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Posts posted by Troykv

  1. 8 minutes ago, Julian Solo said:

    That are you sure? “religious group” The ending to the route says she destroyed the church of Seiros which has two off branches as well.

    There is a difference between destroying an organization, and having the intent to kill the people of said organization.

    Destroy an organization may or may not be bad, but that isn't genocide. And Edelgard only really made an enemy of Rhea and the Church specifically, she doesn't have anything against people that follow the faith.


    There is an example of a organization destruction that was actually a genocide; the Sith's plan to bring Order 66 and the New Galactic Order. Darth Sidious (The Emperor) intent to destroy the Jedi Order, and he did; but he wasn't happy with just making them lose power and making them enemies of the Republic/Empire... he wants their complete annihilation, through assimilation (like the Inquisitorius) or outright killing every last one of them.

  2. 1 hour ago, Julian Solo said:

    Mad king archetype is very diverse in there motivation in goals and fun. Well the red emperors are just super serious roar humanity alpha fuck dragons lets conquer and commit Genocide. We have had three of them know can they be different next game please. Specially know that they have been trying to make them sympathetic since SoV.

    I think it's because the position of the Emperor is usually connected to the many traits associated with an Empire (the good and the bad), while a King is a lot more loose in what exactly it does, and you showed there are many variations of the Good and the Bad Kings thanks to a lot of early works in story.

    Though, actually Hardin didn't wanted to destroy dragons, and Edelgard doesn't actually commit genocide... No, killing people in a War isn't genocide unless there is intent in killing; in the other hand the Tragedy of Duscur IS a genocide.


    Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part. The hybrid word "genocide" is a combination of the Greek word γένος ("race, people") and the Latin suffix -caedo ("act of killing").


  3. 8 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

    Why is Calill often considered the best one considering her availability? 

    She is the one with the highest base stats, and she can actually keep decently with the speed creep thanks to Rexflame and a respectable speed growth. So she can actually be here without dying to anything that isn't an White Dragon.

  4. I think fatigue should continue to exist, but the game should be more clear about it, (it would also help having some iconography indicating when a character is close to the threshold).

    BTW, buff magic classes in RD, literally the only ones that have anything to do in  the game are Calill (probably the best one), Ilyana (some nice niches) and Micaiah (main character and many utilities)

  5. 2 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

    I don't know what you're on about, since Corrin checks the boxes for some of the most relevant tanks in AR. I have seen 0 hrid, 0 Conrad and 0 Berkut tanks so far myself, but even so, if Corrin isn't able to soak multple chills for them, Matilda and Clive most definitely won't.

    +10/10 B!ike, of of the most used tanks in the current meta, can be supported by M!corrin and have either three stats soaked by Corrin alone, or all 4 when he is + atk and takes a +3 def seal. 


    Mathilda and Clive cannot do this. Corrin is shown with a bonus of +2 atk and def to simulate a possible atk/def 2 sacred seal. Taking a + Atk nature and a +def 3 SS does the same. taking a drive means someone else needs to soak a chill from Ike, but if possible that opens the seal slot again. A unit that can soak a total of 28 stats worth of chills and also takes care of shrines is incredibly valuable. This is something only he can do, the other two cannot. B!Ike is just one example, but since he is such a prominent unit in AR right now, I felt this was a justified example. Corrin can do the same for DC/Null C Donnel, Nailah, Hawkeye(With Fury four and a Res boon). Corrin also has 61 Hp, which is huge, since it dodges all panic manors. He doesn't even need fury 4 for B!ike, though he is a great candidate for it. 

    Corrin not being able to soak chills for super tanks is not true at all, he is in fact able to soak multiple, if not all whilst maintaining a high enough Hp to dodge max lvl panic manors. 

    For armours it of course is a different story, they need to have team support from multiple units specialising in one stat. And neither Clive or Mathilda is soaking more than 1 chill for armours anyway.  

    It's thanks to the fact his weapon gives him +2 flat to all stats, and he usually uses some kind of A Skill that boostes Flat Stats, like Fury 4

  6. 34 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I don't know if I stated this before, but...

