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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. ... And now for some reason I think that people having Olivia's 'lower back/upper leg' area as their profile pic is going to be a thing. I honestly hope it doesn't happen.
  2. Hallo Shinon, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  3. Hallo Roland, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  4. It only happens once in a orange moon.
  5. Hallo Cheat, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  6. ? Is this close enough?
  7. Sure, maybe after a long while and once whomever I'm with and I are completely ready. I get along great with kids, though their unpredictability would be annoying at times, given my nature. The baby stage would be bad though, due to me becoming sick (like, woozy and puke kinds of sick) easily. Also, I may not have a girlfriend now though, but the girl that I confessed how I felt to said that maybe sometime later (that was 4 months ago when she said it, which might mean something) that something could work out between us, so that's reassuring. Now, I may not know a lot on what people mean when they say things/how they feel, but it seems to me that when you tell someone how you feel about them, and they say that sometime later things might work out between you two, then that seems like a good sign.
  8. I'm glad I got my Riolu as the first encounter of the area, though I didn't have the same luck with Eevee. I would've grabbed the one that is given to you, but I couldn't find it. But yeah, I got Black 2 because I had White before, so I did the switch. I'm currently in Elesa's first gym, even though I got the game early-ish yesterday. Team: Severus (Servine) Lvl: 24 Aaron (Lucario) Lvl: 24 Lassie [will change to Winn Dixie once I feel like it] (Growlithe) Lvl: 24 Freezy (Eevee) Lvl: 24 I plan on getting that one Zorua later, and a Joltik.
  9. Hallo Mega, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  10. I was hooked to this idea at 'Charles the Wise'.
  11. Uh, Valkyrie (or whatever her horse-riding class is) Natasha.
  12. Hallo Rufie, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  13. Hallo Spoon, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  14. I had a change in thought, that's all. I haven't had the clearest thinking today. If you really want it back, I still have the whole first post saved on a thing, so it can possibly still happen.
  15. On second thought, this is a bad idea, so Mods, please delete this topic or something to that effect.
  16. Oh, I didn't see that you updated the OP with the team that you plan on using. I thought you were taking suggestions, sorry. Uh, those characters seem fairly good. I would recommend Clarine as the healer because of her delicious Rutger and Dieck supports, who also can support each other I believe, making a very nice trio of terror. I would also recommend going with Lalum over Elphin, because Lalum's route has a level 5 Gonzales with the same stats of the level 12 one from Elphin's route, also with C rank axes (L's) instead of D rank (E's). Then again, I've only played like half the game, so what do I know?
  17. Hallo Cobalt, as your elder (in age and in time being here), I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  18. Uh, Wolt, because he's a brochacho macho.
  19. Updated post with Part 2, added my team members in new spoiler tag, and 3-1 is going to suck a lot of balls, so expect a penalty or two from that.
  20. Hallo Elib, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  21. I have finally finished Part 1! This shall be my 'progress post', so when I update this, I'll make a new post notifying that this post has been updated. Anyway, [spoiler=Team] Normal free dudes Eddy Ily Queeny Cain KKM Vika Lethe Kurth Tubby (maybe) [spoiler=Part 1] 1-P: 5 Turns Micky equipped Leo's shield. 1-1: 4 Turns (Nolan helper) Just rushed for the point. 1-2: 6 Turns (Nolan helper) Pretty much the same. I didn't grab the Energy Drop though. 1-3: 6 Turns Standard I think. No Discipline. 1-4: 6 Turns Eddy & Ily went left, Sothe and Micky went right. 1-5: 6 Turns Standard. Snatched the Seal. Micky put on the Robe at base. 1-6-1: 10 Turns I hate this map so much, especially because Resolve-Micky sucks. 1-6-2: 5 Turns I took a Volug penalty to help clean out the bridge because Resolve-Micky sucks. I also hate this map a lot. 1-7: 7 Turns Paragon-Micky sucks because she is doubled by Djur. Didn't recruit Tormod and pals until turn 6, because I forgot to set down Micky on turn 5. Ily promoted at base at 20 by using the MS. 1-8: 10 Turns Bandits that Eddy just barely doesn't kill suck. 1-9: 10 Turns I suck at this chapter for no good reason, maybe because Micky had like 11 speed. 1-E: 10 Turns Eddy promoted at base at 20 by using the MS. I hate this map also because it took at least 5 tries before Sothe could survive one of the enemy phases because he doesn't want to dodge things that are in the 30s. I got the Wings, Vantage, and Parity. Ily specially brought over the Boots skill, the BG, and a Concoction. Final P1 Turn count: 85 + 4 = 89. I suck at this game. As of the final turn of 1-E: In order of Name: Level: HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res. Bold means capped, and * means stat-up was used, with multiple * meaning multiple stat-ups in that one stat. Micky: 20: 30* 5 20 15 12 24 8* 19 Sothe: -/7.71: 36 21 6 25 25 17 14 10 Eddy: 20/3.84: 34 21 2 23 23 18 14 6 Ily: 20/4.38: 33 12 20 19 15 7 7 19 Vika: 15.13: 39 11 6 13 15 15 7 8 Untransformed [spoiler=Part 2] 2-P: 8 Turns Forced TC. Marcia exploded on the last turn to the last attacking enemy of the turn. 2-1: 7 Turns I wasted some turns to get Heather, and the starting enemies are kinda tough to get through. 2-2: 7 Turns (Mordecai helper) Everybody went up, following Lethe and Mordy. 2-3: 6 Turns Some enemies were blocking the way sometimes, and they also got some lucky hits on Geoff. 2-E: 2 Turns Queeny flew down, got into a position that prevent the Crossbow dude from attacking. Lethe did nothing. Final P2 TC: 30. I don't remember people's stats. Current TC: 119
  22. I got my 3DS at launch, so I just need to wait for it to be released.
  23. I have just remembered some other weird dreams I have had. I have had a dream in which there was a dog with a 'basilisk' effect, but it ate your eyes instead of outright killing you. I have had a dream in which there was a huge giant across a huge room that saw me from behind one of the legs of a huge chair, and it started running at me to squish me. I have had a dream in which my aunt and my (only) dog (at that time) were werewolves. I have had a dream in which I had a MetalGreymon (the orange one) that was terrorizing a road that happened to be busy during that time, but I didn't care and went to sleep (in the dream, but the dream ended there, so no dream within a dream). I have had a dream in which there was a killer rabbit that looked like a normal one at first, but then became terrifying once it was close, and it killed me. I have had a dream in which I was spying on house, tunneling under it and going up into it with a secret trapdoor or something to that effect. I have had another dream in which I was girl (it was fairly recent), and it had something to do with 'me' being at some kind of pool party if I remember correctly. I think I have had another dream in which I was a girl (it's been a while, so my memory is a little fuzzy, and I might not have even had the dream) going to school or whatever. I also think I have had a dream that had something to do with Amnesia. Those are the only ones that I can remember at the moment. I'll update this if I remember any others.
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