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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. no fixed mode No support conversations is one thing, since each one takes a lot of work, and now everyone can support anyone else, but no fixed mode? wtf why? It's the most simple thing ever. There is absolutely no reason not to have it.
  2. Edward does not start out with anything anywhere near good avoid, if that's what you're implying. And +6 avoid wouldn't help Nolan be any better. An 84% chance to get hit is really no better than a 90% chance. The 3 extra damage is much more helpful. And iron axes don't have that much more hit either. No, a steel axe is the best choice. I'm not saying that Ilyana is better. Micaiah is certainly better, because she has an 80% magic growth, Thani, a better affinity, and gets staves at tier 2. But this isn't about who is better. This is about who starts off better.
  3. So what? He's not getting doubled, and he wipes the floor with everyone else until Sothe joins. He takes like 4 hits to die instead of 1 or 2 like the others, and he does more than twice as much damage. No. Forged iron with the same mt is lighter, more accurate, and most importantly, cheaper. You should never touch unforged steel weaponry (except steel bows since they have +4 mt over iron instead of +3 and only +2 wt instead of +4) unless you have no choice, like in part 2. She's like Micaiah except she doesn't get doubled and doesn't die in one hit. Or like Leo except can counter melee, avoid counters from archers, and does more damage. Maybe that still qualifies as sucky, but she's certainly better than the other unpromoteds that aren't Jill or Nolan.
  4. Tips? Use Alan and Lance. And support them together. And both to Roy as well.
  5. wyvern lord valkyrie falcoknight zerker hero roughly in order
  6. That's not true. Brom is signficantly more likely to be faster than Gatre. On random mode. On fixed mode, he's just flat out faster. Tauroneo is faster once Resolve kicks in. Slower before it.
  7. Play hard mode. Micaiah gets doubled and killed in one hit by just about everything throughout the entire course of the game. Thani stops OHKing armors after part 1 (and often fails in 1-6 as well). Fortunately, she gets staves after part 1, so she doesn't fail.
  8. Tauroneo >>>>>>>> Brom >>>> Gatrie At least Brom has those beastly sideburns. Gatrie is just fail.
  9. Everyone starts sucking except Nolan, Jill, and Ilyana. Mostly Nolan.
  10. I remember I used one in Kinship's Bond. "Hmm... he can't take that many mages at once." *light rune*
  11. Reikken


    2nd worst one I've played (played 10,9,7,6,4)
  12. Nay. Dart gets +9001 from his supports, while Hawkeye..
  13. Reikken


    Which would you consider to be the worst, then?
  14. I say we make a manliness tier list for each game.
  15. Reikken


    I always give the boots to the dancer/heron, except in FE10 since Reyson's move is h4x enough already there.
  16. Light magic isn't that bad. It's just like anima except with less hit and no aircalibur. And using a ton of healers means you get magic doods leveled up without having to split kills with them, meaning more kills for others. And your whole team is liek always at full hp. You can get as many as you want of any promotion item at the end of ch 16 since you can buy them there. Trade in a promo item you don't want, and get a guiding ring. And what keeps me from using Rei is his horrible spd. He joins with 8 AS. That even gets him doubled by some. And his hit is pretty bad, too. Once you get him to promotion, he's ok, but he sucks before then. Even using all three healers, you can have Ellen promoted by about the time Rei joins, and Saul promoted by the time you get ch 14's ring. Clarine's level is the lowest, so she doesn't reach 20 until shortly before 16 anyway. The only issue is that Lugh may have to promote a bit late. Healers get a class exp bonus (+20 to kill exp), so Ellen still gains about as much exp as Rei does when he joins even though she's already promoted. And she gets exp from staves. So her level stays high, so her spd isn't horrible even though her spd per level is pretty bad. Saul's level gets pretty high, too, for the same reasons, so he'll be uberfast. Saul's luck is pretty terrible, and he doesn't have many good supports, so his avoid doesn't get very high despite his high spd, and his hp and def aren't good, so he has some durability issues. Ellen's luck is brokenly high, so her avoid is pretty decent despite mehish speed, and her atk power is pretty good, but again, she has mehish spd, so she'll often not double. On hard mode, that is. On NM, her average spd is still enough to double all but the fastest. Clarine has massive spd like Saul and wtfmassive avoid, but her attack power is terrible. May as well throw Lugh in there... He's not as fast as Saul and doesn't have as much atk or avoid as Ellen, but he has more spd and def than Ellen and more atk than Saul. And then compared to Clarine and her lolimbalanced stats, he has less spd and way less avoid but way more atk. And Rei. Once he promotes, he's like Ellen except with less hit, less crit, less avoid, and more def. Oh and less res. Which is another thing I neglected to mention. Ellen has wtfmassive res, Lugh's is pretty meh, and Clarine and Saul fall about midway between. And Rei in between Lugh and Clarine/Saul. Why should you care about res leads on magic users? Well, when hard mode sages have 33 atk and massive hit, they're pretty dangerous. Or enemy druids with their 37 atk. Lugh can get 2HK'd by enemy magic-users. That's pretty harsh. Ellen, on the other hand, takes like 5 damage. Also enemy staffers. Not getting sleep/silence'd is nice.
  17. Rebecca and Geitz mostly He's also a great supporter for Karel and Wil should you decide to use them.
  18. Clarine can't be in two places at once or heal twice per turn, so no. Also, use all three healers for massive win.
  19. Indeed. 1-2 range is pretty meh in this game generally. It's hard enough to do good damage as it is; 1-2 range weapons just fail even more. It's not like FE7 when you can one-round half the map with a javelin.
  20. Supports, man. Supports. He gets like +20 hit from them.
  21. No one has skills in this game. Unless you mean the assassin's instakill thing. I guess that could count.
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