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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Sorry for a fourth post, but an artist called TKOWL created this lovely piece of Mewtwo fighting 02 from Kirby 64 for the contest on Smashboards:
  2. For anyone interested, I made a boss creation game in Forum Games a while back. Maybe I should've made it here?
  3. At this point, I'm almost positive the 4th DLC character is Ryu Hayabusa. As for the 5th..well, needless to say, we can only keep speculating.
  4. "Let me guess, your forum?" "It was...and it was beautiful."
  5. Crash Bandicoot 1 (N. Sane); I couldn't even get past Ripper Roo because I'm a scrub.
  6. I am kinda bummed that a single route of a Fire Emblem game is double what KH3 actually is.
  7. https://www.deviantart.com/herotrainer7/gallery/ https://www.deviantart.com/herotrainer7/gallery/ I made some movesets for Alm and Crash Bandicoot in Deviantart. 😛
  8. Boss: Behemoth Game of Origin: Final Fantasy II (1988) What does the boss do? -Swipe: Behemoth swipes its claws aggressively towards the player (16%). -Heave!: Behemoth Rams the player with its horns (19%) and tosses them into the air. -Tail Swipe: Behemoth jumps and attacks with its tail (17%). -Firaga Breath: Behemoth breathes Firaga for 3 seconds (27%) that even leaves fire trails and the ground (7%). -Crystal Rain: Behemoth slams its front feet and the ground, causing a group of crystal stalactites fall down from the ceiling in different sizes (12% small, 18% medium, 24% large). -Charybdis: Behemoth casts a devastating wind spell that has a likelihood of launching you into a Star K.O. (34%). -Ecliptic Meteor: When defeated, Behemoth casts a giant meteor on itself that unleashes an enormous shockwave (37%); unlike other bosses, if this attack K.O.’s you, can’t continue on the continue screen. Luckily, the shockwave is enough of a size to where you can dodge it or jump over it. Setting/Intro: The Palamecian Coliseum, where it is originally fought in Final Fantasy II, with Crystal stalactites hanging from the ceiling. As the cage opens, the Behemoth slowly walks out of it and approaches the player. As it completely comes out, it faces the player and roars. Who fights this boss in Classic Mode? -Mr. Game and Watch (80’s Boss whose game was on the NES; plays the 8-bot version of Death Mountain) -Pit (Giant demon) -Wario (Big brute) -Lucas (Resembles the Ultimate Chimera; plays Smashing Song of Praise) -Shulk (Rare JRPG monster) -Cloud (Iconic Final Fantasy enemy) -Ridley (Behemoth hide is presumably worth a lot of coin) Where would this boss be in World of Light? In the Light Realm’s Molten Fortesss, guarding Princess Peach. Music: Fight On! (Final Fantasy VII)
  9. I can't believe it took so long for the security to respond to this mess. Poor Goofy's not gonna be sleeping well tonight.
  10. Yes, I know it’s that long. But realistically, I think that’d only ever be the case of Hero was delayed.
  11. Of course not. If we did, it’d be the biggest irony of the year. Question, though: why do you believe that September 22nd will be the date, let alone to iron out kinks? Sakurai’s probably spent enough time as it is. Plus, fall will already have started by then.
