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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I hope you all don't change your opinion of me, (even if it is changing from a bad one to a good one) because of today...
  2. "Loki pwns all your faces bitches"
  3. I believe 3 of you already know what happened.
  4. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to let you all know that you shouldn't get used to it or encourage it...
  5. Let's just say if it went on for much longer, it would have had negative effects...
  6. I apologize for my rather strange and, "random," behavior today. I would explain as to what was going on, but it's probably best I didn't. We'd be here for a while.
  7. I'm just saying he's a very arrogant person and is trying to cover up for it. I mean look at his signature...
  8. That's what I've been thinking...
  9. Don't see anything brag worthy about that...
  10. To be honest the statement: "No, you just don't get it, do you?" Seems rather arrogant to me. Instead of explaining himself he just says that...
  11. Well really the winners will look like the biggest spammers on the board, and the losers will look like the second biggest spammers on the board. I really don't see much of a gain on either...
  12. Really does it even matter who has more posts?
  13. So it's not that we're the ones with common sense realizing you're problematic? It's just we're all dark and evil people? There's that arrogance I was talking about.
  14. Isn't this going a little too far? I mean battling between two topics like this seems like a rather strange way to waste time...
  15. It was rather humorous I suppose.
  16. I'm afraid I can't focus right now... I think I need to lay down...

  17. Well now you have me questioning things...

  18. My hopes and dreams are crushed now.
  19. So my girlfriend was telling me about her week at school, and this story came up: Her and her friends were sitting at their lunch table, and there was a new kid who refused to take off his hat despite being told to by the same teacher several times. Finally she threatened to suspend him, which he didn't care and replied that he was kicked out of his old school for being suspended too many times. Knowing her threat would do nothing, she decided to try and get the other students to help her, so she decided to annoy them to make them yell at him so she will go away. (Strange logic eh?) So she sits down and asks, "how's everyone doing?" Which she is answered with either groans or silence from some. She then says, "well I feel great, because I just lost some weight so my birth control patch fits nicely now!" Now you think her attempt to creep them out there would have worked right? Well not this time it wouldn't, because Jarod the wise ass of the table decided to ruin her moment. He leaned over the table and said rather loudly, "GUYS, THAT MEANS SHE STILL HAS SEX!" She walked away in shame as the children all laughed at her. The kid with the hat put his hood up over said hat after.
  20. Wait... So that means this thread isn't a virgin anymore?
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