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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. You forgot making unfunny jokes, and doing ultra megas moe kawaii desu ne things.
  2. I am an Anti Fan of Wynne D Fanchon! She can fuck right off and stop moving so goddamn fast.
  3. Kill me now. I feel K-On! is hopelessly mediocre, and that it kind of steals the spotlight from far superior things. Even the music is generic and mediocre, which, considering it is an anime about music to a certain degree, is not a good sign.
  4. Nonononono. You're doing it all wrong. The correct answer is.
  5. I arrived because Swordsalmon posted a topic on FEU about people on SF being retarded and haeeeeeeeeting anyone who even dared try to debate or mention logic in an FE related thread. They were, and I aided in the battle. When the dust began to settle, I moved on to the rest of the site and saw more work for my poor self. Luckily I was saved on both occasions, the first by the arrival of people like Mekkah and Vykan (Reikken even joined the same day I did <3), and the second by the FESS merge.
  6. Dude, trolling and joking are most certainly different things. What I said there was a joke, not an attempt at trolling.
  7. Lyre 3/10 Can begin to satisfy a woman. Would likely buy again with improvement of service.
  8. Transfer Ike 0/10 Unable to satisfy a woman, would not buy again
  9. The captain suddenly recalled one of the greatest advantages that his incredible craft had over all others. "All crew, man your stations, Code Yellow, initiate the Firm Peaks maneuver!" cried the captain, leaping forth and brushing the sweat from his brow, "Today is a good day for somebody else to die!" The Eggbeater's blades began weaving a new pattern, and a cloud of gas appeared to form in some sort of calm area between the blades. The gas coalesced, forming a great orb, discharging space lightning, and glowing all manner of colors! "Ready yourselves my comrades," said the captain, "Fire on the target!" The huge orb suddenly rocketed forth from the spacecraft, propelled by some strange mix of gravitational, electro-magnetic, and propellant forces. As it neared the Cheese Grater, a single, burning shot was fired after it. As the orb collided with the other behemoth, the raging flame slammed into it from behind, causing it to explode magnificently, glowing bright red, and showering the entire sector with its glorious afterglow. Energy coursed through the body of every living thing for light years. As the glow finally began to fade, the crew of the Eggbeater looked on, waiting to see the battered, mangled corpse of their enemy. But lo, from behind the planet, they saw not a defeated enemy, but a proud ship, bearing straight down on them. While the Cheese Grater had clearly sustained damage from the incredible might of the attack it had suffered, it, by some incredible feat, had survived! The captain swallowed. CONTINUE
  10. Wist isn't manly enough You did not just type those words.
  11. Vegas = tourism Bad economy = REAAAAALY slow tourism Slow Tourism = No construction No construction = Virtually NO work for structural engineers (dad) They're just doing repairs, look overs, even stuff for buildings in Saudi Arabia... Thank goodness my scholarships cover my tuition >_> lol
  12. I guess this shit is really hitting you guys down there, eh?
  13. BUT BOROMIR'S DEATH MAN! That death even happened in the book! Some guy suggested that in all dictionaries, instead of having a written definition of hero, they should just play the clip of Boromir's death.
  14. I'm going to take a stand here man. I loved the movies, thought they where awesomely awesome, but they certainly were not better than the books. The books were not too longwinded, they were descriptive. If you look at the time he was writing in, the books are actually fairly fast paced. Basically, it requires you to actually dedicate some time to it, but it is certainly not too longwinded. Consider its length compared to the length of many other books now released. The difference is I can zip through 2000 pages of Harry Potter in about the same time it will take me to read Fellowship of the Ring. The Lord of the Rings is written in a much more complex way, and it takes longer to read it. The movies had to cut down on a lot of that stuff or else they would have been beyond obscenely long, but the loss of the material still has an affect. Also, you know what else was an amazing book? The Silmarillion.
  15. Arise, arise, Riders of Theoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!
  16. Lambda Delta what? Incomplete equation is incomplete.
  17. Are there other Christians that talk about emergency baptism with super soakers? They talk about some seriously silly stuff there.
  18. How could it NOT be a joke? The ludicrousness of it all is insane. But yeah, you could have checked the Wiki page or something. :P
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