  12. Boss: Petey Piranha Game of Origin: Super Mario Sunshine What does the boss do? -Cage Swing (from Brawl): Petey attacks the player with a cage (13%) using either of his hands. -Cage Trap (Original): Petey jumps around for a few seconds, pretending to be blissfully unaware of his surroundings. When a fighter (or both of them) is (are) trapped, Petey twirls those cages around and then breathes fire on them (27%) and slams the cages on the ground (19%). -Head Bash (from Super Mario Sunshine): Petey bashes his head in either direction (11%), leaving him vulnerable for a half-second. -Ground Pound (from New Super Mario Bros.): Petey puts his cages down and flaps his leaf hands and floats in the air for a few second, and then lands on the ground (14%), which can ground anyone who gets too close (28%). -Nipper Buddies (from Super Princess Peach): Petey spits out four Nipper Plants that continuously nip and hop (4%), but never cling to the player. -Cage Keeper (from Super Mario Sunshine): Petey steps into the background and spits out two brown-white Gatekeeper Plants on either side of the arena, who both send out Swoopin’ Stus who attack you by charging (6%). The Gatekeepers can be defeated in about two or three hits. -Goop Shot (from Super Mario Sunshine): While the Gatekeepers are active, Petey himself will fire brown-white goop that works as a variation of ink; the amount of damage the Stus do to you depends on how inked you are. -Bomb Spit (from Super Mario Bros. 2): Petey puts his cages down, sucks in Bob-Omb plants in the background, and flies towards it to spit them out, some faster than others (11% black [faster ones]; 13% red). After taking enough damage, Petey will tip over and try to get back up, leaving him vulnerable for a few seconds. This can be achieved more quickly when certain projectiles are thrown into his mouth during the first part of Bomb Spit. Here’s what can go into his mouth during this part: -Yoshi’s Eggs -Stone Kirby (you’ll be spit out instead, though, and take 9% damage, so be warned.) -Peach and Daisy’s Turnips (but not the Bob-Ombs or anything of the like, you’re just giving him more ammo.) -Dr. Mario’s Megavitamins -Diddy Kong’s Peanuts -King Dedede’s Gordos -PAC-MAN’s Bonus Fruit -Inkling’s Spalt Bomb (but this only turns the Bob-Ombs into Gooped Bob-Ombs.) -Piranha Plant’s Ptooie -Kazooie’s Eggs Setting: A Piranha Plant-themed temple with several baby Piranha Plant breeds blooming in the background. Petey floats to his cages in front of the temple, grabs them, and then roars. The theme is: Who fights this boss in Classic Mode? -Peach (wants revenge from Subspace Emissary) -Daisy (both plant-themed) -Olimar (predatory plant monster) -Villager (“Were my plants ALWAYS this messy?”) -Bowser Jr. (“Mama Peach, is that you in that cage?”)* -Cloud (being in the cages will make him sick) -Banjo (giant humanoid Snarebear) -Newcomer: Viridi (KI:U Boss 1) -Newcomer: Cuphead Where would this boss be in World of Light? Petey resides in a new section of the Power Plant sub-area covered in luscious plant life. This destroyed section is a part 2 of the Power Plant (get it? Power? Plant?) *Note 1: for this fight, the theme is: Note 2: Bowser Jr. would fight Petey in Round 6, and then face against Mario and Peach in Round 7.
  13. Question for anyone: how would a Pokémon Center work as a proper stage?
  14. I just found something called “the 78 day theory” detailing the potential release of the Hero and other characters. Get this—it says the Hero’s gonna release on the 4th of July.
  15. Boss: Seath the Scaleless Game of Origin: Dark Souls (2011) What does the boss do? -Crystal Breath: Seath fires a laser across the floor, and crystals spawn from it (22% from the laser; 10% from the crystals) -Claw Swipe: Seath swipes with his left hand (12% damage) -Grab: Seath grabs the player. If they don’t break free, Seath fires his laser at them (45% damage) -Tail Slap: Seath attack’s with any of his two tails as you attack them (17% damage) -Crystal Smash: Seath charges up his fists and slams them, and crystals skid across the ground from both sides of his hands. Setting: The very depths of the Crystal Caves. Because of his massive size, Seath only attacks from the center. Although you’re mainly supposed to attacks his body, you can attack his tail for items, just like in the original game. Who fights this boss in Classic Mode? Essentially, I figured him as a hypothetical situation if Seath was a boss instead of Monster Hunter’s Rathalos. So here’s the characters who fight him: -Dark Samus (Phazon-looking thing) -Yoshi (Jurassic-looking thing) -Zelda (Medieval monster) -Marth (Dragon) -Shulk (resemblance to a Telethia) -Newcomer: Solaire -Newcomer: Elma -Newcomer: Noctis Where would this boss be in World of Light? A...Dark Souls themed level in the Light Realm? Idk
  16. Guys, just to give you an idea about how out if hand this is getting, I decided to share this recent tweet I found.
  17. So after some thinking, I believe the Hero will come out in mid-July, kind of like how Joker came out in mid-April. And speaking of DLC fighters, it’s a shame we dint get to fight them in Challenger’s Approach.