    Lyon is not a well-written villain. Too much time the villains got any focus in SS was spent with the Grado generals, most of whom were abysmal (special mention to Caellach, Riev, and Valter), and there's very little to his character outside of flashbacks. It doesn't help that by the time you see him, there's not much game left and he's pretty much been taken over by Fomortiis at that point.

    The thing I like the most about Lyon is his tome's animation.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I personally don't get why anyone found that line funny. I thought it was dumb. And part of the poor writing I thought Micaiah got.

    Literally, my initial reaction to that line was "...wtf, what kind of dumb line is that."

    Then again, for some reason my sense of humor always seems to be different than others. No one seems to laugh at what I do and vice versa.

    I guess that is part of the charm; it came from nowhere taking advantage of how Sothe was talking so much about xD

    BTW, the line in japanese shared a similar sentiment, just without the added spiciness the Localizations likes to do (instead, it was a thing of contexts and word choice as far as I remember), the original line would be taken as too passive aggressive if it was transcribed literally without context.

  8. My favorite character of the game is Edelgard.

    But I also like Dorothea, Petra and Lysithea too.

    14 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:


    I can see how Dimitri losing it can rub some people the wrong way, it's just interesting that it almost exclusively seems to be Edelgard's biggest fans.

    Now, allow me to view this from another perspective. I actually didn't play Azure Moon first. I played Black Eagles first with every intention of joining Edelgard. Then the reveal happened and I was SO DISGUSTED with her that I stopped playing, deleted the save, and played Azure Moon instead. I didn't go Silver Snow because I wanted my first full playthrough to be with one of the lords. The reveal was not the only reason I did that though, I was growing more disgusted with Edelgard progressively as the game went on, the Flame Emperor was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Dimitri never made me feel disgusted to stay and fight with him no matter how much I wanted to punch his teeth in after the time skip, joining Edelgard meanwhile just made me feel nasty. This is a woman who pretended to be your friend and have the good of Fodlan at heart while simultaneously working with the very people trying their damndest to dismantle it. Whether she thinks this way or not, she had a hand in Jeralt's death, in students dying, in Remire village being massacred and that hand was supporting the Agarthans. She never apologizes, never says anything except "it was necessary" and hell no it wasn't.

    Now, my rather hateful opinion of her did slowly lessen as I played through the other routes and got to the point I could play CF. I don't hate Edelgard anymore, but it seems rather strange to me that some can't get why people would prefer Dimitri.

    I'm gonna be honest, the main reason I'm kind of unable to like Dimitri is because I have a problem similar to what other people would have with Ike... I don't know if I would actually like him legitimity or as a product of expectation because of all this vocal fans he has and how there is this "unequivocal truth" of him being the most popular FE3H Character.

    I managed to get to know several things about Edelgard before actually most of the discussions started (through many spoilers to be fair), so it was a completely different experience xD.

  9. 32 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    I would really like to have a DLC or something where Edelgard is forced to face the lies she's been fed her whole life, with no options for stubbornly discounting it. It would be interesting seeing a character like her realize that everything she's based her ideology on was a huge lie and having to face the potential consequences of that. That's why I wanted CF to be longer.

    Even if that ended up happening (and isn't like she only knows lies, in fact most of her information are half truths and actual truths) I don't think Edelgard would just think everything was in vain, after all, the Church was fundamentally flawed, and unlike a human reign, it can't be simply challenged for an Intellectual Revolution.

    What mostly she would learn, is that Rhea wasn't that different from her, and she'd understand how Rhea ended up in the position she was, but Edelgard would still believe she had wrong in the world after making the nobility (and crest based).

    Her ideology isn't based around a lie, instead is a half truth. The Church did many of these things she talked about (Conquer all of Fodlan, spread a religion that is literally the only one around, create the crest system as a religion, gave legitimacy to the nobility, etc.), but of course, details are the difference.

