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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I think we've all learned a lesson here today... Gay people like penis.
  2. My vagina is telling me someone's in trouble!
  3. You're just upset cause your vagina is crusty.
  5. Never seemed to bother me. *Pelvic thrust*
  6. I can lick my own vagina thank you very much.
  7. I find dressing myself to be an exciting activity.
  8. You sound like someone I'd like to play DDR with, and by play DDR I mean eat a sandwich.
  9. You're never seen me fold socks then apparently.
  10. I've pissed so hard, now I'm a pregnant woman.
  11. You don't have the pie crust to back that up. >_>
  14. I think a lot of people in this day in age seem to overlook the fact that Canadian bacon is just as good as calf liver. I mean a lot of people don't realize it because of Mircosoft. They advertise it like it's pure and utter crap. They make it sound like mayonnaise on an old two by four, but really "In and Out Burger" is a good eating place. I recall stopping in there only to be denied a table and sent back to Subway with the $300 roses I bought just twenty eight minutes ago too. They looked me right in the eye and told me that they didn't serve applesauce on my T.V. and I needed to go elsewhere to get that along with a free cat. I mean a free cat is about as hard to come by these days as a female Richard Simmons wearing a pair of slacks made by KFC. The world just doesn't provide good service anymore really. I blame the economy, I mean who else but Michael Moore can screw up this bad? The last time he screwed up Pam Anderson had to check under her mattress for a whole month. The termites he let loose on her spleen really did a number on the place, it was a disaster area I'll tell you that. I mean I love it when they try and convince me that it's no big deal, but really when everyone is San Diego knows about it, it's fairly hard to cover up; especially if the teacher already caught you doing it twice. That kind of thing never seems to roll over with them, they have no sense of humor when it comes to screwing a chicken with a shotgun up your friend's ass, I mean he sure as hell likes it doesn't he? This really has gone to hell and back again though, I mean why can't I just buy the damn thing with the money in my pocket like the good old days? I remember a time where a man could get a snow cone and not have a police investigation about his missing mother-in-law after seven minutes of masturbating to his ex girlfriend's photos. The good days are truly dead my friends. You can't just walk into Gamestop and order a tuna sandwich anymore, now they ask for I.D. it's a sad day for America really. I sometimes consider going back to Ethiopia on the magic hot dog that brought us here to be honest. I mean it'd be easier than paying taxes again... Seriously though, why should I have to pay for it when it's HIS poodle? The corn fields were flattened by HIS UFO, not mine, so why should I even bother doing anything? Hell, we even saw it was him driving away, his license plate read: ilykapplesinmyvaginasumtimesonfriday; and I think that's a pretty memorable day too. I remember when it was that day I was sitting in the baseball park waiting to watch the football game, and some jerk stole my pants and put them on a blind sailor's head and took off with them. I had TRIED to get them back, but the bastard had already made his way out by then. Some people can really motor when they put their colon to it. Britney Spears pisses me off so much for that though! She really does. I mean I know I already complained about it three times in this post alone, but seriously she just isn't a vegetable, she needs to STOP trying. She's just being a poser now. She's worse then the Jonas Brothers with that kind of crap. Back on subject though, who gave Dr. Pepper permission to be a soft drink? I don't think he's qualified for that to be honest. I mean I take as much pleasure from someone else' pain as the next gerbil out there, but come on, he's FORTY SEVEN YEARS OLD! The man practically has a museum named after him, and they keep trying to screw the poor fella over on car insurance, and he is NOT switching back to Gieco, not after what Mr. Smith did to him in the office. The nerve of him, offering him candy when he has a twisted pancreas. Some people get off on being an ass to everyone they meet really. My sister's cousin Steve is like that on Wednesdays, but he's about the exact opposite on Tuesdays. It's not like I'm asking a lot out of the woman, but I do think that an occasional ride on the washing machine is a small request compared to the $500 watch I got her last Christmas, I mean she IS my cousin and all, not like we're dating or anything. What ever happened to us little people? Did we get replaced by Spanish midgets again? I hated when that happened the last time. You remember that? I mean they wanted $16 for a damn bag of skittles! Honestly I thought I was going to punch a porno baby in wal-mart, but it reminded me too much of when I got kicked out of the wal-mart for pissing in the lemonade pitchers and convincing people they included free lemonade. Not my fault they fell for it, I mean it was pretty believable too. I mean my ears hurt like a bastard after that. Taco bell really needs higher quality customer service is what I'm saying! They spend too much time making one lawn nugget, and forget about everyone else! Where's their sense of pride? Really? HAVE YOU EVER TRIED PUTTING YOUR EAR IN A TOASTER!? LET ME TELL YOU IT'S NOT FUN! Seriously it was 9:47PM! I mean why can't I get a hash brown a little bit after the breakfast menu closes!? I mean it's not like anyone else is eating them, and I'm sure they have left over spinach. My dad eats it all the time! And she was totally exaggerating, I only slapped her doodle once because it was bugging me. I mean it'd bug you too if it was sitting in the middle of the classroom when you were trying to teach, and herpes is an important subject. I mean probably if we put enough gas in it, it'd go, but not nearly as fast as Agnes went when they threw that chicken nugget. I never saw so much orange in one day to be honest. But yeah, I have to agree with the idea that they come in all colors unless you get a special package, and that's fairly rare. About as rare as they were in the old days. Don't even get me started on those though.
  15. Ordinarily I wouldn't have responded to such matters due to my lack of memory towards the subject. However I spent some time recently playing catch up, and with a little help from some of the members here I believe I'm in enough of a mental state to recall some of "Loki's" past behaviors. I have to say the chances of most of what he says being true, such as not knowing what Pokemon was is slim to none. Secondly I'd like to say his attitude towards anyone is annoying and uncalled for. 99% of the time the amount of flaming towards himself is caused by his arrogant attitude towards a situation, and inability to admit when he is wrong. Sure we all have times where we refuse to admit we're wrong, I'm guilty of it, but Loki REFUSES to admit such even after being proven. I'm not going to blame any of the staff for this problem, or the members. No one is to blame but the offender in this case.
  16. I dropped my PSP at least 20 times, and it's perfectly fine. THAT thing is built tough.
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