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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. With all the new gadgets of tomorrow populating the world, you can literally take the forum with you. I decided to do a simple review of how the forum stands on my PSP and Nintendo DS and a cellphone. If you have other mobile devices please feel free to review. Load time - 6.5/10 This is probably the area where the forum will suffer the most, which is mostly at fault of the low RAM and processing capabilities of handheld devices. The only way the forum could speed this up really is to lower the image sizes, or have an image reduced/free version for handheld users. It's not really needed though, as in probably a year or so these devices will be faster. Compatibility - 9/10 With the little amount of flash, java and javascript a majority of the site's features work on most handheld devices. Hopefully they'll have more plugins available for them in the future. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that's for sure. Posting - 7/10 Significantly harder to post obviously due to lack of a keyboard. However the DS is far easier than the PSP, and I hear the iPhone and iTouch are just as good as the DS in these areas. The PSP however is getting a new keyboard later this year, so perhaps it'll be able to compete soon? Nothing really the site can do about this to be honest. It's mostly the handhelds to blame. Display - 8/10 It's not really that distorted, and some handheld browsers ever make it look as it would on a PC, (such as the DS). Glitchs and errors - 7/10 Very few glitches or errors, the only ones really are some images not displaying. Not great, but not terrible. Passable for sure. All and all I'd say Serenes Forest scores about 7.9/10 in the mobile device area. It's above average, and works on a lot of devices, but of course there are some it won't. That's a given though. Features mostly work, and the site looks pretty decent. Tested on: Nintendo DS, PSP, and a Razor Cellphone. Any other devices you guys use?
  2. Well the problem en lies in that people think after they redeem their previous warns, they don't worry about future ones so much because they know they can redeem themselves after and go back to doing whatever it was they were doing. In other words, not taking them serious enough. I've seen it on several forums, and I understand where you're coming from in wanting to be nice, but sometimes people can take advantage of that. Honestly I think 10 warns before perm-ban in MORE than enough. Most online games perm-ban people after 3, so 10 is actually rather generous. If people are taking advantage of how generous the staff is, it's their own fault. The most important point is that they shouldn't get warns in the first place, and they wouldn't have to worry about the problem.
  3. Simple then, cut the amount a warn is worth in half. Instead of 20% increments, go for 10. Having a warn doesn't mean people can't redeem themselves.
  4. Cynthia

    College Exams

    I would NEVER pick up a cigarette, a cigar, a joint, a beer, a scotch, anything really. I value my health, and I know that people I love care about it to, and I don't even joke about that kind of thing. 10,000 people in America die every day of cigarettes alone, and I'm not going to be one of them.
  5. To be honest I think the warns should remain permanently but should only be given in slightly more severe occasions. Mostly because it'll cause people to take them more seriously. Just an idea, any thoughts?
  6. That or you could be wrong and it isn't an excuse, and it's actually what really happened.
  7. More of just explaining why I returned as it seems there is a confusion. I really could give a damn what you think to honest, but I do care about making sure people understand what I am saying. Why not go troll elsewhere?
  8. Wasn't me, I actually hadn't logged on in a while. I'm not really coming back because I wanted to or couldn't resist really... A friend asked me too, and I said yes. So it's not one of those, "lol no one ever leaves," deals. In fact if I had been gone any longer I might have possibly forgotten this place even existed really... I'm still having a little trouble getting situated again, as my memory doesn't seem to be jumping as much as I'd like it to...
  9. Death, I know I remember you. And !MattLocke! I take it you're Locke? I recall bits and fragments about you so yeah I remember who you are to an extent. Forgive my forgetfulness. I'll add you both on MSN you can catch me up to speed. PM me your MSN emails.
  10. Cynthia

