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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. No kidding right? I had to fix this damn thing twice already, now it's pretty much gone for good.
  2. I found a DS game I was looking for, for nearly 8 months, and I found it now that my DS is broken...
  3. How did this go from Luxord, to trolls, to Ultima, to lolis and to war?
  4. I could have sworn a majority of sites banned trolls...
  5. Quite the opposite most times. Trolls have no one that likes them in the first place before they are trolls, then they become trolls because they have to settle for negative attention.
  6. And with that attitude you give no one any incentive to like you.
  7. Although I have no fetish for feet, I admit they are hard to draw, and I'm always in awe in people who can capture them.
  8. I recall playing BS Zelda a few years ago on a ROM with an English patch actually. I might still have it on my old Windows 95 tower.
  9. Actually there IS a Zelda game with a playable female protagonist. In BS Zelda which was never released in America, it was basically a remake of the original on the SNES and you had the choice of being a female.
  10. No one gets the moral to that story...
  11. Somehow I doubt they've sheltered him to he point where he isn't allowed to look in a direction they don't like... Even if they had it's almost impossible to stop him unless they lock him in a room with no windows and watch him at ALL times. I'll be honest with you. My parents didn't like a lot of stuff I was writing. "One" nearly gave my mother a heart attack, she demanded I delete it and remove it from the web. I recall my exact words being, "fuck you." No slap, no scolding, just a sigh and walking away. She knew no matter what she did I'd have left it anyways.
  12. Well with my upcoming degree I'll be in computer building, and repair, however I plan on getting a degree in web design. I've never really been the manual labor type, and I want a career that I'll enjoy and will allow me to be with my significant other fairly often. A lot of web designers work right from home. I consider love and loved ones a more important aspect of life. It won't matter how much money you made when you die, but the time you spent with the ones you love will. If you get to the end of your life and all you can remember is wanting to make money, then consider it a life well wasted. Thus I don't want to be RICH, but I do want to be well enough where I can take care of my family and myself.
  13. Well unless your parents beat you for even looking outside or in a direction they don't allow, and detest Pokemon for using the world "evolution" I doubt you never heard of it.
  14. Just to clear things up: If you're 17 dating someone who is 16, (which I am at the moment) the minute you turn 18 you're not a pedophile. Edit directed towards Locke and Nanaya Shiki: You guys are talking about "One," right?
  15. That all being said (don't even post if you didn't read it) the chances of not even knowing what Pokemon was is slim to none. Considering on top of all that, there were commercials all over T.V. And the radio. So unless you're an extremely sheltered child who was home schooled, and parents controlled everything you did or watched, and never took you outside or let you be around other children or even go to the store, and literally kept you in your house ALL THE TIME, then it's almost physically impossible to not know what Pokemon is. The only way it would work even if all that was true is through a SERIES of coincidences, which all of which would be extremely unlikely to happen even once, let alone several times... Sorry for the long post.
  16. I find it strange that the Xbox 360 doesn't have an internet browser, considering it's the only one you have to pay MONEY to use... But yeah, although it's not portable, the wii works nicely as well.
  17. True, but I could win more at a silly contest at school for something as simple as picking a number 1 through 10.
  18. Imagine how embarrassing it is to tell people that you won enough money to get a soda from a game show...?
  19. So I had the T.V. On, which is once in a great while in my room believe me, and the show "Deal or No deal," is on. The contestants on just held out until the end when the last two numbers were $1 and $100. They ended up keeping their own case and it contained $1. That would be rather embarrassing to lose that badly on live television. Wonder what they plan on doing with the $1...
  20. I wouldn't say they are handheld devices though...
  21. Considering a lot of other forums ban you for good after 3 physical warnings, I'd say 10 is MORE than enough. It's basically like saying we need to give people more chances to screw up before they are required to learn. It's only as serious as you make it, and if people followed the rules like they are supposed to, there would be no problems.
  22. Any advantages on the iPhone web wise? I know it supports a higher flash version, which opens up a lot more possibilities, but anything else that sets it higher?
  23. I'd say that's pretty lax actually considering warns would be given out less often.
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