  10. 4 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:


    It's very obviously rushed/poorly thought out yeah, and you're certainly not the only one who thinks so given that it's easily the least popular route. To this day I'm not sure exactly what the route is trying to accomplish; Azure Moon and Verdant Winds both tell the story it tells much better while giving you front-seat looks at Dimitri and Claude, both fascinating characters. SS could have taken the opportunity to show more of Rhea or Edelgard but it really doesn't (Rhea's about equally present on VW, while Edelgard is actually more present on AM). SS is also very unconcerned with improving the terrible conditions in Fodlan which White Clouds sheds light on, which gives me some malice for it. I think they writers wanted there to be a choice as to whether to support Edelgard or not, and that's fair I suppose, but it's clear they didn't really care about what happened if you went down the SS path beyond some early plot skeleton ideas that got turned into a couple videos.)

    For evidence of it being rushed, well, it depends on exactly what order different parts of each route were constructed... but consider that SS has only one unique map (and evidence for it copying VW's maps rather than vice versa is found in the fact that the Black Eagles appear as bosses on those maps), a duplicate final boss from another route (and said boss unquestionably makes more narrative sense on the non-SS route), and something like 90% of its monastery dialogue is shared with VW/AM, including that of the Black Eagles students, which shows how they're afterthoughts even on a route they're required recruits.

    (Side note: I think it's pretty laughable to say that CF is as rushed or as much an afterthought: all unique maps, mostly unique monastery dialogue, a bunch of supports (Edelgard, Hubert, and now Jeritza) only available on that route. It's definitely the route with the second most effort put into it, besides whichever of AM/VW/SS you think was created first [presumably AM].)

    Crimson Flower was rushed, while Silver Snow was half baked...

    Crimson Flower has a lot to say, but not enough time to show everything, it can be at times frustrating to know this would be better; which it made evidently for the lack of cutscenes and don't enough CG Artworks to compensate, which ended up making some scenarios weirder than intented... but the overall experience it feels fresh and unique.


    On the other hand, Silver Snow has authority over several of the cutscenes (in particular their unique ones with the SS Timeskip Custcene and the Ending) in the game, even the ones that are shared with other routes (the Pre-Timeskip cutscene, the Cutscene after the battle with you know who and the cutscene after defeating certain pale man) make a lot more sense in the context of Silver Snow... but that is where all the care for Silver Snow ends.

    So Silver Snow ends up with the opposite problem, it has several flashy moments... but doesn't really have a lot to say, and really the most interesting things about the story (that aren't contrived) are:

    1.- The previously mentioned cutscenes being more powerful if you had Supports with Rhea and had interacted significally with certain character

    2.- Finally learning without filters (at least for the most part) the actual origin of Byleth

    3.- Having a story where you don't have an actual main character (though, this is mostly in theory XD)

    Otherwise you get what do you get from Verdant Wind, and to a lesser extent Azure Moon.

  11. 57 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    They don't care about spoilers. Even Death Knight's damaged art has a bit of his hair shown which is huge clue to his identity . It's just it takes time to plan and make a  banner. Last year Beyond Darkness banner is already planned at early November, Brave banner comes at August despite the voting was in February, safe to say usually banners are made and planned 6 months ahead. They even fear the switch will flop, so likely they fear 3H will flop and haven't planned much 3H banners yet. January or february is when we can expect more 3H content as they would have analyzed which 3H units are fan faves at that time.

    To be fair, the big spoiler about Death Knight's identity isn't exactly that, though is connected.

  12. 6 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    True. Still, all we have to go on for a decision of "kill Edelgard" or "protect Edelgard" is that it turns out that Edelgard has been the one leading multiple attacks on the church and attacks the holy tomb while Byleth and the other students are all in it. I could not possibly have built up more reason to care Edelgard: I did all the support conversations that were available, I invited her to tea at least once, and I even invited her to the tower after the ball, and my thoughts were not, "No, Rhea; I'm going to protect her," My thoughts were, "Why, Edelgard? Why did you do this to us?!" 

    I'm not going to assume I can know everything, so I can't give you a proper answer about this; I imagine this is a product of limitations, in one way or another.

  13. 2 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    It's not alongside her tomb; it's the same tomb. He gets buried with her. 


    Yes; the Flame Emperor is more focused on Byleth suddenly being made professor. Part of that seems to be from Edelgard's immediate interest (curiosity-wise) in Byleth, part of it is from wondering why Rhea would so quickly pick Byleth, and part of it may simply be from Byleth being a completely unexpected complication to their plans. So, yeah; there are a lot of good reasons why she's more interested in how Byleth became professor. 

