slashes upwards (13%, OK knockback) Special Moves B : Magic Selection; Sora can select a magic spell from his list (consisting of Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Aero). Once a spell is selected, it will stay on that spell until another is selected, which can be done on the fly. B + Forwards : Sonic Blade; Sora thrusts forward four times, with consecutive button presses (6% each hit, small knockback) B + Up : Airstep/Flowmotion; Sora travels in the pointed direction at the speed of light after releasing the button (holding it slows him down for six seconds). When he comes in contact with a wall, Flowmotion will activate. B + Down : Ars Arcanum; Sora charges up and unleashes a flurry of nine slashes (19%, OK knockback) Magic Spells >Fire: Sora shoots out a small fireball (9%, small knockback); this can upgrade to Fira, which surrounds Sora in a fiery barrier that cancels out projectiles (12%, OK knockback) >Blizzard: Sora shoots three snowflakes (11%, OK knockback) that have a chance of freezing the opponent; this can be upgraded to Blizzara, which summons an icy wind that can freeze opponents (16%, OK knockback). Sora can tilt forward after pressing B to create an icy rail, which he can then jump on for a Rail Slide. >Thunder: Sora summons a spark from his Keyblade that surrounds a fair amount of his surroundings (15%, OK knockback); this can be upgraded to Thundara, which shoots down lighting onto his Keyblade and forms a dome (18%, OK knockback) >Aero: Sora shoots a wind arc from his Keyblade that turns into a mini-tornado (17%, OK knockback); this can be upgraded to Aerora, a slightly larger tornado that Sora can use as an air boost, even in the air (20%, medium knockback) Final Smash: Ultimate Union Ragnarok; Sora attempts to unleash Ultimate Form (Final Form in his KH2 outfit), and catches any opponents he successfully hits (8%). The trapped opponents are taken into a cutscene as Sora slashes them with hundreds of swords (32%), and finishes off with Union Ragnarok, with the Lux symbol showing as he fires it (16%) (56% total, far knockback). Gimmick: Situation Commands; after pulling off successful combos, three arrows appear by Sora's HUD, one by one. Once a combo is successful with all three arrows, a command appears above Sora's icon, and pressing B will activate one of five attacks, four of which are Grand Magic. The -ra tier spells are listed in the spell list. If your combos are purely physical, you will enter Second Form by pressing B. Second Form has slightly altered special moves, all of which eventually tire Sora out of Second Form. >Firaga: Sora summons a giant fireball that can travel offscreen when it doesn't hit any opponents (21%, medium knockback); this can be upgraded to Firaza, which fires a mini-sun in Sora’s direction (26%, medium knockback) >Blizzaga: Sora fires a giant ice projectile that freezes the first opponent it hits, and sends all others flying (22%, medium knockback); this can be upgraded to Blizzaza, which sends three icicles raining down in Sora’s direction that explodes and cover a small part of the stage, making the floors slippery (27%, medium knockback) >Thundaga: A pillar of electricity appears and combos any opponents above Sora (23%, medium knockback); this can be upgraded to Thundaza, which affects opponents in an area nearly half the length of Final Destination (32%, far knockback) >Aeroga: Sora summons two tornadoes that circle him, sending opponents flying (25%, far knockback); this can be upgraded to Aeroza, which summons a giant Tornado that stays in place and sends opponents flying once it’s finished (33%, far knockback) >Stun Impact: Appearing for 17 seconds, Sora will briefly explode in a dome of light with a small electric effect, stunning anyone on the ground (23%, medium knockback) Whenever you use a Grand Magic tier of a spell, that spell enters a 15 second cool down period. Sonic Blade and Ars Arcanum receive a 5% attack boost, along with the following effects: >Sonic Blade now has a final fifth thrust stronger than the previous four (18%, OK knockback) >Ars Arcanum now slashes ten times, and then follows up with three final slashes (21%, medium knockback) followed by Ragnarok, which fires a cluster of energy shots (20%, medium knockback) Only the -ga tier spells do not immediately cancel out Sora’s Second Form, as using either spell consecutively will activate a -za tier spell as a Situation Command. Flowmotion: Sora's answer to acrobatic platforming. Activated when he comes in contact with a wall after Airstep, Sora can use two types of Flowmotion attacks: >Shock Dive: An AOE slam attack Sora uses when he uses Superjump (19%, medium knockback) >Kick Dive: Sora attacks immediately after shooting off a wall, pointing his feet at the enemy as the Keyblade spins around him (21%, OK knockback) Flowmotion's startup is indicated by a blue aura, while its fizzling out in a second is indicated by a pink aura. When Sora is using Superjump to recover, he will be left in free fall once Flowmotion goes away. Taunts: 1: Sora wipes his nose and smiles. 2: "Yeah!" Sora raises his Keyblade high in the air. 1+2: Sora performs Break Time, where he spins around for a bit and says "ta-da!" as he puts his right hand on his hip and puts up his left hand. Winposes: 1: "That's the power of the Keyblade!" Sora's victory animation from KH1, whenever he wins a tournament in Olympus Coliseum. 2: Sora spins his Keyblade and sticks it firmly in the ground, smiling (based on one of his renders based on KH1 artwork of him). 3: Sora opens a treasure chest as he does in the games, and a Meow Wow comes out to cuddle-tackle him. Icon: The heart in KH series logo. Boxing Ring Title: The Key to Many Hearts Victory Music: (up for debate) Kirby Hat: Sora's hair and necklace.