    College Exams

    Well the living plan I'm going for is going to be off campus, and at least 20% cheaper, which I'll need to live with Kayla. Dependent on my schedule, (Which I'll hopefully know by the end of today) I can see where and what kind of employment I can seek. Luckily Kayla says she wants to help out, so she may be getting a job as well while she finishes her school things. It all depends on how much more I know by the end of today. As for alcohol, well truth be told, I have no intentions towards it, or allowing it in my apartment. Kayla knows I'd call her mother and have her take her home if I ever caught her smoking or drinking. I'm not risking either of our healths, and a medical bill is something that can't fit into the budget. I hope to set aside a small amount of money for emergencies though, especially when living in the city. I'm not much a party person, or social for that matter. I plan on taking my classes, working, and going home to my girlfriend whom will probably be excited to see me. No side trips. Well I got to get going, hope my PSP lasts for the car trips. See you all tonight.
  11. It looks quite interesting, and I've been waiting to see it the moment I finished the first season, hopefully they won't do the same wild episode order that the first did.
  12. Actually CGV I see more promise for you in a romantic future than I do for 95% of the people I know.
  13. Best of luck to you. Trust me it's better to find a girl that you're actually in love with before you even consider having sex.
  14. Cynthia

    College Exams

    It does in this state.
  15. It's pretty obvious really that a majority of men that have overly perverted attitudes and act like sex is either something to make constant jokes about or the greatest thing ever, either are really inexperienced or never had it. In the long run once they have it they mature quite a bit or they just end up someone who never can keep a girl for too long. Reality can suck sometimes.
  16. To be honest, and not to be mean to anyone like this, but people with that kind of perverted approach often know little about sex, and tend to be the ones who obsess over it. Not to mention the true meaning of sex beyond reproduction is love and connection between two people. I mean I can honestly say that I am naturally good at turning girls and boys on. I was never, "taught," I didn't gain a lot of it from "experience," I was just naturally good at it. Does that mean I'm a player? No. Does that mean I obsess over sex? No. Does that mean I know everything about it? Certainly not. But honestly if you're paying to go to school, you're paying to take the class, you might want to consider taking it a little more seriously. One thing you need to remember is sexual HARASSMENT, and some of the jokes your making might get you in serious trouble when in class, and outside of it, just remember that.
  17. Well I doubt they actually believe they are going to have sex there... And I'm well aware of what you said CGV, but it seems like you're not taking the class that seriously is what I'm saying. You seem more interested in other things than actually learning.
  18. I like some of them, but something I can't stand is remakes.
  19. It seems as though you have more perverted interests rather than learning ones CGV...
  20. Cynthia

    College Exams

    Well I plan on taking my SATs while I'm in college, due to the fact I haven't had a math class in two years because I got them done early. So my plan is to wait until I get through a semester of math in college to refresh.
  21. I find all I ever knew about the subject I gain from experience and common sense really... Fill me in though, as it's one of the courses offered at my college, if it's interesting enough I may sign up for it.
  22. Cynthia

    College Exams

    I can't believe it's already time for me to take my placement exams. I would say I'm nervous, but I'm more so hoping they'll let me tour the school while I'm there, considering I have to spend six hours there tomorrow through registration and placement testing. It's really going to run me down that's for sure. I only hope the batteries in my PSP will last long enough for the trip there and back, as it's an hour and a half drive to the city, and another one back. (I'm currently trying level up everyone on DisGaea, as I attempt to 100% complete it. I want to have it done in time for DisGaea 2 for the PSP) Going to college is possibly going to be the best thing that's ever happened to me, however money wise I'll be fairly tight. Me and Kayla are already aware of the sacrifices we'll have to make, but I'm just glad we'll both be able to eat. Expensive eating is out of the question, but at least it'll be tolerable I hope... (Anyone got tips on how to live on a tight budget?) I highly recommend college, trust me the extra years in school will help you have a more secure working field in the future. Any of you all plan on going?
  23. ... Have we met? Oh and yeah, things have really gotten hectic here. They are at a momentary pause as it seems, but will more than likely start up again. Hopefully we can make it to the Summer so things will work out; that's what we're shooting for anyways.
  24. I only recall the name really... Not sure if I mentioned this or not, but I have sort of a memory problem. Anything that I don't touch for a while and my brain registers as useless information is erased. So please don't take offense if I don't remember most of you.
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