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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Hey guys I exist. You can officially add me to the players list.
  2. ... Why Minerva? She's got her regalia and great stats altogether. I find Frey to be average and Leiden needs a lot of babying to become a good unit, but I haven't played with them on H2. I think most units are useable in Maniac. I'm currently doing a playthrough with the Xth Platoon (the one MU belongs to) only and the units turned out to be very broken and more than capable to stand against the difficulty (I'm using Marth, Tiki, Female Mage MU, Cleric Cecil, Sniper Ryan, Hero Luke and WyvernKnight Rody).
  3. The Dawn Brigade would be seen in another light if the writers put some effort into turning these efforts you're told off into actual chapters. They could also justify why they're considered to be so great by exploiting the things they did before leaving Daein. FE10 suffers from bad writting and execution, which is unfortunate, as the plot is nice.
  4. I don't believe Micaiah to be a Sue, actually. I really like her, infact. I just think she is a poorly executed character. Nor do I believe Ike's a Sue. I believe there is justification on him being so badass in FE10.
  5. Ike is recognized worldwide (except Begnion, Kilvas and Daein), and there are many reasons for this. Recall all the things he did on PoR and the trials he went through, and you'll see why Gallia praises him, and why the Hawk tribe also recognizes him. No wonder Skrimir is awed, since Ike is very well known in Gallia. And he proves that he isn't a pushover too. Micaiah easily became the paragon of Daein, even before she got to do anything fruitful. Really, fighting for her country by fending off bandits is a very simple thing. It doesn't justify her awesome status that Pelleas and Izuka recognize right off the bat. Just think about Robin Hood and make a comparisson. She's a Sue because she never did anything worth of praise at that point. OBJECTION! General Ike refers to the whole army, it's a hiperbole. Since he's leading an overwhelming army, one must associate "General Ike has arrived" with his army as well. Unless you mean he was supposed to solo them. And what's the problem with Ike being a badass? He fought agaisnt underwhelming odds in the Mad King War, he managed to retaliate only with Begnion's help. That campaign has fleshed him out quite a lot. She must be totally good natured and silly to believe the same thing the people does (Laguz prejudice), even after meeting with Nailah and Rafiel, and believing an obviously weak and silly king who never gave a reason for them to believe on him at all is stupid at best. I mean, she didn't even question him. Even after the cowardly ambush, she believed blindly on his excuse, thus accepting the destruction of her own country even before knowing about the blood pact. Micaiah lacks common sense and can't use logic to save her life. Correction: That battle ended instantly when Ike's overwhelming army of more than ten thousand men arrived. Also, she got a good hit against the Laguz Alliance in Chapter 5 (or was it 6? 7? idk), even though it was an ambush. And the only reason she had an easy time with the Laguz but a harder time with Ike is because the later's army wasn't as weakened as the former's, it wasn't an ambush, and their difference in numbers (Ike commanded an army at that point, not only 13 soldiers like the game wants us to believe).
  6. I actually find the Haar and Jill conversation, where he recruits her, very funny. They remind me of Rock Lee and Guy so much. "Hey Jill, you got to fight for what you believe in, girl!" and "Oh, you're right, captain Haar! From now on I'll fight by your side!"
  7. I really like both games, they're in my top 5 FEs. Making a choice is hard for me, so let me put it together... I prefer Radiant Dawn's gameplay. The battles are shortened by a fair amount, and I won't be losing 2 hours for playing a single chapter anymore (yes, I'm slow). I also like the third tier promotions, even if they're extremely OPed. I think it's a well balanced game, as most characters can be trained properly and become great, even those that hardly appear in the game, like Edward, Nephenee, Brom, Marcia, Jill, Nolan, Kieran, Astrid and perhaps even Meg and Makalov. In PoR, Gatrie and Shinon are almost unusable, Titania breaks the game from the start, Jill and Marcia conquer the game and Laguz are hard to use since they transform automatically and lose their transformations rather quickly. Fortunately, RD fixes all these issues by adding Laguz Stones and Olivi Grasses to smoke, and the groups system allows the player to use lots of units without having to leave them warm the bench. Last, but not least, I think PoR is extremely easy while RD is actually a challenge. I prefer Radiant Dawn's art too, it's much more detailed and sharpened. The graphics are a given, as the GC is an older console. But I still found it nice that they kept battle scenes quick and short even with the better graphics. Same thing about the music. PoR had nice tracks, such as The Enemy Draws Near (Lord!Ike's Enemy Phase battle theme), Decisive Attack (Lord!Ike's Player Phase battle theme), Change of Scenery (Oliver chapters' map theme), Crimea Attacks (Lord!Ike's chapter map theme), the Black Knight's theme, A Mighty Foe.... But it also had some annoying tracks too, such as the first battle themes, and some music were rather unimpressive to me. I like RD more because I think there are better tracks, and none feel too repetitive or annoying. Besides, Time of Action (Apostle's Army battle theme), the GMs battle theme, Finale in Fear (Ike/Micaiah's battle themes), Eternal Bond (considered to be Ike's theme), Ascent (4-F map theme), Conviction and Road of Sorrow, among others, are simply amazing. I think PoR's story is much better than RD, because they failed its execution in the later, while they did a superb job in the former. The characters lost a lot of their personality too with the lack of supports, even though we already know a lot about them from PoR (because it managed to develop their characters well). TL;DR version: I prefer Radiant Dawn.
  8. I've yet to beat Fire Emblem 10 in a clear data because I have this weird quirk that makes me suddenly decide to stop playing for a long time. When I start playing again, I decide to start everything from scratch. I just like the Fail Brigade part better because the units are weak and they have a lot of room for development, while the Crimean Knights hardly appear and the GMs (also known as Game Masters/Greil Mercenaries) own everything in sight. Part 4 is also rather annoying because 70% of your units will be underleveled pushovers (unless you abuse royals and Elincia in the CK route, it's going to be a long chapter... And the Fail Brigade can hardly defend themselves).
  9. I must say I like both Nephenee and Shinon, they're all pretty solid units who can one hit KO pretty easily. While Shinon starts great and OHKOing everything infront of him from the start (except Gens and some Wyverns), his lack of 1 ranged weapons turn him into a sitting duck in EP. Nephenee needs some babying in order to become great, but she is definitely worth it: With one of the best speed stat in Part 3, she's reliable to use the heaviest weapons and double while dealing more damage and dodging other units with ease (even in Normal mode). By the time she reaches her third tier, she's invincible (her strength issue is fixed from there on, allowing her to OHKO anything that moves) and, guess what, she's able to kill units on EP, while Shinon can't. So, I pick Nephenee.
  10. You can have my axe. ... Yes sign me up
  11. Should have been put into the game.
  12. Rapier

