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Everything posted by FionordeQuester

  1. Well, while we're at it, I onvr simulated my very own, 12 round death match for Sigurd vs. Alvis; assuming that both were at LVL 30, and fighting on equal terrain and HP. Alvis was in his Sage class, but didn't have the Recover Ring he had in the Prologue (obviously). And...I think the results are quite interesting! Check it out!
  2. Alright, so next update's going to be a mini-update on TWO different topics. First of all, I actually went to the effort of cracking the 2nd Gen Jealousy mechanics for ALL the non-Substitute characters! I know who Lakche has priority over when competing for Johalva, I know who Lana has priority over when competing for Celice, I know who Fee has priority over when competing for Arthur...I know EVERYTHING there is to know on all non-Sub characters! So before we go further on, I'm going to lay out the entire table and explain exactly who I'll pair with who! Now secondly, I did not cover either Arthur, Amid, Fee, Femina or Julia in the last update, so that's also going to be taken care of. Looking back, I...might have been able to fit them all in without bloating the update too much? I didn't think I'd be able to while I was writing it, but, looking back on it now...I might have just been in too much of a rush to update the thread. I felt like it had already been too long; so I might end up putting those in the actual update shortly. Regardless, they'll also be included in the next mini-update, so you'll still get them either way. Have a nice night all!
  3. Nah, I left all those out because the update was already really big, Celice was doing basically everything anyway, and there were just so many new people to do. So instead, I figured it would be better to just lump them all into a separate post. ...Crud! You're right! Ah well; I'll be sure to edit that back in eventually
  4. At long last! We have the next update! Chapter 6 (Part 2): https://lpix.org/sslptest/index.php?id=148457
  5. Man; I'm sorry I accidentally left out so many crucial details . There are few things that feel worse than following instructions from someone you KNOW is competent, but isn't explaining things clearly enough. Makes it hard to tell whether it's your fault, or whether it's the other guy's fault; and that's a terrible situation to be in. I know that from experience. In any case, I'll be playing through this again. And this time, I'll be VERY careful to look for whatever "rescue, drop & trade" shenanigans need mentioning. Not only that, but I'll be using the same LUA script that you see in the Chapter 10 updates for all of the screenshots; this way, you WILL be able to track exactly how much EXP, FUNDS, COMBAT, TACTICS, and SURVIVAL you should have for each chapter. EDIT: Oh yes, and I also added in two reminders to use the Angelic Robe on Florina at the beginning and end of Chapter 6. Hopefully that will help anyone who uses this guide in the future.
  6. Still not dead folks! The spring semester just ended, so the next update should be the next time I post! If you see this thread get bumped by me, I guarantee it will be an update!
  7. Thank you so much everyone. If I'm reading your stories right, there's nothing unusual about my situation; it seems like a lot of this stuff happens pretty spontaneously, so...seems I'll just keep living life! Have a nice day, and feel free to keep sharing your stories. I love reading them .
  8. I would say the answer to this question depends: "Are you trying to get AAAA Rank?" IF YES: ABSOLUTELY! He single-handedly makes the mode so much easier because of Give + Bargain! Plus he really helps out Leen! 10/10 IF NO: Then don't bother. You don't really need much money. 2/10
  9. When someone has a psychological disorder, it's actually MORE common for them to have two or more than it is for them to just have one. What we call that, then, is "co-morbid"; for example, those with Asperger's Syndrome will also often have OCD. And of course, some form of depression is also common when you've already got something else causing you distress, so you can see how problems snowball. So what I'm asking is if there's anything else you have that would interfere with driving. Because Asperger's didn't prevent me from getting a driver's license. I failed the driving test twice before finally succeeding, but I did it; and I have a feeling you can too .
  10. Ooof...yeah, that's rough not knowing how to drive. Do you have any sort of co-morbid diagnoses as well? Because I got mine at around 16. And if possible, gaining that kind of freedom and independence will probably go a long way towards helping your self-esteem. Btw, overlooked this. Thanks for telling me this; I appreciate it!
  11. Have you seen a therapist? I hung out with several speech therapists while going through pre-school and elementary school; the elementary school one in particular was so nice, I still remember her fondly one-and-a-half decades later. If what you've got is as bad as you say, I'm sure there's someone out there who could help you out. I mean, I'm not saying it's a guarantee, but, I don't think it's a bad use of money.
  12. Hmm...well, how long do you let the opening scene play out? Do you skip the scene RIGHT as Lyn and Co. appear? Do you wait until the talking heads appear? I'm just wondering if it has something to do with that, as that seems to be what throws things off most often.
  13. I embrace my diagnosis actually; it's part of what makes me who I am, and I don't believe any of my weaknesses are things that can't be improved. As for "going for a drink", my family has a history of alcohol abuse; I don't know if I'd end up the same way as some of my other family members, but I'd rather not find out. Wouldn't it be kind of awkward going to a bar, only to refuse every drink offered to you?
  14. Thanks man; I appreciate it. And don't worry; I don't believe I have to do things differently, nor am I ashamed of my diagnosis. In fact, I embrace my Asperger's; I think it's got just as many strengths as it does weaknesses. And I know that I can pick up anything I'm lacking with enough effort. I just don't want to pass up any opportunities in the meantime!