    I had almost forgotten that student that mentioned they were expecting Jeritza to become professor. The plan having been simply to get rid of that professor is an interesting theory, though it isn't anything more than a theory because that plot thread's just left hanging.

    Visiting Enbarr is key, gameplay-wise, as you have to visit Enbarr in order to unlock the option to spare Edelgard. The problem is, though I'd probably have to watch the scene again, it still doesn't solve that problem I have with the big decision moment itself: namely that her goals/motivations as Flame Emperor were never explained and I never get to ask why she would do all this before making the decision. 

    Yeah, that is the reason I just mentioned the information, isn't anything confirmed, but is an intriguing idea to have in mind if more Story Content is added in the future. After all before Wave 3, the true nature of Death Knight was completely unknown; and the only clue was the conversation where Manuela talks about him in the time skip.

    To be fair the way they decided to do the decision in the actual game is a bit particular, is basically a completely emotional decision, and you don't just go with Edelgard's party initially, Byleth just puts between Edelgard and Rhea to making sure she isn't harmed; "Protect Edelgard" is basically what triggers Rhea to show her darker colors despite you don't making an official annoucement of betray or something like that.

    I'm not expecting everything to be answer, but I'm hopeful of more updates helping.

  14. 13 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Recently, I got a Switch so I could finally play Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I just got to part 2 of the Crimson Flower route. I thought I'd give my thoughts so far on the game. As I'm nowhere near done the game, this is not a full review. 

    I'm really liking the game overall. The story so far is pretty good, the gameplay is excellent (aside from some class balancing issues), and, for possibly the first time since Radiant Dawn, the characters are mostly well-written even outside their support conversations. 

    I mainly just have a few criticisms of the plot, and I was wondering what people who've played the game (or at least have gotten as far as I have) think of them. I'm putting each one in a spoiler tag for length and because spoilers:

      Reveal hidden contents

    I like how Jeralt's death is handled overall; the scene where it happens is well-done, I like the change in music in the Monastery and how sad Byleth is in the following month. I was especially moved by the month of Jeralt's death being the one month where Bernadetta comes out of her room in order to pay her respects to him. However, I feel his raises a few questions:

    • The second time Byleth goes through Jeralt's death, Kronya is saved by Thales teleporting in, creating a shield, and teleporting out with Kronya. One: considering Byleth needed time-travel to know to stop Kronya, how was this guy able to react in time? Was he watching us the whole time somehow? I understand why he saved Kronya: he needed her for later and he wanted to prevent the church from figuring out the secret of their bodies, but I don't understand how he could react in time to save her like that, and that second reason is thrown out the window since he does nothing to retrieve Solon and Kronya's corpses just a chapter later.
    • Why? What was the goal for everything in this chapter and the next? I'm in part 2, and I still knowing nothing about why, "Those Who Slither in the Dark" turned those students into monsters and killed Jeralt. I can understand wanting to eliminate a threat to their plans if that was the stated goal, and Hubert speculates that it was all to kill Jeralt so that the knights would be busy running around and looking for Jeralt's killer while the group attacks the church again. But... they don't; they just wait in a forest and stage a trap for Byleth. Contrast this with Path of Radiance (considering how much Jeralt is made to be similar to Greil), we may not know what the Black Knight means by, "So I may see you at your full strength, General Gawain: Rider of Daein" or "Where is it? […] You, who knows what it can do more than anyone, would not simply throw it away" but it gives us enough hints to create a good mystery, and we're given a clear understanding of why: Daein wants something that Greil has, and it isn't Princess Elincia. The key to any good mystery is giving us enough information and hints that we can theoretically figure it out ourselves, and Jeralt's death just doesn't have any such hints or information. 