  13. Boo: Summons smaller red Boos that attack opponents, and takes their item and gives it to the summoner, if they have one. Adam Malkovich: Disables a random special move from an opponent.
  14. My idea was Claude with Failnaught as his main weapon, and an Iron Bow for when Failnaught ran out of energy. Smash doesn’t give two corns on a cob about canon.
  15. Oh, another thing; I want castles to be fully explorable when you’re not busy fighting (similar to Three Houses’ Monastery, where you can interface with other people). And I want fast travel to be possible for castles you’ve been to.
  16. If there’s a general Nintendo Direct anytime soon (seriously, it’s dry season right now.), do you think we’ll get a teaser-at most-reveal trailer for FP6, kinda like Joker at TGA 2018?
  17. @Dragoncat said LAUNCHING bombs. Bomberman only PLACES bombs. … Condor (Ice Climber): Flies around and catches any opponents it sees (it can catch up to two at a time) and carries them up to the top of the screen. Wii Balance Board: Wiggles around and causes either earthquakes that continuously trip opponents, or turn the floor to ice, causing opponents to slip around. Bald Bull: Constantly charges onto opponents, sometimes pulling a Slip Counter when attacked. Cactuar: Hops around hurting anyone that touches it (even when it's damaged) and attacks with its signature 10,000 Needles at the end.
  18. Boss: Dragaux Game of Origin: Ring Fit Adventure (2019) What does the boss do? -Scuttlebell Smash: Dragaux lets his Scuttlebells float around and drop wherever the player is (20%, medium knockback) -Push-Upheaval: Dragaux does three push-ups that shake the ground like an earthquake (10% each hit, medium knockback). Each shaking trips the player. -Warrior Step: Dragaux performs a Warrior 1 Pose and attempts to stomp the player (14%, OK knockback); he will do this three times, and any successful stomps ground the player. -Handstand Blades: Dragaux jumps into the background and performs a handstand. He then flaps his wings, which summons six blades of wind three times (6% each, small knockback) -Kennelbell Drop: Dragaux picks up two Kennelbells and drops each one from one hand at a time (25%, medium knockback) -Crate Toss: Dragaux roars and flies deeper into the background. Looking menacingly at the player, he punches boxes and rocks, one fist at a time, into the foreground (9% each, small knockback). He then pushes all obstacles into the foreground three times, using his wings. The boxes can be broken, and both the boxes and rocks can be reflected back to Dragaux for chip damage. Setting/Intro: Dragaux Stadium, the boss stage of every world in Ring Fit Adventure. Dragaux does either a Warrior I Pose, a handstand, or push-ups before noticing the player and getting ready for battle. Defeat: His defeat animation from Ring Fit Adventure. Who fights this boss in Classic Mode? -Dark Samus (a dark influence that poisons the mind) -Dr. Mario (colors play a role in the Fit Battle system later on in the game) -Wario (big bad brute) -Ike (Black and muscly dragon; plays Against the Black Knight) -Wii Fit Trainer (RFA’s predecessor) -Ridley (compared to Dragaux, he’s quite literally bony) Music:
  19. Then it wouldn’t appear in those kinds of stages. Only the ones where it’s possible to be K.O.’s by falling to the bottom of the screen. … Arvis: Casts Valflame in a large area in front of him.
  20. So maybe, to solve that problem, we could slightly alter the design to have a calendar system, kinda like Three Houses? Also in terms of aesthetics, one thing I certainly want is for Hidari to return as the artist for this remake.
  21. Alright, figured. On a separate note, how would you react if this hypothetical remake added paralogues similar to Three Houses?
  22. Ah, okay then. Speaking of which, would Thracia work as a series of DLC episodes?
  23. Aesthetically speaking: -Make the map and battle music like how it was in Three Houses, but keeping the specific themes for each chapter (maybe even incorporating the normal battle themes into the early chapter themes). -Make the normal maps 2D sprites based on the GBA games, and the battle screens 3D like Three Houses. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t staves flat out miss in FE4?
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