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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. GBA warrior axe crit is pretty win, too. Also, many of the FE9/10 magic animations. Like FE9's map animation for Elthunder, or the animations for Rexaura (FE9. I haven't seen it in FE10). The animation for the caster is always pretty meh. Though I do remember liking unpromoted Soren's animation.
  2. Reikken


    Eh.. I don't think that bit about Eliwood is true. ("While these growths aren't spectacular, almost all of them are above 30, meaning that it's unlikely for him to get RNG screwed.") Growths closer to 50 deviate slightly more, and growths closer to 0 or 100 deviate less. Growths below 50 are very slightly more likely to be RNG screwed but also tend to be RNG blessed by slightly more when blessed. Growths above 50 are very slightly more likely to be RNG blessed but also tend to be RNG screwed by slightly more when screwed. Difference in deviation is generally insignificantly small and can be safely ignored.
  3. Reikken


    The only growths that are significantly less likely to be screwed/blessed are 0-5 and 95-100.
  4. Reikken


    Someone that has a 90% growth and cap-rams is extremely unlikely to be RNG screwed and is impossible to be RNG blessed. Ok? Down a unit endgame > using a crappy unit all through the rest of the game and spending an extra 10k on her promotion item that she doesn't even get to use until super late.
  5. Reikken


    Endgame is what I was talking about, yeah. I usually don't. Lyn is only forced in a few chapters.
  6. Well, exp on hard mode is 5 for a normal hit on someone of the same level, and most enemies in that chapter are level ~18 1st tier, while Astrid is lv 1 2nd tier, so that's 4 exp per hit. Doubled makes 8. That would be 18 on normal mode, though.
  7. I think Danved is a pretty cool guy cheery guy.
  8. Reikken


    or just keep him out of enemy range. It's been forever since I played that chapter since I usually don't finish my plays, but it's not that hard to do iirc.
  9. most of them Set the yellow doods to Target rather than Roam, charge past enemies instead of attacking them, etc. I only intentionally kill the two crossbow warriors, hoseslayer lance paladin, bow paladin, speedwing halberdier, and maybe one of the armors. Oh, and the boss. Maybe like 3 others I have to kill because they get in the way, and a few more suicide on yellow doods. I remember ending on turn 7 last time I played, but meh. ~9, then? Bexp is quite limited on hard mode. You get half as much as on normal mode, and it's half as effective. So you effectively have 25% as much.
  10. Reikken


    While Eliwood is generally the better choice, you can't just assume everyone is going to pick him first. Yes, he usually will be, but... Eliwood or Lyn might have been RNG-screwed or blessed, so you may decide to ditch your screwed Eliwood and promote Lyn, or promote your meh Lyn because your blessed Eliwood is 1337 enough to be fine without promoting, etc. Or you may even not be using Eliwood at all. Or you may just be a Lyn fanboy or something.
  11. Endgame looks indoors, yet there is no movement penalty for mounted units.
  12. You don't need to go out of your way to get max when you can very easily get almost max. and ~7 turns of getting +9 exp for a hit isn't getting her enough to really matter at all. Exp from nonkills fails on hard mode. Seriously.
  13. and that higher spd base is key. Hitting twice for 30 damage >>> hitting once for 35 damage and taking 0 damage instead of 1. And Brom has much better supports.
  14. Making 2-3 take 20 times longer and in the process denying you a large sum of bexp is the opposite of good.
  15. *if the only thing you care about is endgame and aren't playing hard mode.
  16. Reikken


    Actually, the tying point on normal mode is 20/12. Guy has more after, Seraph Robe Lyn has more before. On hard mode, Guy wins right from the start, and the lead only increases. So overall, Guy wins even when giving Lyn an item that can go to several others. Also, by using that item, you can't use the energy ring and still S-rank funds. On average, said item is only giving her maybe +1-2 hp. They only end with same defense, and that's if they're both on the same level and reach max level and on normal mode. At lv 15, for example, Guy wins by 2 def on normal mode. 3 on hard. Then Guy promotes either a good bit earlier or much earlier. You have 3 hero crests already by midway through ch 23 (Hector mode numbering). You don't get the first heaven seal until 26, and don't get the second until 28x (technically in 28, but you can't use it until the next chapter). So Guy is also on a higher level starting around ch 22-24. His affinity gives avoid. Hers doesn't. And he does have more spd. Yes, they usually both cap by lv 20, but Guy has more spd at levels before that. He caps earlier. And they're likely not reaching 20 after promotion. And, as already mentioned, he's on a higher level after promotion and has time where he's promoted and Lyn isn't. Yeah, she has a nice sword before promotion to help make up for losing in stats before promotion, and she gets bows once she finally promotes. And Guy gets +15 crit on promotion. Lyn is on the worse end of support options for both Hector and Eliwood. First, her affinity is pretty bad for Eliwood, and decent but still meh for Hector. Next, they both have several supports that start earlier and/or are faster. And finally, Lyn is more of a backliner due to her crappy defenses while most of their other supports are more durable and so can be with them on the front lines. It's nice, but eh. It's not that great. On NM, it's closer, though Guy is still better, but on HHM, Lyn gets badly outclassed. That's completely irrelevant. Use both Guy and Raven since they're two of the game's best. At least on HHM.
  17. Did you equip him with the Knight Ward? If not, do it again but with that on for most of his levelups, and watch as a fat heavily armored general double attacks things.
  18. It's only as pointless as any other run. And yeah, it's not hard at all. You have several great units, many of them much better than Ike.
  19. Yes, that's what I meant. If I had meant the first thing you said, I would have said something like "1 less range" rather than "no 1 range". I never said Rolf wasn't good. He's fine. It's just Astrid and to a lesser extent, Leo, who are subpar. Enemy phase. When my archer has 30+ def and can counter melee, I want enemies to attack him. Attack with standard bow. Trade -> move crossbow up to top.
  20. No. She doesn't cap enough stats for bexp to help her on average until she has only 7 levels left. So her average only gets boosted by about 1-2 spd, even if every level from then on is gotten with bexp. A normal levelup for her is 3.5 stats, so bexp hurts her before then. Additionally, bexp favors the higher growths disproportionally, so she gets even less in her lower growths. Like maybe 20% instead of 40%. Also, hard mode effectively has only 25% as much bexp to work with, so again it's an even bigger issue there. I was talking about his spd at max level, not his level. Crossbows and Double Bow say hi. And he's not the only one getting those bonuses. His supporter gets them, too. Shinon's chance of having capped spd by max level is like 99+%, while it's more like 40% for the other two. And then on hard mode, you have to deal with not being at max level, so it gets even worse for them. Leo can at least use his prf bow, though at the cost of nerfed atk and no more 1 range, so he's not quite as bad off as Astrid is.
  21. How does Ike many any sword user obsolete?
  22. They're not at all or even anywhere close. Astrid's average max level spd is 32. Have fun getting her to cap that. Leo's max level average is 32. Maybe 33 with bexp stuff. Shinon not only caps on average, but he also hits his max spd about halfway through 3rd tier. Getting the party to max level isn't feasible on hard mode, so this is an especially huge issue there. And Shinon is beastly the rest of the game, while the other two, especially Astrid, are weak.
  23. Reikken


    Guy's hp is higher even if Lyn gets a seraph robe. wot Lyn's defense < Guy's Guy has better def and avo.
  24. Yes, they can. They have 30 spd, not 31.
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