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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. They confirmed Marth, Tiki is just a trophy (just like Fi, Phosphora, Pseudo Palutena, etc. who were shown as trophies), and Lyn is just an assist trophy. As for Chrom and/or Lucina, that's unknown so far.
  2. About 1:52 in his trailer. Mario reflects a Water Shuriken that Greninja uses to activate Substitute. It seems to be his counter, working more like the ninja 'body replacement' technique than a normal Substitute.
  3. I don't mind at all because that makes perfect sense, and I should've mentioned it in my post like I was planning to. Sakurai can be a troll sometimes (ZSS fake-out), and we don't know for absolute sureness until release. Heck, for the Ridley example, there could be a new boss (uh, like Meta Ridley or whatever) if Ridley is in play like with Toon Link in the Spirit Tracks stage. It's still extremely unlikely, but there's no full guarantee. As for Knight, my personal opinion is -5 points. He changed 6th gen mon to 6th gen trainer. He mentioned that if the trainer wouldn't count, then he would have Greninja. He didn't give mention to any of the trainer's mons, but there was no rule that said he had to, and others didn't say anything specific on mons the trainer would have, so he keeps the 6th gen trainer guess. This is, from what I feel, the most neutral option.
  4. I want to bring to mention the fact that Ridley is confirmed to not be a character for he's a stage hazard/boss for the Metroid stage (from what I understand from various info sources). Also that any Pokemon Trainer will have a 99.99% to not appear because of the whole 'no mid-match transformations' rule that split up Zelda/Sheik, Samus/ZSS, and the Pokemon Trainer mons (even though it seems that only Charizard will return). Just somethings I wanted/needed to bring up.
  5. Well, I might as well give my thoughts. And in no particular order unless stated... As for character cuts, I'm thinking Ike, Ivysaur, Squirtle, and Snake are cut for sure, and Wolf, Lucas, ROB, and Ice Climbers are possible cuts. These are just my personal opinions though. A nagging thing about Jigglypuff and G&W being slightly possible cuts is in the back of my head, but I doubt that'll happen. I just want to know of all the returners before release, and about other secrets. Like what if Mewtwo is a super secret character and we have no clue until like a week or whatever after the game comes out. And who all are actually default characters and who needs to be unlocked and how.
  6. I think that moon just may be a part of Greninja's Final Smash. It's at least the simplest explanation I've got.
  7. I usually just do funnel-routing to get someone like Kieran or Marcia high up. In special playthroughs I usually go pacifist though to rack up BEXP for other units not in that party.
  8. So, uh, what's going on? From what I've gathered from about a couple minutes of light reading: eCut did some stuff, and then some other stuff happened, and then some more stuff, and now some purgatory for eCut worshipers is going on, right? That's the lowdown? I've been gone all day, and only just now got to the forums.
  9. Well, the Pokemon Fan Club is in Laverre City, and there's a happiness checker there, along with the EV checker.
  10. Oops, sorry. I didn't notice. I guess my brain blanked out for a second there then.
  11. That doesn't look that bad. Although, judging on a couple of Fletchling rejects I have received, Tailwind and Quick Guard are potential options over Steel Wing. I can see Tailwind because it gets the Gale Wings boost and it can be used to make Flare Blitz/other teammates faster, and I guess Quick Guard can be used for things like other priority users and things like Fake Out. And yeah, you can get Flame Body Ponyta, though it has to come from a Friend Safari.
  12. Yeah Charizard can be taught roost. Just got the TM and a random Charizard I had and checked. It's what I plan on having on my actual Mega Zard X.
  13. He's in Kiloude City, in the Pokemon Center. The ace trainer in the upper left by a window.
  14. Hey guys, when you are breeding mons, how often do you go see the IV judge? I personally check my hatchlings every time a box fills up.
  15. I'm actually really scared to shave. I feel as if one wrong move, and boom, my face is all bloody and I start having a nervous breakdown. But yeah, waxing sounds like a pretty weird thing to do to your face. What if something happens and you get wax into your eye or in your mouth, or something?
  16. I was pretty sure it was Michael without having to check. The little voice in the back of my brain was saying Raphael to make me doubt myself, so I was 95% sure before having it confirmed. Pretty big step up from a guy who not even a year ago was scared to play the games in fear of nightmares (In which I have had one, I think). Anyway, mine's Thomas, which is my dad's first name. And I'm the first Thomas here, which is weird because it seems like it would be a common one.
  17. The RNG for the catching formula. Like how it checks 4 times for a normal capture (think the number of shakes the Pokeball does), a critical capture only checks twice to see if the capture is successful. Scroll to the bottom of this: http://www.serebii.net/games/capture.shtml for more info about critical captures. And for a relatively simplified explanation of how (from what I can tell) catching works: The game does some really complicated formulas to determine the catch probability (as I'll call it), which is a number from out of a range of numbers. When you throw the Pokeball, the RNG rolls a number, and if it is equal to or greater than the catch probability number, then the catch fails with 0 shakes. If the rolled number is less than the catch probability number, then it does a shake, and the RNG rolls another number, and the process starts again until the capture fails or happens. This ends up with being 4 maximum chances of failure (0-3 shakes). A critical capture takes away two chances for failure (the second and third shakes), and so it greatly increases the chances of success, but the chance of failure is still possible. Sorry if that was long. I can get wordy when explaining.
  18. I think it's supposed to be Tropius. I can see the banana beard.
  19. D'oh, if I knew where my 3DS case was I would be so tempted to do this with AC:NL, but I don't know if it would work since I got my 3DS at launch.
  20. Well, since I missed the gym leader positioning (curse TPP), I wish to be a post-game trainer. Trainer Name: Konnor Trainer Class (only 8 Gym Leaders/4 Elite Four members/2 Rivals/1 N-type): Scientist Reference Picture (if not a generic trainer): N/A Team/Teams (include levels, too, and try to keep it reasonable) [if Rival/N-type, put each team in spoilers + if Gym Leader/E4, make sure to stick with a specific type limitation]: Leitmotif (again, if a 'unique' trainer class): N/A
  21. Wow, shiny Zygarde actually looks really cool. Yveltal's doesn't look that bad, but I prefer the original over Bacon Bird.
  22. Tea's not that good (I've only had sweet tea before, so I don't know about more authentic tea), and coffee sucks. Sure my first taste of coffee was super bitter, but my next taste test was more 'standard,' whatever that means, and wasn't that much better. Maybe I'll have to try super sweet coffee.
  23. I gotta say, it doesn't look that bad. Once the backgrounds and move animations change (hopefully/maybe), it'll look better. They do seem a little big though.
  24. To be honest, I don't think doing stuff with a Carbink is going to be how you get Diancie. It's probably going to end up as you get the WiFi event item, take it to somewhere (probably Reflection Cave), and Diancie will appear. At most you possibly might need a Carbink in your team to 'call/summon it.'
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