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Ice Sage

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Status Updates posted by Ice Sage

  1. hey krad! how's it been?

  2. Happy Birthday~ Have a good one Boron!

  3. yeah probably gonna go to bed since im tired :/

    I'll talk to you later Xin

  4. Yeah same. still at the chat xD

  5. Hey Xin what's up?

  6. Happy Birthday~ Have a good one!

  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. That's cool. Ima pick it up it again since there is a translation patch. Thanks for telling me how many maps there are

  9. ah I see. I tried playing it but it lagged so much. How's the Tear ring Saga? I've played it for a bit, up to chapter 10 I believe. I heared there was like 40 chapters?

  10. Have you Played Berwick Saga?

  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. your let's play is hilarious. keep it up!

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