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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Sorry, I don't recall... I actually remember little of what went on before and during the time of my leave.
  2. That's quite a strange act of animal cruelty, perhaps there were some relationship problems or something that would cause him to do such?
  3. Can't say I remember you.
  4. Alright then. Who is Doom then...? I checked his history and I think his current name clicks with me, but I can't recall how I knew him...
  5. Ah yes, I do remember him. My memory seems a little shaky actually, damned I am to live with this problem. It's coming back to me though... Slowly...
  6. Interesting, just curious, but who were you before I left? Clearly you didn't read the entire thread Doom.
  7. Well actually you didn't miss much. However for the time being it appears as though I've returned.

  8. Anything else happen while I was gone?
  9. That actually was the least of my concerns really.
  10. No that's fine. I really could care less who notices I'm here and who doesn't. I actually meant that I think there are a few people who don't WANT me here.
  11. Thanks, although I'm not sure I'm as welcome as I'd like to feel.
  12. Actually I didn't even think about it today, and it was by a complete accident as well that someone was able to speak to me and convinced me to return.
  13. Quite strange indeed... None the less I have a strange feeling at the moment...
  14. So it appears as though a few people are gone, such as Luxord. Who is responsible for this?
  15. Well Fox I suppose you can close this now. As I said what I wanted to say, and confirmed the disappointment I knew I'd have. I doubt I'll be seeing you all any time soon.
  16. Oh I don't consider this a mistake at all. The only mistake I made was having some lousy friends who are close minded. In real life I am 100% honest about my gender situation. I am not ashamed of it at all. I just avoid it online because every time I bring it up I end up having to talk about it all the time. I'd rather not have to. I only tell people I trust in that sense, and clearly I can't trust an entire forum I just met.
  17. I disagree. I think you and I both know that some members here have no self control and shouldn't be trusted.
  18. You're all right Fox. I know we had a few fall outs because of subjects we disagreed on in the past, but like I said I held no grudges. I only bring it up because my opinion on you has changed slightly. I mean I still think you base a lot on your own personal opinion too much, but you're not as oblivious to the kind of thing people do subtly or when you're not looking as anticipated. I mean I'll still say when I think you're wrong, and disagree, but you're all right.
  19. Once again this is all assumptions. I honestly put a little bit more faith in the maturity of the members here. I mean I was very doubtful they would have accepted it, but I put my trust in them. I'm sorry to say I was foolish to do so, and they have gravely disappointed me. The only mistake I made was to trust them.
  20. I highly doubt it would have changed much, I'd still have gotten said PMs I'm pretty sure. There's no way to prove that I wouldn't have. That being said I wish you the best of luck. Also my gender preference has NOTHING to do with my orientation so that people don't make the confusion.
  21. Possibly, but still it's the fact of the matter. I'm sure it's at least two considering I saw three logged on at once and they were created at different times (AIM tells me when accounts were made). Not like there's much the staff can do though since it was on AIM...
  22. I didn't do it for the "forum," really I did it to be honest to my so called friends, which I'm sorry to say I'm disappointed in a handful of them. I'll be leaving soon anyways.
  23. I got about 5 anonymous AIM messages with such comments in the past 20 minutes... All from alt accounts I'm sure, and I doubt people just RANDOMLY found me. I think you're OVERRATING the maturity of the forum.
  24. Bisexual is a LOT more common than transgenderism these days. Plus I don't expect you to notice the things I do, as you're not exactly looking for the same differences I am. If I had said something sooner, I'd have been getting a lot of "tranny," and "lol gay," comments. Not to mention taking me seriously would be an impossibility because it would make me a target of interest to trolls. I chose to keep my business private due to such reasons.
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