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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. It is, but you admitted to know that it's stupid. And you said you don't lynch players just because they do something stupid. Still, he kept defending his point of view even after we gave him a lot of motives to give up on that...
  2. I didn't understand what you said but ok.
  3. I don't see anything wrong with you, except that you're being too defensive, but maybe that's just how you play. I remember you did the same thing in Higurashi Mafia (but I don't remember if you were scum or not), so I think that's just your playstyle. My only problem with all that "There can be a SK" is that we're losing time with something that could or couldn't be. Instead, we should focus on more concrete stuff and ignore all the substantial stuff for now. I think people picked on you because of it for the possibility that you may be misleading us and making us discuss about a substantial thing. =P What happened with the guy who said "Don't vote people for being stupid"? No, wait, you actually said "bad logic isn't necessarily scummy". Why are you going agaisnt your word?
  4. The point is that we can't prove that there is a SK or not, so it's pointless to discuss about it now. We could discuss about something else, but I'm not sure what we should talk about. I always sucked at digging information with no clues, hence why I'm waiting for the inactive players to show up. After everyone posts, we can go and make a questionary about what the players think about the game in general. Or something.
  5. They were all dragons. Since dragons could be viewed as 'Gods' by a culture that isn't used to them/treats them like godly mythical creatures, I see no conflict there. ... I still think the only true Goddess was Ashunera.
  6. Fail BBCoding is fail. Unvote ##Vote: clipsey
  7. I suppose there's a Serial Killer, then. But that, too, will be revealed during the next phases, so I'll be focusing on other things for now (as scumreading, which I'm terrible at). Excellen could have changed that on this game. This isn't too conclusive imo... Also. Unvote ##Vote: clipsey/b] Talk. I really miss you, you're always giving out good info/reads for us.
  8. I don't know how to see my specs. If I knew, I'd tell you. >:
  9. How can you say that? I mean, he's only made one post and we are still on page 2... Also, I believe in Ellie too. Scums wouldn't want to make gambits so soon.
  10. You should already know that the RNG is a major troll. ##Vote: Camtech For believing in the Random Number Goddess. Die you heretic You'll be able to prove your claim later, so don't worry. =P Also noob question but, what's a Miller?
  11. Best: FE9 Worst: FE11. I find it being used just to open chests and steal stuff very lulzy.
  12. I'm interested. I actually read the rules and I can imagine a few things about how it's going to turn out, so I'm even more interested than before. =P Do sign me in.
  13. Best: Sety - Honorable mentions to: FE9!Soren, Pent, Arthur, Levin, Yuria Worst: Sophia - Unhonorable mentions to: Ilyana, Azel, FE9!Callil (for comming too late, imo), Tiltyu, Deirdre, Sanaki
  14. Yes, it is possible to end this situation, but first we need the government to agree with the changes. Which is something they aren't too happy to comply. If they choose to keep things the way it is, the only option left will be to force them to accept it (by violence or not. But I think they'd pretty much react with violence). That's why the situation is so complicated.
  15. Violence and opression in case they react. If they don't, and if the government accepts the demands and makes a change, it's fine. Otherwise, we have to choose.
  16. That wasn't sarcastic, but I realize I dramatized quite a bit. What I mean is, will they comply if the UN tells them Honour Killings is wrong, and then go agaisnt their culture/creed/religion? They'll obviously protest. Of course, some will go agaisnt it, but the country itself will fight to preserve their culture. In the end, it will go down to a fight. And you know just how messy it is.
  17. They are incompetent about it because they know there will be rebellions if they go too far. So, it's a dilemma about choosing to do something and saying 'screw them we have power' or respecting their pathetic culture. It is a matter that can only be solved by violence and oppression.
  18. This. I acknowledge it's a terrible thing, just as much as many other unjust things that there are in this world, but there is nothing we can do about it. No matter how much we try, we'll never convince them to stop, because that kind of culture is as old as feudalism. And we know just how much culture is preserved and valued in the East. The UN can't intervene in a country's culture, religion, beliefs or anything of this sort... Doing so, they would disrupt the balance that stops the countries from killing each other just like on the middle age. Still, I believe that's the only solution: Intervene and, if they feel mad, shoot them down. Of course, that will never happen, so we'll never get out of square one.
  19. I have an Intel Core i3 and an Intel HD Graphics card. I'm not using any plugins other than the ones that already came with the emulator. All I did was change the settings to the recommended ones (found in the Dolphin site) for a faster/more efficient emulation.
  20. They will tell me which stages I can choose, I guess. But I don't know about their significance.
  21. Yeah, and I can confuse everyone with meta. ... I'm not sure how that Stage Select stuff works, however.
  22. Isn't that great? The sooner we start the game, the better. I hope I finally become scum.
  23. It's no use. The best I managed to do was running it with the music overlapping itself, major lag in some places and sudden crashes. ... Meh, I wish I could emulate it on the Wii. Buying a Gamecube Controller + Memory Card + the original game (or pirating it, whatever the case) is expensive to me.
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