    Also, I dislike the missed opportunity: in a game all about gray-and-gray morality, choices-&-consequences, ideology-vs-ideology, this would've been a good opportunity to have an antagonist for Byleth that stands out from the crowd by making it personal; this would've been an opportunity for Byleth to have a nemesis in the form of Kronya. For comparison to Path of Radiance again, The Black Knight adds a lot to the story by being a personal enemy to Ike. Everyone else that Ike's fighting, he's fighting either out of moral obligation or because his group was hired to do so; usually both. The Black Knight stands out among the crowd by making it personal, and given how Ike's arc is all about him living up to his father's legacy and taking up the mantle, it makes a lot of sense for his personal foe to be someone who killed his father in single-combat and was a former student of Greil. I'm not saying Kronya had to be Byleth's version of the Black Knight; honestly, I thought it was going to end up being more like Roy Mustang and Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. But to do so little with such a massive setup...

    Also, while the scenes with Byleth mourning Jeralt are great, they missed a big opportunity in my opinion: he's acting Captain of the Knights of Seiros, a lot of people knew him and are mourning him, and this is supposed to be the moment where the tone of the story shifts completely for the darker. Why not give him an elaborate funeral cutscene? Even Greil was given a scene where Ike and Mist stand in front of his grave in a state of grief. Why didn't they show us Jeralt's funeral? Show us everyone's different reactions to his death? Alois can be crying his eyes out, Rhea can be trying to remain reserved but still sheds a tear nonetheless, etc. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    The Flame Emperor reveal overall was pretty good. This had enough hints to create a good mystery, though perhaps a bit too many as it quickly became obvious who it was. Perhaps the reason it was still a shock to me is that I had dismissed the obvious answer at first because the Flame Emperor seemed too tall to be Edelgard. But I think it was actually because, since I was playing the Black Eagles route, I got invested enough in Edelgard's character that it still came as a shock even though it wasn't a surprise. That is a good mystery. And, it does have a lot of plot ramifications, so it works as a plot twist, and not just shock bait. 

    However, some of those ramifications seem to stretch beyond what the developers intended. Edelgard is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them. So, why would she order a bandit attack on a group of students that includes herself? I can understand wanting to kill or capture Dimitri and Claude to make unifying Fodlan easier, and if capture was the case, I can understand Edelgard including herself in the group to shift suspicion elsewhere. But the bandits clearly weren't out to capture; they were out to kill, and had it not been for Byleth, she would have died because of her own stupid plan. 

    Furthermore, the reveal felt just a bit... lacking overall, and I think I figured out the reason why: the Flame Emperor doesn't do much of anything in part 1. What the Flame Emperor actually does in part 1, amounts to the following:

    • Stage a bandit attack to kill the house leaders, though I already went over how Edelgard being the Flame Emperor makes that stupid. 
    • Use the Western Church as patsies to steal Seiros' body, though Seiros' body wasn't there; the Sword of the Creator was. But Edelgard didn't know that.
    • Loan the Death Knight to Those Who Slither in the Dark, though that doesn't really count as nothing those guys do in part 1 is part of Edelgard's plan. 
    • Launch a raid of the Holy Tomb to steal crest stones. This happens after Edelgard reveals that she's the Flame Emperor, so I don't count it either. 

    For a character that was set up from near the beginning to be the main antagonist of part 1; the antagonist whose big reveal would have massive story ramifications that would shift the player's perspective and all that stuff, there just isn't much there, and what is there raises more questions (and not good questions) than answers. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Speaking of the Flame Emperor reveal, the big decision moment that decides whether you side with Edelgard or the Church has to be one of the most disjointed plot events I have ever seen!

    So, you've just defeated Edelgard, and Rhea is demanding that she be killed for basically committing acts of rebellion against the church. Okay; I'm invested in this moment; thinking as Byleth, my student I went to that tower with after the ball and whose coronation I attended has just turned on me and turned out to be the Flame Emperor, who I know was working with the people who killed my dad. But she's my student, and nothing about her motivations has so far been stated or made clear. Right now, what I want is answers; I'm screaming for answers; "Why, Edelgard; why?!" I'm desperately wanting to tell Rhea, "She's my student! I will hear her out first." 

