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Armchair General

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Everything posted by Armchair General

  1. Well, I would say that this is essentially another cavalry game on account that we've seen two or three promoted classes for axe infantry,sword users have Swordsmaster and Hero, and lance-wielders get Sentinel (assuming that this isn't exclusive to an certain noble) and General. This is kind of weird, considering how this is the backbone of Napoleonic warfare
  2. There's actually isn't an in-game deadline, you're given an limited amount of time to do whatever before the game forces you to do the month's assignment
  3. Looks like promotion is available at aLv10 and Framme's quote is kind of cringe. You can also reclass into another one of the same tier, but I think that Twitter's auto-translate is leaving out an few key details And there's an few hurdles on reclassing; it's mainly gated by one's weapon proficiency, as far as I can tell. But as usual, the rings will help you circumvent this. Maybe next week, we'll get an partial list of the classes?
  4. Seeing that there's an Silver Corrupted is giving me some mixed vibes, for some reason.
  5. I love the fact that they're stating the obvious, at this point. But at any rate, I think that this is Leif?
  6. On Hard with Conquest, most of the default classes will pan out if you know what you're doing. With Birthright, there's so many ways to break the difficulty, that it's kind of hard to tell you where to start since Hoshido leans an little bit towards being evasive and manipulating stats while the Nohrian skills are mainly geared towards winning fights
  7. Yeah, I knew what I was getting into with XCOM; I'd just assumed that they would have patched out the bugs when I got it. But it was around $10 at GameStop, so there's that. Speaking of action games, I also got some weird framerate issues with Three Hopes when I spam the Dark Knight's fire combo. But the only major thing that I had with was when it suddenly crashed on me after I beaten the final boss of Golden Wildfire. Also managed to induce an few crashes with an Need for Speed game by repeatedly restarting an level or something. Otherwise, it works fine when I'm going over 160 mph; although the traffic isn't as dense as it is in the other racing games that I've played, for some reason. Most of the games that come out for the Switch generally sell well without making an big deal on what's under the hood; but there's an soft limit on just how sophisticated the Switch games can be, which rules out the possibility of quite an few ports and an few genres. For the other two, it kind of looks like that the devs are pushing graphics over entertainment or an decent story, but I'm not entirely sure. Yeah, the fact that stuff like Bioshock did this is the reason why I've written off buying ports of old games.
  8. The only thing that I've seen about this is how erratic XCOM 2 is. Had random crashes because I've been playing on one file for too long, occasionally got an noticeable drop in framerate whenever I (unintentionally) set an house on fire, the game occasionally has trouble rendering the flying cargo ship after an certain point in the campaign. Other than that, nearly everything else works as well as you'd expect.
  9. It's an cope for which way the tide of the Console Wars are heading and it's not really worth paying an lot of attention to.
  10. I used to because one of my teachers thought it was an good idea to have us running outside in the cold as part of Phys Ed or something. Nowadays, not as much; although I really can't stand how fast the temperature changes.
  11. I thought that the only other weaknesses was weight and accuracy, aside from how hard silver weapons were nerfed in Fates?
  12. Yeah, but at least most of the facilities are basically next to each other, in this game. The marketplace in 3H was an bit of an chore to actually get to.
  13. Some more tweets about Rosado and some snippets about the cafe, apparently. I love the fact that they only played an few notes of each song in the cafe, though
  14. I can easily see something along the lines of XCOM that only features the clones. But the CIS will probably have horrendously terrible AI in order for it to stay accurate to the lore, so no.
  15. Going by this, there's also an Sword Fighter/backup in addition to the other two Fighters that were already listed. I think that all three of the Fighter sub-types are there as an trainee class that'll branch off into the semi-promoted classes that have been popping up in the recent tweets.
  16. But it's true for me, except for Marth and Roy. I really loved that FE song in Melee, but since they've never really advertised it, I never really looked into it until I got Awakening
  17. The last two or three tweets are some info on what happens when you level up the skills for the rings, IIRC. Looks like you can fine-tune them by spending the points that you earned in combat on learning new skills for them.
  18. Well, he comes with an Lancereaver. His ultimate is an AoE of flames that's blocks enemy movement and it's buffed by using dragon units. Transcendance temporarily boosts his own level, for some reason. Also comes with an version of Miracle that procs when he has at least 30% hp left, but I'm not sure how often it can trigger
  19. Warp is set to around 5 tiles without engaging with an certain ring. Nearly everything else hasn't been mentioned, yet. One of the lightning spells has up to 3 range, but it can't double.
  20. Too bad that it's too small for it to have an conventional battlefield on it.
  21. Well, with the recent wave of retainers, at least we have proof that the Wolf Knight is geared towards being evasive while potentially falling behind on their damage output However, her evasion stat is outclassed by the playable swordmaster and thieves at an margin of around 5 points or so. The berserker, Lapis (in an earlier level), Sedall, and wyvern riders has an Avoid of around 30 or so. I also noticed that Rosado's Def and Res are unusually equal for an wyvern rider, but this might be pretty close to their base stats. Bunet is exactly what you'd expect from heavy cavalry, but with 20 Def at lv. 1 is kind of leaves me concerned as to how the rest of game will pan out. Other than that, nearly everything is more or less what we're already used to from FE, but with potentially lower stat caps. Amber's class is one of the few cavalry units that I've seen that naturally has high Avo (to be fair, the only other options is the great & royal knights against the wolf knights).
  22. I kind of doubt if gold would actually play that big of an role, anyways. Especially when there's at least 3 or 4 rings that can kill off whatever the game throws at you. Plus, it's kind of implied that you can fight the monsters in the areas you've already visited
  23. Well, we still have one of the Hounds who are supposedly recruitable. Other than that, it feels like the 31(?) that we is essentially it; unless they include an choice to spare an random boss or two.
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