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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I will say that when religion was created, back then people didn't have answers to everything like we do now. Religion provided explanations to keep people at ease that they had an understanding of how things worked, and why we were here. So for a time, it made sense because we had nothing else to go on. Of course we're in a different time. People are smarter now, and we're able to determine there is explanations to things, and whether or not religion is needed anymore is debatable. Back then though it made sense to people, and we can't deny that. I'm not going to say Atheism is right, because personally I see them do things I detest. I also won't say religion is right either, because I see things they do that I detest. All in all I think NO one has the right answer, and we waste more time arguing about it than we do actually trying to use religion for what it should be used for. To give us lessons and ideas to be good people. And I'm not saying good by anyone's opinion, I mean good as in just good in general. Like not going around and killing each other, being nice to people, etc. Whether you see it in the religious way because, "God says so," or the scientific way of, "society can not function if we're permitted to go around killing each other." Does it really matter why you believe in such things? The fact of the matter is, we shall NEVER be able to make everyone believe the same thing. It's impossible due to free will. People will believe what they want. Instead of disagreeing and arguing all the time, we should develop the skill to just know people will always disagree and just to get over it.
  2. Ummm yeah, I don't really give a damn what was going on or anything, and if I did I could check my chat logs because apparently you invited me while I was asleep. I'm curious as to why I had 5 people wanting to add me on MSN this morning... All from here...
  3. Cynthia


    I sometimes find some stuff there that is worth reading.
  4. Did you try ordering it online? That's how I got it.
  5. Not so sure about that one. I'll look into it. Edit: It appears as though you're right. Unless I didn't read from accurate sources. Thank you.
  6. I was merely stating that I believed your post was a generalization that I did not wish to be a part of. Although slightly irrelevant, it still retained to the discussion to an extent.
  7. http://playstation.joystiq.com/2008/12/28/...ing-to-the-psp/ Yes it's true, there is going to be a PSP port for DisGaea 2, and hopefully the localization won't take as long as the first one did. I'll be picking up this gem as soon as it's translated, as I really don't want to go out and buy a Japanese PSP. Also hints towards a possible DisGaea 3 port in the future once again lowers my chances of EVER getting PS3. DisGaea 3 was literally the ONLY game I wanted for it, and now that 2 is coming to the PSP, and 3 might possibly, I'll wait and see if 3 makes it to the PSP. If it does, it eliminates the needs for a PS3 for me. One of these hints being they are implementing some DisGaea 3 elements. So if you're a fan and lack a PS3 to get the third game, a little bit of waiting may pay off and save you some money on buying the $400 system.
  8. I disagree with the text in bold for myself personally. I can't speak for everyone, but I have no hate towards him, I simply don't like his attitude at times. Does that mean I never get along with him? Of course not. I don't "hate," anyone here. I think that statement is a generalization and should have been more clear that not everyone thinks that.
  9. I'll drop you a message when I wake up tomorrow. Apparently my insomnia isn't allowing me to sleep at the moment.
  10. There's an IRC chat, not sure what the deal on it is anymore. Jyosua had a fallout with one of the operators and moved it or something last time I was here. Haven't checked on it since.
  11. Log on MSN right now. I don't use the IRC.
  12. I don't hate anyone really. Do you have MSN?
  13. Just as I thought then. Perhaps we could have a private chat sometime, I'd like to know more about this.
  14. I take it you don't go out much? A lot of children who are home schooled don't.
  15. I read it. Was a good read Rhaan, and well voiced.
  16. 1. It's illegal to let you use it. 2. It's illegal for him to own it. 3. That's not the kind of weapon you just buy in a store... 4. Being a sawed off may make it violate the concealed guns laws.
  17. Well based on the clues that I have noticed over times, what I can establish about Loki is he is at a high school level, putting him between the ages of 14 and 18, possibly 19. I'm going to guess he was home schooled for a large portion of time, or his whole life, judging by his lack of knowledge of outside pop culture, and social skills. I'd also guess he has a very religious influential adult figure in his life, or during growing up. This is all based on hints though.
  18. Well considering you still live with your parents and do what they say, I'd say you're about at a high school level. That puts you between 14 and 18. It's illegal to own such weapons unless you are 18 I believe.
  19. However I believe it is illegal for someone of Loki's age to own one...
  20. It's hard to explain, and I'd rather not discuss it publicly. Just know that I'll always be my sincere and stern self from now on, and today's events shouldn't be accounted for in an accurate representation of my character. I could explain what happened exactly, but it would take a while, and be hard to explain.
  21. I don't drink, but I will say that it certainly wasn't the real me doing all of that...
  22. Actually what happened here today wasn't a natural thing...
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