  18. Boss: Duon Game of Origin: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008) What does the boss do? Mostly what it did in Brawl, but with new attacks as follows; -Triple Slash Blast: Duon’s blue half slashes twice, and then releases a giant shockwave in the third slash as it uses both of its arms. -Spiral Slash: Duon’s blue half readies its blades with yellow energy, and swings them out of the swords straight in front and back, like a boomerang. -Flurry Spin: Duon soins between the background and the foreground until it gets to the other side of the bridge, and then it’s dizzy for a bit. -Mine Circle: Duon’s blue half ejects Quark Mines from both of its shoulder exhaust pipes. They circle around as they move off towards the opposite side the blue half is facing. Duon switches to the pink side after this attack. -Halberd Cannon: Duon jumps into the background, and its pink half takes over the cannon. It can either shoot four cannonballs at you or a giant laserafter a few seconds. Only the cannonballs can be eaten, reflected, or absorbed. Setting: The Halberd bridge, where it was fought in the Subspace Emissary. Boss Battle Song 1 from Brawl plays during this fight. Who fights this boss in Classic Mode? -Ice Climbers (self-explanatory) -Chrom (ALSO self-explanatory) -Meta Knight (Halberd’s HIS turf) -Corrin (design is almost black and white) -Banjo-Kazooie (once again, pretty self-explanatory) -Newcomer: Marx Yes I know he’s a boss shut up Where would this boss be in World of Light? In the Dark Realm’s Mysterious Dimension sub-area.
  19. Is unfortunately allergic to sunblock
  20. Can apparently create culinary ROMs and hack into others.
  21. Anime and RWBY are their interests. (Am I doing it right?)
  22. Boss: Magician Type 0 Game of Origin: The House of the Dead (1996) What does the boss do? -Fireball: Magician warps around and shoots a fireball twice from both his arms, and shoots a string of them after warping a third time. Depending on how much health he has, he will often use a different secondary attack. -Fire Claw: When he’s at around 75% health, Magician warps around three times before before swiping with his claw on fire, and he does this four times before defaulting back to Fireball. -Fire Shield: At 50% health, Magician surrounds himself with several fireballs and flies around attempting to ram into the player. The fireballs around him can hit you multiple times when he’s floating motionlessly for a bit, but you can destroy them with proper attack timing. -Rush: Also at 50% health, Magician sometimes goes to the background, and quickly rushes towards wherever the player is. -Fireball Storm: At 25% health, the Magician has had enough. He surrounds himself with many fireballs and shoots them upwards, and they all rain down in random places. However, most of them can be destroyed by attacking them. His special gimmick is that he must be hit specifically in his weak points (similar to Ganon’s tail) and ONLY his weak points, as the covered parts will take no damage. Setting: The balcony near the laboratory of Curien Mansion, where the Magician was created. The holder around him opens, and he folds his arms like he always does and floats towards the center of the screen. Who fights this boss in Classic Mode? -Ike (Black-clad armor; Against the Black Knight would play) -Sonic (Iconic SEGA characters) -Robin (user of flames) -Ryu (arcade characters with major games from the 90’s) Because why not (any potential newcomer you feel like): -Crash Bandicoot (creations by a scientist that debuted in 1996; Cortex’s theme plays) Where would this boss be in World of Light? In a new sub-area in the Dark Realm, the Curien Mansion itself. It features Spirits primarily from the House of the Dead series, along with the occasional Luigi’s Mansion Spirits.
  23. Hey, ever wanted to give a detailed breakdown of what bosses you’d like to see in Smash Bros.? Well, here’s your chance! Just use the template provided for ideas you’d like to submit: Boss: Game of Origin: What does the boss do? Setting: Who fights this boss in Classic Mode? Where would this boss be in World of Light? I got this idea from a contest that’s currently being held in SmashBoards: https://smashboards.com/threads/super-smash-bros-boss-creation-contest-current-round-pokemon-bosses-seeking-additional-judges.485321/ Rules: 1). The boss must be the most notable one from the game in question. This is not limited to final bosses. 2). If a boss isn’t “giant”, it should at least be around the size of Dracula or Marx, along with similar fighting capabilities (so unfortunately, no Black Knight). 3). The bosses have to be from game and/or series that started as a game. For example, PokĂ©mon can’t use material for, the anime, manga, or other non-video game material (Detective Pikachu can be fine, but only the game). Kingdom Hearts bosses are fine, but only if it’s not Disney bosses. I even made my own entry in that contest, so take a look if you’d like.
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