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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. This is a interesting banner; I like the idea of more minimalistic banners I work me wonders in other gatchas to get the character I desired despite the relatively low chances; but I guess it would be better if more of them were active at the same time.
  2. Oh that is interesting; there still left like half a year to prove if that is actually a fact.
  3. The female side will be a completely mess, and the only think we can say for sure, it's this winner will be a previous Top 10 Character. (Eirika, Azura, Camilla, Nino, Micaiah, Corrin, Tharja) The male side will be pretty much a fight between Alm and Marth; with the latter being the runner-up... Reinhardt (which would be funny), Eliwood and Chrom would try to fight for the second place.
  4. At least the Micaiah's plot armor is easier to explain; Ephraim just survives because WOLOLO sheningans. I had always have a... weird perspective of Hector... I think he's cool and everything... but I'm not into his hype for some reason... I guess is because I associate the like for that character with certain kind of fans.
  5. Well; he actually get something out of it; he's -Atk 6 Debuff in-combat doesn't really have a condition unlike Lily Azura's and Camilla's Weapons that have a Bond Requeriment. In exchange Julius becomes ultra counterable against Falchion and Divine Mist (and probably in the future even Naga Tome). Maybe you would say that the weapon's effects aren''t strong enough to have that kind of disadvantage.
  6. I'm going to use all of my votes for Micaiah; I hope she can get a better position this time.
  7. The intro is cute; but Azura has a very biased view of Corrin :P
  8. I love them (actually just her) beyond everything else 1.- Micaiah (She is also my favorite character in FE in general <3 ) I like them 2.- Roy 3.- Eirika 4.- Lucina I think they're nice 5.- Robin 6.- Celica 7.- Eliwood/Marth 8.- Seliph/Sigurd 9.- Alm 10.- Leif 11.- Hector I have a complicated relationship with them. 12.-Ephraim 13.- Lyn 14.- Ike 14.- Chrom 15.- Corrin Eh... I'm not sure. 16.- Kris
  9. Seeing it this banners makes me think in the funny implications it would have in CYL3
  10. I want to +10 Aversa and Azura Lily Maybe Julius and F!Robin too
  11. The theme itself is mostly weird and uncanny. But the uninspired comments are pretty much about having Fates so close to the previous Fates Banner (in fact; it was pretty much the previos Normal Banner)... specially because it has another Camilla (she is the first character to get 5 Version without having Legendary/Brave Alts in her side). I'm happy Azura is free though; she is one of the characters I actually kind of like from Fates.
  12. This guy is already playing the waiting game with his universal brain I don't think we'll get actual powercreep; but some really fun weapons it would be great anyway xD
  13. Actually... the last Jugdrall Banner (and update if we add Jamke) was pretty male focus (with the only female actually being quite underwhelming); I guess the reason for that was most likely the legendary weapons; but still, isn't impossible.
  14. I want a Micaiah battle, it can work with either a F!Robin or the Silver-Haired Zelda... I wonder if summoneable spirits also appear in the spirit battles.
  15. What was your first Smash Bros game? 64 Which Smash games have you played so far? Smash 3DS What's your favorite Smash game? Smash Wii U Who's your favorite character in the parts you have played? Roy Who's your least favorite character in each part you have played? Probably Olimar What's your favorite stage in each part you have played? I'm not sure actually. What's your least favorite stage in each part you have played? 75m What's your favorite music theme in each part you have played? Fire Emblem What's your favorite mode in Smash overall? Classic Mode What's your favorite item? Final Smash What's your favorite taunt? Captain Falcon's SHOW YOUR MOVES Do you rather play alone or with friends? I would like to do it with friends more What's your favorite free for one mode (time, stocks or coins)? Stocks What's the perfect Smash battle for you? (stage, characters, items (?) ) Battlefields, no items/Final Smash Only. Do you usually play with items? Half the time What has been the hardest challenge (events, all star mode...) for you? For me? Boss Battles in Brawl. Are you excited for Smash Ultimate? Of course I'm :D If so, in what are you the most exicted for? New characters, new customes, the overall mode feeling better. In which new character are you the most excited for? Oh the current annoucced... Simon/Richter In which returning character (character who wasn't constantly in the cast since Melee) are you the most excited for? Pichu In which classic character are you the most exicted for? Roy for general bias; Ganondorf/Zelda because I like the changes. What's your opinion about the Echo character? They're a good way to add similar characters that are almost as popular as the original version. Any character you want to see in Smash, but hasn't made it into the cast yet? MICAIAH In which videogame series did Super Smash Bros introduce you? Fire Emblem, Pikmin, Kid Icarus, Earthbound, F-Zero. Have you ever built a stage? Yep; mostly experimental stuff. Could you imagine that Smash Ultimate that could become the final part of this series? It's possible that it will be last Smash in a long time; maybe not exactly the very last one. Have you ever played competitive? Like in actual competitions? Not yes With whom can you go under Final Destination? I don't remember How much do you care for tierlists? Enough to consider my options How would you describe your experience with the Smash Bros series in three words? Delighful crossover experience
  16. It's nice to see people share their ideas about Micaiah! There is mine (the Special Moves and Final Smash are bolded):
  17. Sophia is one of my favorites characters... and she isn't exactly good. So yeah; her.
  18. That would be interesting. We still need a Green "Rapier" in FEH :p
  19. Oh sorry; I should have specificed that I was talking about the Camilla losing Top 2 for petty reasons xD.
  20. Technically yes; but in that month it was also the release of a FE4 Banner; so far the Jugdrall Months had been filled with random Legendaries; which is a funny but a bit annoying trend xD
  21. Oh; I haven't post in a long time How are you doing nowadays Dunal? I'm seeing you're talking about Micaiah and Part 2 :D If there is a new patch I need to play it; I hope my computer can handle it xD
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