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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. You know, I find suspicious that there were no TH Spirits when the game launched; maybe a character (Byleth of Edelgard or even both) in the next wave?
  2. I was stuck on a loop with some ideas I’ve been having for a while, and that’s certain characters having their own special gimmicks and/or HUD displays they don’t have already. Here were my ideas: Ness/Lucas: A PP meter that shows how much PSI they have left in their PK specials, which can be restored with each projectile absorbed by PSI Magnet. Mewtwo/Charizard/Lucario: A gauge that lets them Mega Evolve without relying on Final Smashes, and has a period before it depletes, as shown on the HUD with their respective Mega Stone (Mewtwo in particular would become Mega Mewtwo X). This gauge would deplete automatically when their Final Smashes are used. Wario: Small clouds of gas to indicate how much fart power he has. The first indicates small charge, the second indicates medium charge, and the third indicates full charge. Pokémon Trainer: Give all three Pokémon a unique Down B and switch Pokémon using Shield + B. R.O.B.: A small but readable gauge showing how much Robo Burner fuel is left. Corrin: When their counter is used, they transform into a dragon completely using their Dragonstone, meaning they have a completely different moveset. They can revert by using the counter again. Belmonts: The Heart Count from the Castlevania series. When the Heart Count is glowing, their special attacks are stronger; when not glowing, their special attacks’ strength is normal; when the Count is 00, they’re weaker. Hearts can be replenished through successful combos and K.O.’s.
  3. Sora and Byleth are in the Top 5 in Japan, yes! In fact, Sora is Top 2 is every single poll. Impressive!
  4. Since this thread’s been dead for a while, here’s a Porky moveset I found on Twitter! (Not mine)
  5. Expanding on the Target Test thing I said earlier; I would only want to make unique Target Tests for Piranha Plant and the 5 Fighter Pass characters. And I say that knowing full and well there are possibly 10 more DLC fighters on the way.
  6. Well, he technically was in Melee. But over the years, they have both been differentiated from each other across games.
  7. I understand not wanting Edelgard for that reason, but you realize a giant space dragon named Ridley has done worse things, right?
  8. I'm expecting at least one third party in the next set, but I'm definitely hoping for more first parties.
  9. My pie in the sky pick is Sora. When the Hero was announced, I made peace with Sora likely not getting in until a future game. With the recent announcement, however, my hope was restored...albeit not by too much.
  10. Expectations: -LM3 and SWSH news (since they were already) confirmed -More news on games like Daenon X Machina and Link's Awakening Wants: -Banjo gameplay -Tomato Adventure -TH DLC -More Rehydrated news -Previous Persona games getting ported -KH HD Remixes getting ported -Challenger Pack 4 getting teased (hopefully it's Mai Shiranui)
  11. A new Direct is happening tomorrow. Whether or not there will be Smash-related info is anyone’s guess.
  12. Basically this, but the only item for me is the Smash Ball, since the CPU LOVES to spam those.
  13. Personally, I don't think a little toning down in design would hurt. They did it for Bayonetta and F!Corrin, after all.
  14. Have an unpopular opinion on the Smash series? Well, here, you can express any thoughts you have that others don't. My only request is that you are civil about and don't start any unnecessary arguments. One of mine? Creating a unique Target Test for each character as the roster increases would be a waste of resources that could be used for quality control.
  15. Thinking about it, I think Hubert would’ve been more interesting if he was the central villain and you could side with him if you C-supported him. I was thinking maybe he could want to destroy the old Fódlan and forge a new one with his followers?
  16. Okay, just thought of something else; >Replace Incineroar with Tapu Koko >Replace Isabelle with Pauline
  17. There have been recent rumors of a Nintendo Direct in September. Do you think we might see Banjo’s release date and some more gameplay? EDIT: Also, a 4chan leak surfaced mentioning a “female character with no demand”. Coincidentally, an Overwatch Switch cased was also leaked, but removed instantly.
  18. Hero’s pretty difficult to work with, but I got somewhat used to it in short time. Banjo’s looking pretty simple as a character, and I like that.
  19. Toyland—Survival Horror A security guard for a toy shop wakes up one day and finds herself in a world made entirely of toys. When she sees a young girl wandering around, she asks her if she can find her mommy, only to see the the girl has no face and that she’s actually a doll. Suddenly, swarms of dolls called Lovers appear, and they want to hug the security guard and never let her go. As she runs away and fights to escape this strange world, she is antagonized by a smaller, stitched-up doll named Emoy, who creeps into her pocket and gives vague statements about how she’ll be in Toyland forever. (Or maybe a little boy shrunk down in a daycare would make more sense?) As the protagonist, you must rely entirely on your wits, instincts and resourcefulness. If you plan poorly and get yourself into a tough spot where you can’t run, there’s no way out of it.
  20. Ryoma: Unleashes Astra as he yells “for the glory of Hoshido!” Guardian: Scurries around and fires lasers at the enemy. Lololo & Lalala: Push fighters off screen with an array of blocks.
  21. Just as the title says, for characters who don’t make the cut as fighters. Mine are: Flayn: Uses Rescue if you are launched, and uses Fortify to heal you constantly, bit by bit. Space Invaders: Slowly fall down attacking enemies, getting faster and faster as time goes on. King Slime: Falls from the sky and slams on enemies, and keeps jumping for a while. Dreambert: Puts the summoner to sleep and protects and slightly heals them with a shield, and raises their stats when they wake up. Android 21: Turns an opponent into food and eats them. Only fully swallows them when their damage is above 85%. Firebrand: Constantly flies around and spits fireballs. Bald Bull: Charges at fast speeds and unleashes mighty punches. Bonanza Bros.: Shoot fighters to stun them, grab items for the summoner, and throw bombs to stun fighters in an area.
  22. First look at the gameplay! Sorry if it feels like I’m spamming at this point.
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