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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Well considering I've posted pictures of me in a skirt and corset...
  2. Can you change physical traits? Yes in most cases.
  3. To be honest, that's about the sweetest thing I've ever seen Lyle say.
  4. Well first of all I doubt any other transgenders are here to base the theory off of. And I wasn't talking about being "discriminated," against, I meant being treated different.
  5. Actually I have to agree with a lot of what Lyle said there.
  6. Well to be honest it was meant for sincerity. Attention-whoring is pointless at this point since I said I'm going to be leaving here soon, so I doubt I'd want anyone's attention. I'm not someone who gets off on attention really. And unfortunately in a place like this, you're sexual options are a factor in the respect you receive. Although I don't agree with it.
  7. Yes, that's about right, but it goes deeper than that on a level I really can't describe in 5 minutes.
  8. How about you let me speak for myself? I never said I was insulted. To be insulted means that I let people get to me, which is the opposite of what I said.
  9. Yeah if I said I was a male right from the start I'd have been getting, "you're gay!" and "tranny!" comments left and right. So I fail to see the argument there. I didn't HAVE to tell any of you. So the least YOU can do is respect me a little.
  10. Perfectly fine. And all of you out there telling me to "accept I'm male," I'm well aware people will call me male. Perfectly fine with that, but I'd think people who I considered my friends would have a little bit more respect to listen to my wishes and not be so judgmental about it. You all have obviously never had to deal with something like this, and although I would never wish such a thing on anyone, I hope one day you will understand how such a thing feels.
  11. Actually there is, considering I won't be in the near future. Secondly, no I'm not sexist, I just prefer to be female. It's a mental instinct, and one that I stick with. No one cares if YOU don't care how other people feel, but that doesn't mean you should be disrespectful and asinine about it. This is half the reason I didn't say anything.
  12. Just to clarify, I don't like to be referred to as "male," I'm really not comfortable with being referred to as such. Yes if you want to be blunt about it, I'm a cross dresser...
  13. Ah it was someone else then. Well either way you shouldn't have assumed I was male either. It's rude either way. I still hope you'll all refer to me as "she," or "her," as I prefer it due to my identity, and it would be more respectful towards myself. As I show a good deal of respect to a majority of you on a regular basis, and I'd hope you shall all treat me as if nothing is changed, as nothing really has.
  14. Another thing I tried to get people to listen to. Female worship is too prominent on the internet, and I think it's a little stupid that girls get let off easy by the male popular simply because of their gender. I think we've all noticed it before.
  15. My point proven... Why should you change even my NAME just because I'm not physically female? Obviously I chose this name because I like to be called by it. So please just continue calling me as you always have.
  16. Yeah to be honest I know a LOT of people are going to treat me differently now that I've revealed this information, which I expected. I even anticipate some people avoiding me altogether.
  17. I was never required to in the first place. That's more of what happens when people assume, although he's being sarcastic.
  18. I recall you were the one who asked if I was transgender?
  19. I guess the lesson learned here to a lot of people is to not assume.
  20. Wouldn't this qualify as an "ATTN" topic?
  21. Well I decided to pop in to see how things were going. I'm showing up less and less it seems, not really a bad thing though. Anyways, just wanted to say a little bit here before I take my leave. I've been really busy and spending a lot of time doing other things. Recently Kayla's family has been acting like a bunch of children towards the poor girl, and today her mother made her cry by telling her that she isn't going to get into college, and that she's selfish, lazy, and never does anything, when all of which couldn't be farther from the truth. Her little brother literally does nothing around the house but watch television while she does all the chores, I've seen it myself. She also has made plans to attend college with me when she graduates, and has even been told by her counselors that they would accept her no doubt. I know it sounds crazy, because people think, "how can you know her better than her parents," well to them I say they don't know the situation, and I can honestly say I do. I have talked to her about our decision, and we agreed she's either going to leave when she's 18 or after she gets through her junior year. My counselor and lawyer (yes I talked to a lawyer, I always do in legal situations) said that if she left at 17, even though the legal age to leave your parents is 18 in this state, very little action will be taken. The reason for this is because by the time court is set up, then she'll be 18 already so it won't matter. Secondly all I have to do is prove she's being taken care of, and is safe, which let's put it this way, I am getting us our own place to stay over the Summer, and I'll have plenty of help from my sister. Her step father has no real pull on going to get her, as if he does, he knows she can turn him in for all the drugs he keeps in the house among other things he's done. Really I'm amazed at how such a wonderful girl like her can turn out so well in such a situation, but Kayla really has good morals and values, and is intelligent and caring. All that aside, needless to say I've been swamped, and really stressed out more than just for the usual reasons. I decided that since I more than likely won't be staying here too much longer that I'd just lay down the answers to some questions a lot of you may have had. 1. No I'm not democratic, or liberal, I'm independent. I don't identify with specific parties, although I will say the democratic side is giving out more things I support than the republican, but that changes all the time. 2. Yes, I do laugh at stuff, I'm not serious 100% and never laugh. I just don't laugh at repetitive jokes. 3. I'm male. Yes, shocking I know, but I'm actually transgender, which is not to be confused with transexual. Transgender means that I cross dress, have a female mindset, have a feminine personality, and refer to myself as "she," or "her," and tell people to do the same. It's strange to hear about, and people judge me a lot, but I really don't care. If you're someone who hates people for something like that or pokes fun at them for it, then you're pathetic. Also for all of you out there that are so "sure," that I was female, and said it was, "obvious," well sorry to say you were wrong. 4. Yes, my girlfriend knows about it. She supports it, and as expected says my gender doesn't affect who I am, even if I should change my gender. 5. Yes, I am a tad bi-sexual, but I'd never have sex with a male, simply because the thought of penis does not turn me on. I will snuggle and kiss some that I find really attractive or pretty though. None recently though, not since I started dating Kayla. I'm a very loyal mate. 6. No, I haven't lied about anything while I was here. I can promise that. 7. Yes Bizz knew about most of this the entire time. 8. I'm not here to be a killjoy. Bottom line. So yeah, now you all know.
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