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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Sweet. I deserve it to. I mean, I write mocking erotic fiction for humor value, you can't get much more pretentious than that!
  2. Fuck you all. :D You're all gullible dickbutts. :3 As if.
  3. Purty good in RD, purty mediocre in PoR. I like her decently enough. Voted yes.
  4. I should be on this list in my own special "Pretentious Twatface Tier". Doit.
  5. I play Advance Wars, but my dyslexic friend always kicks my ass at it... :( He has crazy skill.
  6. Did you know that I can't believe that no-one has commented on this at all? I mean come on!
  7. If you're going to fucking swear, at least do it right. Mother fucking shit cunts.
  8. *separates fingers* Peace and long life!
  9. I am ZXValaRevan, and I approve of your mom. :3 Anyhow, regarding this, I have never played a Teles game, EVER, but my favorite character is definitely the Jesus allegory Lion. :D
  10. Well, I suppose that *could* be a stereotype?
  11. Lessee now... I do say "eh" a lot... What else... Not too much that I can think of. I don't fall into too many stereotypes because I don't really live in the most normal circumstances. :P Oh yeah, someshit... I kind of fit that hippy/whateverish stereotype as the kind of zen like, calm guy that stands around saying "Duuuuuude" a lot and not getting worked up. :3
  12. I don't have feelings 'cause feelings are gay. They totally mess with my groove.
  13. Have a hot threesome in public. Then everyone will know the truth, amirite? :3
  14. While I agree with you for the most part, the Bible quote at the top of the page was making me lean to believe it was a Christian fundie... '"But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you." 2 PETER 2:1' That one. I might have misunderstood though, so in that case, just remove the Christian part from it. That wasn't supposed to be the operative anyway. :D Actually, looking back I can see where my post could have been confusing, really. I got the overall tone and meaning I was looking for, but the actual wording was botched pretty badly. Sorry about that. :P Probably what I should have said was that this wasn't a real sight about this type of thing, but instead a fear mongering and weird site, which basically just stirs up shit that doesn't really matter.
  15. Arise, arise, Riders of Theoden! Fell deeds awake; fire and slaughter! spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!
  16. Oh, you also forgot to add Age Of Empires 2.5 (Age of Mythology)!
  17. Do you guys even fucking read this shit? That is a link to a site of what appear to be some right wing Christian fundies doing some fear mongering. I mean, they're blowing the issue way out of proportion. This is hilarious, actually.
  18. I'm sure everyone agrees that the FE discussion has gone WAY uphill, so I'll ignore that. I think that (especially with the arrival of the FESSers) General Discussion has gone WAY uphill, because we have people who can actually argue now. I also think that the Writing section is so much better now that at least some people are accepting Shuuda's help. Far From the Forest might be the one you guys are talking about, but I think it's a lot better because it's a lot less retarded.
  19. And? MSN is off the forum... And I've never been called any of those in a PM or over MSN. So maybe I just don't stir up retard bile as much, or maybe it really isn't happening. The point is, its off the forums, which makes things better on the whole. Are you guys seriously going to believe that the overall raise in intelligence and maturity on this board has made it go DOWNHILL? Seriously?
  20. ... Oh come on, am I the only one who thinks this whole thread, and especially this type of response is hilarious?
  21. I agree with Shuuda and Ninji really. Now, I wasn't here in the Summer, but I can say that since I joined I can see a remarkable improvement in this forum. You know, now no-one is being called "inhuman" or a "fucking moron" or "unlikeable cunt" because they disagree with you about a game and happen to have backed up their claim with evidence. I could continue. But perhaps it's because we all have differing expectancies... I like a forum that's funny, interesting and intelligent, not stupid. Drama and trolling is fine with me as long as it's entertaining. I don't mind people being retarded as long as I can make fun of them for it.
  22. Does anyone take that thread seriously? I mean, I thought that even Lyle HIMSELF said that it was basically just groundless claims...
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