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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. That's something completely different. Thieves get 50% more hit exp, and for kill exp their level counts as 2/3s that of other units. (Kill exp is calculated by adding to the hit exp, so the boost in hit exp affects kill exp as well.) When killing an enemy thief, you get +20 exp. However, you also get an exp reduction factored in because their level counts as 2/3.
  2. Sain isn't the most durable guy in the world. He's not running off by himself or anything like that. In fact, Serra beats him in durability, and she promotes rather early, so she can soon take to the front lines. Serra's Erk support is only a +1, yes, but it also starts very early. It's only >200 turns if you go to A. Serra-Erk B or C is certainly useable.
  3. Ilia is much easier. That said, I prefer Sacae.
  4. qft I use my w1n weapons all the time. And by "all the time", I mean whenever it helps. If a steel lance is enough to kill it, then of course I won't use a brave lance. But if I can't kill it with the steel lance or only have a 60% chance of killing it with the steel greatlance or just don't want to eat a counterattack, I'll use the brave lance.
  5. Reikken


    or a better killing edge. When you're already doing 4x damage, you usually don't need more atk. However, making that crit more reliable is nice. As is having less AS loss (lol con).
  6. Lalum > Elphin, Echidna > Bartre, lv 5 Gonzales > lv 12 Gonzales (they have the same bases, just different level)
  7. Isadora gets the highest avo of all the paladins in her game. and highest crit. She's actually pretty w1n if/when she manages to get supports built up.
  8. ?? Mordecai's growth total is only 10 lower. Now Ranulf, on the other hand...
  9. Again? Didn't you say this happens to your Nolans all the time? I think Nolan hates you... lack of playtime? Volug has the best availability of any Laguz. For me, he's almost to SS strike by the end of part 3.
  10. Oh. Well Jill would go in that list, too.
  11. Wait, huh? What does a maxed out Boyd or Nolan do better than other Urvan users?
  12. Haar does better with a Brave Axe anyway. And Jill > him. Jill Urvan, Haar Brave Axe, Nolan Tarvos and go forth to pwn
  13. 5/6 move supporting 8/9 move + flying looks pretty eh to me. And getting A seems like a waste. The only difference between A and B is some hit, which I rarely ever find that I need, especially that late in the game.
  14. I use Mia to kill generals (and everything else). In Radiant Dawn, that is. She can't do that in PoR. She sucks there, unfortunately.
  15. Cath's joining situation is actually about as good as it gets for an underleveled dood. It's even better than Chad's on hard mode. In Chad's joining chapter, soldiers can kill him in one hit, and he can even miss them since his hit on them is only about 80, so even trying to finish off a weakened soldier can be fatal. Other than soldiers, there isn't much except cavaliers, half of which he may or may not have enough atk to even do damage to. They don't kill him in one hit, though. Cath joins in a chapter full of steel/hand axe fighters that have lol hit, and she gets HM bonuses, so her chance of getting hit is pretty low. Though she does die in one hit if she happens to get hit, until she reaches a few levels. With the massive growths thieves have in this game, that doesn't take long. The fact that she's a thief also adds to the exp gaining. She starts out gaining ~70 exp per kill and is still gaining almost 50 per kill after gaining 10 levels. The next chapter has more steel axes, but it also has lots of use for a thief (loads of chests and FoW), and you have to split up to get all the chests in a reasonable amount of time, so you have reason to deploy her even if you're already using Chad. You can get in some levels while getting chests. After about 6-7 kills, she's pretty safe on her own since she doesn't die in one hit and has about a 2% chance of getting hit. So I think she's pretty well off. If you want to level her up, it's very easy to do so. It's too bad her supports suck, and thieves don't promote. Otherwise she could actually be good.
  16. Alondite or Rexflame for favorite Double Bow for best. 25 mt and 1-2 range = w1n.
  17. I don't know... but I don't remember any such errors in the one I use.
  18. Chad is best. No contest. qft YES, I AM QUOTING A LATER POST
  19. Muarim is pretty awesome, but Mordecai is far too amazing to not use. If you could take all the awesome in Tellius and concentrate it into the shape of a tiger, it would be blue and named Mordecai.
  20. Reikken


    The GameFAQs character guides are generally pretty horrible tbqh.
  21. Reikken


    Yeah, like 1% higher. Oh noz.
  22. Light magic is inaccurate in this game, dood. And Ellen has more hit than Saul. They have the same hit growth, but Ellen has a bit higher base, higher level, and much better supports. Lugh, Chad, Miledy >>> Dorothy, Cecilia
  23. It's crit and hit vs def and crit avo, not just crit vs def. Anyway, I don't see how crit is over rated. Assuming a double attack.. 25 crit from supports + 20 skl + S rank = 64% chance to kill something you don't have enough atk to kill in two normal hits. Add a killer weapon, and it becomes a 91% chance. That's pretty w1n.
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