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Everything posted by Deity

  1. lol, dont use me as that scapegoat, I had nothing to do with it.
  2. That is reasonable, for if there was no approval needed, we'd have like a gazillion groups in here.
  3. Deity


    Like discos and stuff? lol You are never too old to do anything. :D Just do it.
  4. *Waits for project to come through* :P
  5. Yeah, in order to rank up the member would have to participate in events and such and win contests, etc for the group.
  6. Deity


    Oh yeah, the wings. How about you are a wingless Heron lol Nevermind <_<
  7. Can I be a leader of a group? XD lol
  8. Yes, that is the best damn part of the group thingy, to be able to show off what club you belong to and how many awards you have as a member. XD
  9. Sure, so how many do we have at the moment? Three? *Runs to get Luxord in here*
  10. You can do most of that through use of the CP. However, if it is gonna be a public group and the leaders not able to use the cp or Mod options, then the group leader itself has to take care of making most of that through use of his/her skills. The groups I commanded one time had prestige and awards and all that stuff. We all had our own group logo and lobbies, where only members of that particular group were allowed to go in and post, the others could not. This, as you say, Cynthia, was great for group meetings. In there we would discuss strategy for a certain event, we would discuss who was gonna do what and we would discuss alot of stuff in there. The activities I ran there were the following: Art Contest, Writing Contest, Mug Contest, Sprite Contest, group Art Creation, group story contest, siggy weekly contest. Aside from that, we had games, arcades, quizzes and other stuff. It was so active that I found my hands full of stuff to do as an Administrator. But I'll tell you this, I made the group thing work like hell. :D It wast the best damn forum I ever made, and I had like 50 members. the site was called The Game Club, but I deleted it once some member jacked control of it and made a mess. One thing is for certain, though. When you have a good guy who knows what he/she is doing, things go well.
  11. Count me in if you know how to count. Tbh honest, I tried this here before and it didnt gardner too much attention. ^^
  12. Deity


    Lol, ok. How about as a Heron? Herons are beautiful creatures.
  13. Oh, ok. Well, let us start simple...What exactly do you have planned for the groups? What activities, what rewards, what rules, etc, will all this have? You gotta have a strong system in order to get the members attention.
  14. Deity


    Let me guess as what. A witch? Or an Elf. How about as Lolth?
  15. I am very useful in teh CP, and I know some stuff, but that is not for me to decide. However, I could help by advicing you guys here with the groups. I use to run a forum a year ago, and we had groups, it was a success until one of the members jacked the forum and sent it to oblivion. ^^ But I do know some stuff on groups. Regardless, if this is validated, I want in in several clubs :D
  16. Alright, cool, Lux. You need a nickname and you need to put the info in your siggy. Add this image to your siggy, its the Club's Emblem lol
  17. Not enough to walk the plank, Capn, I assure you.
  18. I know that we are permitted to use only one picture in our sigs. Well, what I was wondering was since I made this new writers club thingy, is it okay if the members of this club and I use a small icon so as to dinstinguish ourselves? The icon would be like a Fire Emblem Tome or something of that style and size.
  19. Ooi, please Vincy, lets have clubs, lets do. My thoughts are that it would be kind of fun having the members belong to a certain club. There could be rules, gains, prizes, etc. I'm sure it would be a hit. XD
  20. Yes, so must I. ^^ My first story will feature peeps from SF, and I'm going to publish it too.
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