    But, I'm not allowed to ask for answers; the game is forcing me to decide now, without any information. How am I supposed to decide? I have nothing to go on! All I have is that it turns out that Edelgard has been attacking the church and helping Those Who Slither in the Dark for currently unknown reasons. It is then that I notice that the other students, who were all shocked by Edelgard's seeming betrayal, have not only gone silent, but disappeared entirely. They're not screaming, "Why, Edelgard; why?!" They're not offering their input on the situation. They're not even just standing there looking horrified; they're just not there. They're always there in every other important scene where they're present, but not this one. I just can't tell what's going on! How am I supposed to choose! I experienced three big problems with this:

    • Had I not known already that I need to choose "side with Edelgard" to play the Crimson Flower route, I might have picked the other option; thinking it was the intended route; not the secret route, and I can't imagine that I'm the only one. I can only imagine how many players may have accidently chosen the Church route and thought they were playing Edelgard's route.
    • The fact that I had to think of which route I wanted to go down in order to decide killed my immersion. I couldn't think the way I would in Byleth's position; only as what I wanted to do as the player. This may not sound so bad, but immersion is important for any amount of emotional investment in a story.
    • I was so busy going, "What's going on?!" and not getting any answers that literally every subsequent scene leading into the next chapter were deprived of their emotional resonance for me. All the students choosing to side with Edelgard could've been fantastic, but I spent the whole thing going, "Why are you all giving exposition of where you were when the choice happened? At least now I know." The scene where you stand beside Edelgard as she asks the students if they'll stand with her could've been very moving, and I wanted to be moved, but I was too busy thinking, "Can you please tell me what we're actually doing and why?" When Edelgard personally thanks me for siding with her, that should've been the heartwarming moment that potentially dispelled any lingering doubts about siding with her. Instead, I'm thinking, "Okay... I only sided with you to play this route of the game; I had no idea what was going on."

    I just don't understand how this moment was so botched. All I needed was the opportunity to ask Edelgard "why?" or even for Edelgard to give her reasons unprompted, or at least in response to Rhea's angry remarks, and for the students to at least be there. Every other plot-relevant scene has had these so far; why is this, the most important moment in part 1, the exception? 

    Side-note: after Rhea explicitly states, "Her rebellious heart cannot be allowed to keep beating", I really wanted to have Byleth say something like, "You mean like how my heart doesn't beat at all because of what you did to me?" That maybe could've been another reason to side with Edelgard if the game had let me say anything like that. 


    What do you guys think?

    Well now I can give my opinions


    I think a cute detail about Jeralt's death other that the whole reaction from everyone, is the fact you can actually found his tomb, just alongside her lover's one, Byleth's mother.



    The whole thing with the Kostas' attack is quite weird, but the Flame Emperor was actually more focused in the fact Byleth now enter in the picture, and was recruited so easily into the Academy; some people actually comment they expected Jeritza to be the one to take the position of the missing profesor, while I can't say for sure if killing Claude or Dimitri was part of the objective, based on these details the actual main target of Kostas and his men was the missing profesor.


    I agree I would like to see more text about people's opinion about the whole Flame Emperor thing, but eh... isn't like it's the only thing that goes underexplained in the game, so don't take it too badly, of your would have a quite bad reaction seeing certain points of Azure Moon.


    I don't have a particular opinion on how the route split works... it's weird we actually fight Edelgard before joining her, but I definitely think visiting Enbarr is a key element on making Byleth consider his opinion.

    And the overall choice works nice enough.

    So yeah, these are my opinions.

  15. 6 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    The Black Eagles path to me is probably the weakest of the options purely because of the things you listed about the Flame Emperor and Edelgard. I have a lot of the same problems you do and I think it all kind of boils down to it feeling... rushed. I played Crimson Flower last purely because I couldn't force myself to side with Edelgard without any answers or explanation as to why she did everything and only really played CF to finish up the routes. Also, without going into spoilers, I do feel that Azure Moon handled the Flame Emperor reveal far better than the other routes.

    Hey. This isn't the moment to make Azure Moon ads

    Sorry if I can't properly answer right now. But I wanted to remember this thread for later. I'll try my best to help.

  16. Probably the problem is the fact Dimitri's belief (uphold the Crests and the nobility as needed) clash with his ideals and desires (stop opression).

    Also, about the War; the War is overall in the fault of the Agarthans and the Adrestian Nobility. But the blame would be put in whoever decided to make the first public step.

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