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Everything posted by X-Naut

  1. There's already a thread on r/fireemblem discussing Cliff's ending. The head theory there is he went to Archanea and got with Linde (because Aura male + Aura female and Linde's FE12 endings says she moved on) but personally I like to think he went to a different continent and took in an orphan as his son. If he went to Archanea I doubt his history would be so vague, and then there's the question of where the child's mother went. The world may never know.
  2. Iuthier's hair looks like a comet trail. Multicolored but in a great way. Clair finally has a good design (that doesn't look too distant from Clive) and hot damn Clive you are one lucky man. Really enjoying the optimistic yet grounded direction they seem to be taking Palla in with this and Heroes. I could slice bread with Deen's edge. Heck, all the characters look great. The only ones I don't like are Slayder and Desaix for how off they look.
  3. I'm not interested in the bunny units but I did two pulls focusing on reds because I wanted a Triangle Adept sacrifice for my Cecilia. No reds first time, but the second gave me 4* Lilina and 3* Selena so I'm satisfied.
  4. not good I have a 4* Palla and Olivia but I'll have to change my arena comp to accommodate for the huge blue weakness. I'm currently throwing together a 5* Cecilia with TA1 to nuke blues and archers (thank you Adamant nature) and the last slot will go to a blue. Probably sticking with 4* Sharena but that fresh 5* Catria looks tempting. 5* Rebecca and 4* Raven will hit the bench; sorry Raven, I wanted to promote you but I badly need a reliable bow killer.
  5. Echoing what people said about FE6/8, although I'd love to see one that expands beyond E-ranks past a certain point. There are a few things that shouldn't be in the base shop but I'd like not having to store basics in the convoy to have a good supply, please and thank you.
  6. Dark Dragon is the OG. Mystery of the Emblem has two books: Book 1 is Dark Dragon remade and Book 2 is its original sequel. Book 1 cuts out a few less important chapters and slightly shuffles character recruitments, in addition to outright cutting a few less relevant characters. (i.e. Wrys is now a Vulnerary)
  7. That Valter art is creepy af, no neck should bend that way Those last two XD
  8. Knives One pipe dream I have is making certain magic types 2-range or possibly even 1-2 only on player phase, but nobody can say for certain. It's possible that IntSys looks at Heroes' implementation of magic and experiments with that.
  9. I agree that crits need to be nerfed in some capacity but I'm more interested in having an item that can be equipped to a character and halves the damage from a critical hit one time.
  10. Battling banners seem to avoid automatic 5*s in favor of more common characters.
  11. Hence why even with Swordslayers the Fighters in BBD can only take him down half the time.
  12. I'm promoting my 3*s as soon as possible (they need the boosts badly) but waiting on the 4*s because A) they're expensive so I have no choice and B) they're serviceable in many cases. Plus with inheritance being a thing, the extra SP is never a bad thing.
  13. There's a routine that prevents units that are loaded at the start of the map (i.e. on the prep screen) from getting bonuses. All of the characters that don't are loaded as enemies after you start the map, even if that happens to be in the opening cutscene. There's a way to turn this off and make everyone get the bonuses.
  14. Yeah Breakers can be applied to anything that wouldn't give them an edge over their triangle counters. You can even cross ranges and have Swordbreaker on bow users or Tomebreaker on melee units.
  15. As others above said Braves only attack twice when you initiate combat, and initiating and attacking first are two different things. If anything, Brave users want a Breaker skill so that can guarantee a quadruple attack on their primary target.
  16. Nice to see people playing around with the Paper Emblem artwork! Lots of cute artwork could come out of those sprites.
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