    RTFR Mafia

    I don't even understand what the hell is going on. ... Oh well.
  13. Is it just me, or does this song sounds legitimately evil? Ike is basically the hero of the game, yet he's portrayed as an anti-hero (or as a villain) from his battle theme (Finale in Fear) and his army's theme (Time of Action). Was this intentional or did they want to lampshade hang Part 4? Sorry about this silly question.
  14. Rapier

    RTFR Mafia

    damn it it's midnight and I'm hungry because of that post.
  15. Rapier

    RTFR Mafia

    I really really hope the rule changes to NOC, because I hate OC.
  16. Overhyped: FE8 Actually, I find it to be the game that is most white knighted than any other. I have lots of motives to dislike that game, some of them being the goddamn awful story that makes little sense (yes, I know FE doesn't have that great stories, but hey), the bland characters (with the exception of Lyon, who is a nice villain) that I couldn't bring myself to like, and the extremely easy difficulty setting even in Hard. The only good point of it was the class branch choices, but that's it. Underappreciated: FE12. It's an old game, but it needs more love, in my opinion.
  17. There is no proof it was done because of racism. People should stop claiming that was the case simply because the baby was black, because this only adds fuel to the racism issue our society suffers from (even those from outside the USA). Actually, does the motive really matter? They still shot him, nothing will change that. The Why Dunnit doesn't matter. Now I just hope they are punished appropriately, preferably with death sentence. Monsters have no reason to be kept alive, even if they are human as well.
  18. I'm an Ike fanboy. He's got the qualities of Eliwood and Hector into a single character, so he became my favorite very quickly. Not to mention I liked FE9's setting and plot. Sigurd loses to him by a slight margin.
  19. Gheb the Hut is so awesome. Though I was expecting Tana wearing a chainmail bikini. >: I find Alvis the coolest villain of all. I think... I also like Lekain as a villain for all he did in FE10, even if he brought destruction onto himself from the war. Sephiran's motives simply don't make any sense to me, since he also loved Sanaki.
  20. I liked your playstyle untl D2+, to be honest. Even if you made walls-of-text comparable to the walls of China.
  21. Oh well, that was a fun game. I really prefer Mafia when it's got only 15 pages by D2, because I absolutely hate games with 60+ pages, as I can't memorize all the points and look at every nook and cranny. I do think I could've played much better if only I had a stance in game, but I slipped pretty badly and by D2 I was the obvscum lynch. Also when did Xin and Scorri become so badass
  22. Though the fanbase as a whole should be taken in consideration, not only those nipponjins who played the Marth Emblems.
  23. I've been reading Gantz as of late. I'm sitll on the Onion Kid part, which bored me for the massive ammount of filler. Well, anyway... Does anyone know about a manga that is similar to Akame ga Kiru and Ubel Blatt? I really love those for their dark stories, characters, drama and morally ambiguous characters. I think I'm going to read Claymore and Berserk, for that reason.
  24. Taking in consideration that he wasn't known to the fanbase until later after FE7, I don't think he's the mascot. Also, Marth only appeared in FE1 and FE3 (taking about the old generation), he couldn't have been estabilished as an mascot worldwide. I don't mind seeing Marth, but I'd rather see stuff about other Lords too, and not only a minor reference to one (like Priam to Ike).
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