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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. +str items are useful. Having to let it rot in my convoy for several chapters that I could have been making use of the extra power sounds like a bad idea to me. And even then, you're trading in a +2 of a useful stat in order to get two random stat points somewhere else. Emphasis on random because you don't know what you're getting and it could be something you don't really want. Just give him a spirit dust or something. Also, bexp-ing someone a large number of levels doesn't work at all on hard mode since you effectively have 1/4 as much as on normal mode.
  2. *offers friendly advice*
  3. RNG is taken into account for accurate evaluations. It's just that in many cases, considering the random variation doesn't change the outcome of the comparison since both characters can have their stats come out more or less than the average. But, let's consider some possibilities. If they're RNG-screwed... after promotion, which Guy reaches before Lyn does, Guy has his massive crit that he can rely on if his str came out horrible. Lyn not so much. Her crit is much lower. Guy's chance of capping spd before promotion is literally greater than 99%. Lyn's is 67%, so she can get spd screwed. And that's about it for differences in how they fare with stats different-from-the-average. They both can get def screwed/blessed, etc. And yes, the spd thing is referring to HHM. Like Mekkah said, "What if I don't want to play HHM?" can be responded to with "What if I don't want to play Lyn mode?" Not only is Lyn's level much lower if you don't play Lyn mode, but also her stats are slightly worse for her level (-0.6 def, -0.9 res, and -1.65 luk are the main differences).
  4. "PIH"? What's that? also, what part are you noting? What's difficult to do? Get Calill to 31 spd before endgame? If so, then no... with the massive flood of enemy units in every pt 4 chapter, plus three paragon scrolls, plus her having staves as well, 7-8 levels isn't bad at all.
  5. Indeed, Resolve is not available until the next chapter.
  6. My Rutger was even slower than Lance!! He had only 22 spd as a lv 10 swordmaster! Srsly, though, I'd go with Rutger for game-best. That offense is just too good, as are his bases. Lance has nice concrete durability indeed, but Rutger's isn't much worse. The only differences are that Lance has lances and gets his +def from supports earlier. They have the same growths, similar bases, and Rutger's promotion bonuses are better. After promotion, they're about tied despite Lance having 3 weapons and Rutger having only 1 since they have the same def, but Rutger has more hp.
  7. Yes, Tormod sucks because he joins at only about lv 10 tier 2 with only one chapter left before endgame, but Calill is perfectly fine. Paragon in 3-9 and 3-11 (with her getting a lot of attention from Leanne, but not so much that you have to slow down) is enough to get her to lv 20, and then you still have 3-E. So she easily reaches 3rd tier before part 4 even starts. And this is on hard mode. You must not use fire sages much... Calill only needs to gain 5 spd to hit her 3rd tier cap. She goes into tier 3 with 27 spd. Her tier 2 cap is 25. And her spd growth is 55%. She typically hits her cap by lv 10. And the vast majority of 4-E-1's enemies max at 27 spd, not 28, so only 31 spd is needed to double nearly everything on the map.
  8. Here's what you said: "his HP and DEF are already higher than the other sages can get even at 20/20." Bastian's hp and def: 36 and 12 Calill's avg 20/20 hp and def: 39.0 and 13.6 Tormod's avg 20/20 hp and def: 40.0 and 14.0 They can. The 32 spd cap doesn't prevent that until about 4-E-2, where things start having 29 spd. Also, Rexflame.
  9. You forgot Calill and Tormod. And supports (Ilyana gets alot of def from those) and avoid dunno about the other modes, but he's failing on hard mode. He doesn't do enough damage to kill in two hits and usually attacks only once. Others like Calill and Soren can both attack twice and kill in two hits, thus killing in one round instead of three.
  10. Rutger one-rounds him pretty easily iirc. EDIT: No, he has only about a 30% chance of one-rounding, but he kills in two rounds easily enough (Lalum/Elphin or player phase+enemy phase gets the job done) and doesn't get hit by his lolTomahawk. Note to Murdock: Use a weapon with existent hit if you don't want to fail.
  11. hard mode or no axes or swords
  12. FE10 part 2 prologue sky battle ftw and it's also unique in that it has moving terrain, and it also has a heron, which makes it more pwn.
  13. It's because he has 10 def, 3 res, and poor avoid. And his base offense is nothing special. And he only has 5 chapters of use.
  14. Reikken


    He has a silver sword, actually, so he does indeed do damage. And Oswin has a good chance of being doubled. And the damage he dishes out with an iron lance is probably only around a third of that hero's hp. Not that you would use an iron lance what with all the money this game gives you... You can't buy silver lances yet, so he would have to use a steel or killer lance, but that still usually doesn't even do half its hp. (21 str + 3 atk from supports (A/B Hector, B Matthew/Priscilla) + killer lance + WTA = 35 atk. 38 is needed for half) Just for kicks... an average Guy can one-round it without much trouble. 15 str + 5 from supports (A/B Matthew, A/B Priscilla) + killing edge = 29 atk. 14 damage. . . . . 10 crit from skl, 25 from supports, 5 from S, 15 from class, 30 from weapon = 85 crit. 97.75% chance to land at least one crit in his two attacks. 14x4 = 56, more than its 46 hp. Even take away his B support completely, and he still does 12 damage (12x4=48) with a 93.75% chance of landing a crit.
  15. Chad is actually good at combat in the western isles chapters. And useful in ch5. Also, supports make him more durable as well as more useful. And when ranking, he helps the exp rank more.
  16. Reikken


    (ch 24, HHM) <__< Really, though, even the unpromoted ones would require him to have either 15 AS or 36 atk, which is difficult for him to achieve until later.
  17. He's much much worse than the best units, but he's in the top half of FE6's cast.
  18. Reikken


    30% growth with a low base is pretty bad Here's what an average Oswin gets: http://rpgdl.com/FE.php?character=Oswin
  19. Mist and Jill are among the good units. Jill especially; she's arguably the game's best.
  20. Reikken


    He's pretty good, but he's far too slow (in both speed and movement) to be truly pwnsome.
  21. Really, like Lilina....dang it. You mean she's slow and inaccurate? and has zero hp/def?
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