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Everything posted by Aedan7479

  1. I feel like that could be relevant; maybe she gave many of her lives to save mortals, maybe she gave them all to Eir (after all, she said it's 'her fault' that Hel kidnapped her). We'll likely get Ymir's backstory next, we'll see next month.
  2. So... having half the banner be special units is a good way to drag out Echoes banners, but honestly, why Celica? Why not say, Silque, or Faye? Even if it has to be a female character, there are ones that would be suitable for an Ascendant. I do really like Ymir's dragon design though; for some reason, when I saw her name in the video title, I first thought of Ymir from Shadow Dragon.
  3. You know, I haven't really seen people talk about:
  4. I think one thing worth pointing out is how much the game relies on knowledge from Three Hopes, for example, Sylvain being all "ugh, I can't believe I though womanising was a good idea" doesn't come across as well without seeing his womanising ways. So regardless of who's better or worse, their portrayals in Three Houses is required for a full understanding/appreciation of their portrayal in Three Hopes. Anyways: Better: Byleth and Jeralt: as has been explained by others Edelgard: people have already mentioned how she severed ties with TWSITD, but it also helps that she isn't worshipping Byleth or spreading propaganda. Also, I like that it's made clear she's only aiming to destroy the central church; clarity is important. Claude: he's just been given a whole lot more depth; he strategizes, we get a lot more on Almyra, and his route is a whole lot better. Hubert: I feel he distinguishes himself more from Edelgard this time; his open distrust of Shez, his friendship with Ferdinand, and his acts outside of Edelgards authority have some more impact. Ferdinand Von Aegir: Three Houses touches upon his guilt regarding his father, but here it's his whole arc, and I really enjoyed it. Felix: what I said regarding Three Houses especially applies to the Blue Lions for me. Felix has responsibility and takes it seriously, nuff said. Sylvain: basically already explained what makes him better, but I also like the responsibility he shows in some support conversations, like with Shez and Yuri. Ingrid: I think her improvement feels like the smallest, but I still thought she grew more here. Rodrigue: this is mostly because he has support conversation, so we learn more about him. Hilda: her responsible side is more apparent here (I'm saying that a lot), and so is her strength. Also seeing her with her Brother shows us what we were only told in Three Houses. Lorenz: I think his stance on the role of Nobility is portrayed more politely here, and... more responsibility... you know what, that's a common point all around. Ignatz: his supports seemed to have a bit more world building, especially the implication of his and Sylvain's supports. Balthus: basically because Holst is there Constance: because there's more of her Hapi: because nicknames Solon: because it's cathartic seeing him be used for the Zarhas spell. Ones that are better simply because there's more of them: Kronya and Duke Aegir Others I won't bother explaining: Lysithia and Leonie Worse: Most of them is simply because there's not enough of them: Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, most of the Knights, really, Manuela, Jeritza, etc Though I have an interesting opinion with Thales: comparing him to Three Houses post-timeskip, definitely had a stronger role, but compared to White Clouds Thales, he doesn't seem as intimidating. A problem both games share is that we don't get cutscenes with the Villains post-timeskip, with one or two exceptions. There should've been one of two scenes with the Knights of Serios and TWSITD discussing current affairs, and maybe she'd some light on a couple things.
  5. Did anyone find it somewhat disappointing that all the new characters were revealed in the Demo? I was hoping we'd see some more, maybe say, Margrave Edmund, Counts Galtea and Vestra. I also think Baron Domonic and Count Rowe needed proper designs, they're a just little too important to just have generic designs, especially when Count Rowe is always shown next to Gwendal, who's importance comes from the count. And we were definitely teased with Cleobulus, seriously you can't just reveal that Cornelia is actually a guy without showing us! Or do they need DLC bait?
  6. Well, for Three Hopes characters, there are: Shez, Arval, Holst, Shahid, Counts Gautier, Gloucester, Bergliez, Herving, and Varley. Except for Shez and Arval All of those sound more like GHB's rather than banner heroes, plus the fact that the only female option is Shez, doesn't give them much hope. I won't be surprised if we get all the lords on a banner though, (maybe then we'd get Holst GHB? He’s the only new and playable character outside of Shez).
  7. Actually, come to think of it, not sure how much stock we should put in hacked roster, not because I doubt the source, but in Age of Calamity, there were voice files that suggested Astor was going to be playable, but he was never added in DLC. That being said, every DLC character was leaked with the hacked roster of Hyrule Warriors Legends. Though obviously, DLC is still going to happen.
  8. Are the two (bonus character spoilers) So, up to 8 dlc/post launch characters, 3 that weren't playable in Three Houses. Groups of three that occur to me are Counts Bergliez, Herving, and Varley, Thales, Kronya, and Cornelia/Cleobulus (since their weapons are obtainable, Solon's isn't, but Nemesis' is), Judith, Nader and Shahid, and Randolph, Fleache, and Ladislava; if any of those trios I'd bet on TWSITD, rather than a trio that focuses on one route. Of course they could also be new characters.
  9. The most we get is in Shez/Ashe's support conversations: Honestly, no matter how or if the whole story is revealed, the fact it isn't already in the game is not ideal. Still, DLC is inevitable, so hopefully we do get answers.
  10. Well, there's also: But that's really it. It an interesting idea, but it's probably best that you don't need to do six playthroughs of a 30 hour game to experience everything (even if it get shorter each time).
