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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. because they're n00bs. And pronounce "have" like "of" and so think that's the correct word. Or they're extremely lazy and want to write fewer letters.
  2. I nominate Sniper, too. Despite not having many posts on this site, this d00d is a good debaetr. Even won a tournament on FESS iirc.
  3. Now you know! Charisma means a lot in debaets, especially in judging.
  4. Anyway... this I'm willing, Tino ZXValaRevan ...who else? I assume 安室 奈美恵, since there was no "no way, dun wanna be judge" and Mekkah and Swordsalmon haven't posted and how many judges do we want?
  5. ok, statement revision: If someone has a horribly flawed argument, but the opponent doesn't contest it, and they're evenly matched aside from that, then I would say that the dood with the flawed argument wins.
  6. I'm not seeing the contradiction. If someone has a horribly flawed argument, but the opponent doesn't check them on it and is weak aside from that, then I would say that the dood with the flawed argument wins. Ex: d00d A: "Devdan's offense is better than Soren's because Devdan has more RES." d00d B: "But Soren uses magic!" d00d A wins
  7. If the opponent doesn't point out the flaws in their logic, then the argument stands, more or less. But this can be a problem if a post has to be left uncontested due to post restrictions, and new points are brought up in it. Thinking highly of archers or something shouldn't matter since the judge's job is to look at the arguments, leaving their preconceived notions and opinions behind. If that's hard for you to do, then you would make a poor judge. But if it's not, and you have a strong grasp on logic and stuff, then you would be a good one.
  8. lies His competition in this game (Stefan) is just as strong as his competition in FE10 (Mia).
  9. Astrid > Rolf, Soren Rhys, Shinon, Gatrie, Lethe, Mordecai, Volke, Brom, Nephenee, Zihark, Stefan, Tormod, Muarim, Janaff, Ulki, Calill, Ranulf, Haar, Geoffrey, Largo, Nasir
  10. That's not the reason stated in the rule you wrote... Anyway, almost every debate I've done is not about whether or not to use a unit. That's always up to the player's preference. It's about how useful a unit is.
  11. Unfortunately, they're not very helpful. They don't boost luck, he caps spd already, and the str and def boosts are terribly low. Hard mode bonuses are 5 levels of class growths, and the str and def growths for the thief class are both 5.
  12. That doesn't have any bearing on how useful they are.
  13. I disagree with the last rule. Lords do indeed have advantages. And...? All units have advantages over each other. Why should this be any different? And they also have disadvantages (ex: set promotion). The only problem I can see with debating lords applies only to the main lord, and it's seizing. You would probably need to make a rule that says that seizing can't count for or against a unit. Otherwise you get into an argument over what exactly is being argued rather than an argument about the units in question. Like one side might say "X is the best unit in the game because he's needed to sieze. You can't even beat the chapter without him." Then the other might say "Seizing clears the map; it's not actually part of it. It's just like pressing start to begin the chapter." Or something like that.
  14. Matt existant supports make him better than the others
  15. in overall usefulness, rather As opposed to adding in classes that can do exactly the same thing, except less (like fighter, halberdier)? If it's boring, it's only because it makes the game far too easy. You have more options, etc.
  16. O noz, Astrid is worse than two of the best units in the game! But she's still better than 80% of this game's characters.
  17. True enough. Good thing it's only one chapter, though. But throw in a flier or two, and you're set.
  18. It shouldn't. A team made up entirely of paladins, and maybe a healer (like Mist, the healer-paladin,,, after promotion, at least), is a good one. Srsly, what's wrong with using several paladins?
  19. Micaiah is more useful, Sanaki has a better personality, and they're pretty close on cuteness. Overall, Micaiah. She wins the usefulness category by a larger margin.
  20. Soren is easily best sage in this game. By far? May as well be. It's not by a superhuge margin, but he's clearly better than any of the other ones. The evil ones. don't love you, son. Go back to sleep.
  21. She's beyond terrible in FE10, but she's suber1337awesome in this game.
  22. wtfbbq Rounding is for n00bs. On fixed mode, Boyd has 50 base exp in both str and spd. So he has exactly 5 AS... at lv 3. And 7 AS at lv 5 (iron axe gives +5 spd growth. Also -5 str growth). On random mode, lv 4 Boyd has a 72.8% chance of having 5 AS or more. Not counting adjustments in growth from weapons and enemies since I'm not sure if they affect random mode. If they do, it's higher than that since fighters and bandits give +5 str growth and don't affect spd growth. It doesn't matter whether or not you think 5 AS is great. What matters is whether or not he's fast enough to double attack enemies. And he is. Ch 2's fighters all have 0 AS. Chapter 2's bandits range from 0 to 1 AS. 1 is a bit more common.
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