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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Best: Sigurd. Honourable mentions to Alvis, Leaf, Eltshan and Ike (after promotion) Worst: Marth I'll nominate Best/Worst Boss theme.
  2. You clearly didn't read the part on which I said Marcus needs more exp to level, and by doing that he's stealing all the exp to himself. No matter how "good" he is, he isn't an one man army, and the other units surpass him way before getting promoted.
  3. Marcus is an EXP stealer. He'll get all the exp for himself and benefit less from it if he's used. Isadora is weak, useless, and will most likely be surpassed by the other promoted Cavaliers by the time you get her. Geitz? I've never recruited him to be honest. Anyway, you're right. I won't drag this anymore.
  4. Are you counting pre-promotes on their order of appearance? For example, only Harken, Vaida, Jaffar, Pent and Louise are useful in FE7. On FE9, only that-swordmaster-in-the-desert-chapter, Elincia (not so much anyway), Tanith, Shinon (although he's going to be overshadowed by Rofl when he reappears) and perhaps Tauroneo are useful. Also keep in mind that those prepromotes that appear late in the game and are overshadowed by other chars are also useless, except Harken and Echidna (?). Also, this is fun. Yep. They become gods later, except Noish because he sucks.
  5. Can anyone explain to me why it's top priority to lynch innactive players?
  6. Fact. I was the only one who SAID ABOUT LYNCHING HIM, anyways. Also, lynching someone just because they're afk is stupid even in Mafias. No one will ever convince me of the opposite. Just look at what happened to Proto, damn it, why not choose someone potentially dangerous or suspicious?
  7. ##Vote: Strawman Eclipse had a reason to protect him. And she was Mafia.
  8. Ok then. Meh, only L can figure out someone's role in the first Phase and lynch that person properly.
  9. Everyone has been voting me on the First Phase. >: But well vacations will probably make me more active.
  10. Lol, I didn't see it. XD We can be buddies in game! Just don't lynch me in the first phase. >:
  11. At least he can double. Noish is nothing without his Steel Sword. >:
  12. Rine sighed. Walking in a place so hot while using armor wasn't an easy task, and besides, his Wyvern had to be dragged so he could follow them. That question bugged him a little. "The Wall... It's true that I'm striving to join them, but they haven't assigned me yet... Maybe someday they will. I can't figure out why they didn't already". The attention his wyvern was dragging began to annoy him, as kids stopped playing to see such a big creature and comment about his size and ask out loud how someone was able to ride such a thing or if it's going to eat them for breakfast, so Rine turned his face to his commander. "But you can count on me. I'd like to show you what I can do... and also see what you can do too, if I'm lucky then we're going to be attacked as predicted".
  13. Excuse me. If we're going to do it that way, then I recommend drafting units in their order of appearance in Lyn Hard Mode, since they're vital to start off this draft and there aren't many of them.
  14. Didn't I say there were -exceptions-? Oh yeah and don't forget about the traps that are actually good but shit if compared with the leveled non-promoted chars you've got. This prepromotes shit has nothing to do with what I've said about Cuan anyway but whatever, have fun with your first playthrough man. ^^
  15. Yay late arrival. Can I be the 15th? =P
  16. Rapier

    Sugar Mini Mafia

    My God why do people like to lynch me when I have nothing to say in the topic because there's nothing to be said at all 1. Who would you lynch today? Pick the most innactive player, we've got no one to lynch. 2. Who do you think is likely to be mafia? Dunno. Not enough clues and I don't want to go assuming because my intuition says so. 3. Who do you think is likely to be town? That one is much easier. Clipsey and Shade, because they're the ones helping the most. That doesn't innocent them, but whatever they're the least suspicious. And please don't say I'm scummy because I don't want to lynch. I'm not used to Mafia games and lynching someone with little reason just because I've got nothing to lose.
  17. Proto and Shinori just slapped me hard in the face. Meh.
  18. FE6. FE6. Even so, I've got a point about Cuan.
  19. Isn't there a FE4 Inflation patch with the translation patch with it?
  20. Damn my engrish I said the majority of pre-promoted units suck. I know Haar (isn't he promoted?), Seth, that-falconknight-from-FE9, and some units I'm forgetting right now, are exceptions. The EXP is wasted on a completely useless character that won't be doing anything except Heroic Sacrifices or smart Rescues and hit and run attacks. Cuan is useful because he helps a lot in many scenarios, like in the beginning of Chapter 1 (not Prologue), on Chapter 2 mainly agaisnt Elliot because of the Knight Ring or something like that, Chapter 3 in the beginning and agaisnt Eltshan later... He isn't a solid unit like Sigurd or Alec or Lex or Fury or Levin or Fin, but he doesn't suck like Jagen. I've never played FE10 actually XDDD I wanna play it so badly, damn it... if only I could emulate/buy a Wii... EDIT: Ha, I know you're joking.
  21. Also, I'm the droid you're looking for. DAMN IT.
  22. Why of course! After all, people have an entire day to reply to the topic and no lives to be busy with. I'm not sure if you want to get as much information as you want, or if you're just acting arrogantly. 1) Cop: Who would you investigate and why? 2) Town Roleblocker: Who would you hook and why? 3) Viligante: Who would you shoot and why? 1) Shinori. I just got the impression that he's trying to evade the topic at all costs, maybe it's just me. 2) Psych, he voted Balcerzak just because he doesn't like his face. :Ç 3) Shinori. Nothing to lose, nothing to gain. And wtf hidden players.
  23. 1) Who is the most scum in your opinion? 2) Who is the most town? 3) When the hell did Sho claim his role? 4) How many kills you think there is per night? 5) How many scum left you think there is? 1) Dunno what scum is. :Ç 2) Sho, proving to be an excellent player right from the beginning. If it weren't for him, I'd let Day 1 go to waste. 3) *ignores* 4) 2, and I think the Mafia killed the Fanatics Leader. Killing such an important role right in the beginning of the game isn't a coincidence! Also, the SK killed someone at Night 1 (his/her objective is to make the Military lose and survive). Kay may be the Serial Killer because she was away from the game, but we can't deny the possibility of a Bodyguard or Healer (I'm currently betting on Healer) stopping the SK's kill. That also explains why a Healer was killed on Night 1. Can anyone answer me if the SK's role has any other ability besides killing players? Like investigative abilities and such.
  24. She's useless like every other promoted unit you recruit in any FE game, with obvious exceptions.
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