  11. I decided to test this in Azure Gleam: Funny thing is, in Scarlet Blaze,
  12. Welp, here we go again. Good start, but could've been one cutscene (I read the ending on the wiki).
  13. So, here's something interesting in Scarlet Blaze:
  14. Has anyone else noticed that Sothis and Arval use time and space respectively (or am I incredibly late with that realization)? Really makes you wonder,
  15. Just finished Scarlet Blaze, so I figured I might as well write my throught on each path (counting Shez's arc as a separate arc), Golden Wildfire: Azure Gleam: Scarlet Blaze Shez's story:
  16. Here's an odd question (coming from someone who hasn't posted in months): is it a bad thing that the game assumes the player has played 3 houses? Considering it's a spin-off, I don't think so, but I think it's used as an excuse not to explore certain elements, for example: I might give my thoughts on the whole story once I've finished my third run, which I've almost finished.
  17. who do you reckon character number 6 will be? each book since book 3 has introduced 6 character; so far we have three, plus the inevitable Askr and Embla makes 5, so we'll likely get one more character, probably on our side, since again, it's always been 3 good, 3 bad. I'd like it to be a commoner for a change, say an Emblian commoner who is sick of everything going on, since, unless you count the fairies, you can count the number of OC commoners in the game on one hand, it's one reason why Helbindi still stands out.
  18. Has anyone else noticed this in the Book 6 poster: I'm guessing this is Askr himself, given the likeness to Gustav and what I'm assuming are cow horns, which doesn't blend well with the wind deity theory. So will Embla also be a Bat? Will she sook like Letizia, or Veronica? on another note, who is Embla's current Emperor? I was under the impression that after Veronica's father died, his second wife, who I thought was Bruno's mother, took the throne, and died after being imprisoned for sharing imperial secrets, (I've double checked book 1's script) leaving the throne empty until Veronica is old enough to take it. So is the current emperor a brother? like a Claudius/Scar situation without the murder (unless that's a plot twist)? they did say that Embla's royal family is a complex web of relations. Actually, are those imperial secrets how Henriette knew about Embla's power's, something else that'll be revealed later, or something that IS completely forgot about? (I know where all the bets are)
  19. I noticed that in this chapter is that every character (as in, every book 5 character + the Askr trio) had some meaningful screentime. Combined with Peony's appearence and hints at something big with Henriette, I think this is one of the best chapters. I also noticed Fafnir seems to thing Eritri is still on our side, which raises some questions. Also I honestly wonder who will be the final boss of this book, at this point I feel any of the three villians could be it with the right writing. Finally we're coming to the mid-point of the book, in book 3 that meant a big plot twist, while in book 4 that meant a change in tone and setting, (definitely not a change in setting here, we've been jumping all over the place already).
  20. Okay, a theory just occured to me, we all agree that Fafnir is one of Eitri's failed summoning attempts, hense why he's mad and has amnesia, but what would happen if he returned to his world? Would he become whole again? And if Otr destroys that gate so Fafnir doesn't leave him, maybe he destroys Fafnir's chance to become sane again.
  21. Well, the plot got more interesting.I wonder if Otr's motive is to destroy the gates to prevent Fafnir from finding his original world, assuming he is from another world. Destroying the gates sounds like a cool idea, but the last time they were important was in book 3. Speaking of book 3, and perhaps this is off topic, I could imagine the gate to Hel being destroyed to stop future invasions, especially if Surtr took over, but of course that won't happen, it would be to interesting for Heroes (I'm starting to think the books should have been ordered differently).
  22. People have said that the white clouds in the game is more about the Blue Lions and that at least chapters 3 and 5 should been different. But i wonder, how? Chapter 3 is easy enough, but chapter 5 is about introducing the hero's relics, for GD this could work but in BE, no one is connected to the ten elites, the only crests (excluding Edelgard's implanted crest) that the BE have are from saints. So I wonder how others think WC could have been changed for each route. one slight change I'd make - though this technically isn't tied to a single route - have a connection between Lysithea and Solon; Tomas was recommended by house Ordelia, and it would make sense if he was involved in the experiments.
  23. Just yesterday I had an alternate idea for VW that would drastically change it, what if the war ended at gronder field? To elaborate, imagine if you got to chose whether to kill Edelgard or Dimitri, and Claude surrenders the Allience to the victor in exchange for Rhea, leaving the second half of VW to explore the Almyran and Agarthan plots and giving Rhea more screen time. Of course the idea needs refining, Hubert/Dedue may need to die as well, and then there is the Death Knight, and the biggest problem with Almyra that I think no one has brought up is it's lack of development in part 1, which makes it hard to introduce an Almyran villian on the same level as Edelgard, Rhea, or even Thales or Nemesis, who all had some sort of build up in part 1, maybe if chapter 8 was in Gonreil territory instead? It makes sense with it's proximity to both Almyra and Shambala, and Holst could make an appearence, but it removes some of the horror of the situation. I would keep Nemesis as the final boss though, even though he came out of nowhere, he at least made it personal for Hilda and Lorenz, and he's commited genocide, giving some (only some) relavence the racism plot. Villians who show up at the end can be good, for example, Asgore from Undertale, they just need proper build up, characterization and motives, Nemesis had each, just not enough.
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