  15. I've been thinking on this topic for a while now; I'm going to be turning 24 in less than a month, yet I've never really had a girlfriend or anything like that. There was only one girl I ever felt really attracted to, both physically and intellectually when I was 18; but she told me she didn't return the feeling . Aside from that, I never really felt a true sense of attraction; I experienced physical attraction, sure, but what's the point when your personalities don't match? Gotta be able to build a life together and all that. I feel like my attitude is correct at least...but I'm also starting to see the statistical disadvantages that come with that. I don't go for just anyone, so naturally I'm not going to MEET as many people either. Compounding that issue, I am an introvert who prefers to spend time at home rather than going to new places. Moreover, I have also been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome; so I'm incredibly worried that even if I do meet someone I'm truly attracted to, that I'm not going to know how to approach it. I've always found small talk boring as all-get out; the only time I can generally carry a conversation is by asking the other person about themselves (coupled with the appropriate amounts of "I see", "huh", "dang, that sounds rough", "Oh really? That's cool!"). Finally, I've heard (don't KNOW; just heard) that a lot of beautiful women get unwanted attention and false flattery. I heard that supermodels, movie actresses, and the like worry that their friends aren't truly their friends, and that flattery is only surface-level. So I'm worried that if I try TOO hard to avoid the "social awkwardness" listed in the 2nd paragraph, that I'm going to come off as someone who isn't serious about maintaining a real relationship. So I don't know what to do about that. So I guess what I'm wondering is this; for anyone who was in a similar situation, how did you overcome that hurdle? Getting involved in more clubs and stuff like that? Or did it just happen randomly? I mean, I'm not too sad about this or anything, so you don't need to feel obligated to give advice or sympathy or anything like that; I'm just if anyone has been in such a situation? If not, that's all good, so don't worry. Have a nice day, and God bless you everyone .
  16. How to make "Good But Not Nice"? I'd say that boils down to writing a character with no empathy. None whatsoever; not for the bad guys anyway. Make someone who will treat his "law-abiding citizens" well enough, but demonizes the trouble-makers. Make them the sort of enforcer of Justice that says stuff like "the only way these animals will know rest is a bullet between the eyes" or "best thing to do is to lock 'em up and throw away the key" And there you go. You've got yourself a character that's DOING good things...but not necessarily THINKING good things. A hypocrite, basically.
  17. Well, it's been a while since the last update, so I feel as though I should apologize. I tried to get the Gaiden stream to happen, but scheduling shenanigans made it so that none of use could ever find the time. I'll still try and see if I can get a full commentated speed run out before Shadows of Valencia comes out, but if not, I'll just upload a series of silent videos for anyone who's still interested. I'm sorry that I've disappeared for so long. I've got a habit of doing that, but I'm still not proud of it. So, I'll get the next update to this out soon. Have a nice day, and God bless you all!
  18. ...Huh. You're right. The original name is 戦士; which translates into just "soldier, combatant, warrior"...huh. Sheesh, I don't have any idea where I got "Swordfighter" from! Maybe that was just me trying to figure out a better name to call him, and then getting my wires crossed >_> ...
  19. I don't understand why they chose "Fighter" though; that's not even what the Japanese was! The Japanese was called "SWORDfighter"! The only reason he was called "Fighter" in the translation patches was due to space limitations!
  20. Um, I agree with the first part...not so much the bolded part. IMO, there's a world of difference between predatory animals and actual, real live human beings; especially since diplomacy is actually possible with them. Besides, any land that's SO hard-up for resources that plunder is it's only option...is probably not going to be very GOOD at war to start with. You need technology, mighty warriors, agriculture, raw materials...basically the sort of thing you won't be getting if you can't even feed your own people right. EDIT: Let's be clear here; I'm not saying that all prehistoric human beings should be absolved for whatever crimes they committed, or that "anything goes" is an acceptable way of thinking for tough times. All I'm saying is that what's wrong in one scenario might not be wrong in other scenarios; that's all.
  21. I wonder, does that sort of situation really count as cruelty? I mean, if you're, say, Atilla the Hun, and you're looking for land...that's one thing. But there are alternatives to that other than murdering the people whose land you want. But in the scenario you posed, there's really no other choice. Someone's gonna die ANYWAY; the only question is whether or not the wolf babies die, or whether your own kids die. Not much of a choice there.
  22. What Blah's referring to, if I'm right, is the concept that "cruelty" is sometimes needed. What I'm saying is, if things are so desperate that cruelty is supposedly needed; then it's not really cruelty at all. That's just life sucking. In fact, I feel like Proverbs 30:7-9 sums that up pretty nicely... ------------------------------- 7: O God, I beg two favors from you; let me have them before I die.8: First, help me never to tell a lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs.9: For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God’s holy name. ------------------------------- To me, at least, that means that there's a good amount of leeway for those who are just stuck in a really terrible situation; or are still scarred from the horrors they experienced in said situation. Can one really call their actions "cruel" in that circumstance? I hope not; that means I could end up in big trouble if I start going through any hard times ...
  23. To me, "cruel" isn't doing what you have to do in order to survive. I mean, when people are at war with each other...there's gonna be a lot of really nice folks getting killed by other really nice folks in ways they absolutely do not deserve. Does that mean that soldiers are being cruel, in that context? I certainly hope not; they're just stuck in a really terrible situation, and want to come home to their families. "Cruelty", to me, is just pointless meanspiritedness. A "cruel" person is the sort of person who chop a man up BEFORE they actually killed them; the sort of person who would fill the skulls of their enemies up with water and chuck stones into it (this actually happened, btw). Bad things being done for absolutely no good reason, except for making the aggressor feel better about himself. And even then, said aggressor is likely to be struggling with all sorts of emotional baggage if they're doing what they're doing.
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