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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    Okay, so Adam, I think you should turn your computer off and never come back here again, and never use the internet for as long as you live. I need no reason, so go do it. God and you do not make the laws. What about freedom of religion? What if I don't want to follow your religion? Why should I follow your religion's rules then? Sorry but you need a stronger point than that. More people were killed in the name of God than anything else, so you can't say people doing things in the name of God is always right.
  2. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    Can a man and a man not love each other? Or a woman and a woman? Do they need to modify their bodies to have sex? You stated no reason WHY. What ever happened to the land of the free? To equal rights to all men and women? What to all of that?
  3. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    No, that means that implies the support for the democratic party is going up. Sorry if you misinterpreted it as that.
  4. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    I'm well aware of what trolls do and who is a troll, and who isn't but honestly such ignorant statements shouldn't be made even for trolling purposes. I honestly don't care about if people are trolling or not.
  5. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I said democratic, and a lot more people on the democratic party support it than on the republican party.
  6. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    Possibly the most blunt ignorant hateful thing I have read on this forum... You can't just tell people not to do something then expect them to see your way, and accept it. You can't TELL people to be heterosexual. I certainly won't be heterosexual just because you tell me to.
  7. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Yet if you want to get married you need to call it something else, thus separating you from the rest, and encouraging others to separate you as well. Sorry, I don't think it would work, and I'm kind of glad we have a democratic president now, and that congress is fairly supportive of him. I for one fully support gay marriage, and them being allowed to marry in any form they choose. It's not physically hurting you. You're not going to cry yourself to sleep over it. It's not demeaning of Marriage. Michael Jackson got married, and he's three times an accused pedophile. So have many other sex offenders, so have murderers. How are none of them demeaning of marriage, but two people who love each other, but happen to be the same gender are?
  8. Graphical improvements just means more things to load really, it's not really needed to keep the forums going, or improve them really...
  9. That would require an entire new forum modification, which I do not think exists.
  10. I'm saying for the lazier, not as experienced forum goer members, as you and I both know there are people who may join that would make such a mistake. Also if you have no avatar people might mistake the icon for your avatar, and the little blue and pink icons don't appear unless you click someone's name, does little good to someone who never used IPB before. I'm not saying everyone would make these mistakes, but it's best to avoid confusion whenever we can. Also as I said before, Royals have enough privileges, there's no need to give them more.
  11. To be honest I don't like the idea because of the amount of confusion it could cause. Newcomers could mistake people for staff members because they see the icon, so they may interpret, "member," as a staff, "member." Not to mention people without avatars it can cause confusion even more. People can see that and assume someone is male, when they might be female, possibly causing someone to be insulted, because we all know there are members too lazy to check. I think Royals have enough privileges as it is.
  12. Too be honest I'd prefer a custom song maker myself.
  13. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    I do not "fail to realize" that. As people can make progress on other subjects, like if you make progress in school or something. Also I believe people can indeed one day be less hateful, as what you say isn't fact, as you don't know what the future holds.
  14. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    My point wasn't we never made progress, my point is it never ends. America ALWAYS has SOMEONE to discriminate.
  15. I don't like the Guitar Hero World Tour set list either, or Rock Band 2. If I don't like the songs on a music related game, then chances are I won't enjoy playing it, because it forces me to listen to songs I don't enjoy.
  16. Supposedly they are slightly harder because the notes are thinner and harder to hit, and the guitar from what I hear people don't prefer over using the Guitar hero one. And yes I knew that they made Rock band to compete with Guitar Hero, I'm well informed of the story, I was saying that people who say Rock Band is so original should say the DRUMS are original, and not the whole game.
  17. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    Define far? Because all we do is give one set of people their rights and move onto denying another. Blacks got their rights so we deny women. Women get their rights, so we deny homosexuals. Who comes after that?
  18. I will say Rock band isn't original outside of the drums however. As karaoke games and guitar games were made before.
  19. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    He's just someone who likes to debate really. I for one am a little disappointed that the country based on having equal rights to all people has never had a time where that was true...
  20. I like the idea of Rock Band, but I just don't like the songs on it. If I liked more of the songs I'd go and buy it. I'll just stick with my Guitar Hero 3.
  21. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    He is a member of the site that supposedly left, however he's still online. He was strong on his republican views, meaning he is against gay marriage, so people were expecting to see him in this topic, as he mostly only posted in the political topics. He left the day after the election ended.
  22. I didn't have a problem with you in the first place, and like I said, if you have good intentions at heart, then I will see them, and I know you do Gatrie.
  23. I understand I make a message to be taken seriously, but that doesn't mean to fear me...
  24. I think some of you are unaware at how intelligent Bizz actually is, as she catches onto things most of the time before I have to step in. I mostly catch them at the same time as her, if not sooner, but Bizz is pretty quick herself.
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