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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. What stands out to me is the fact that they have official art of it standing on two legs and four legs. It could mean nothing, but with 'major changes to the game play' and what not, it should be pointed out.
  2. Most of the starters are UU because there are better pokemon to play their part(Blastoise, Blaziken). And then there is the general typing issue where grass is terrible(which ruins torterra), fire is terrible(which ruins charizard), and water is terribly common. The only starters that are truly bad are Bayleef and Bulbasaur, Feraligatr and the penguin could be OU with a slightly improved moveset(whixh is bound to come with added TMs). And not a single on of them is the face of the franchise, and recently most aren't even the face of their generation. Regardless, the wish to improve Pikachu has nothing to do with the need to update the national dex for order, the need to get rid of stupid location related evolutions among others, and a need for the game to play a bit more intelligent.
  3. Not really. Raichu is superior regardless because of the item freedom and speed. Where as the face of the franchise and the evolution is merely a UU at best, he was a starter once and should get bases as such. Not to mention that doesn't change the fact that now is the time to reboot certain aspects - national dex, evolution styles, and maybe even the number of gyms - and take certain angles for devloping new pokemon - such as pikachu and raichu no longer being related due to differences and the rate of breeding and evolution in pokemon in general.
  4. Assuming that is an evolution, and not some off brand tangent of an existing pokemon,I'd have to suggest Lucario. Chances are, it's this gen's Lucario - random ass pokemon that'll appear in a movie, is the evolved form, and never actually plays out importance. Oh, and while I don't really like the idea, it's honestly about time they play out a Pikachu evolution that A ) plays on his strengths and B ) looks more like him. Sucks for Raichu, sure, but it's about time the face of the franchise got a reboot. In fact, with the return of the time capsule for trades to DPP, they may as well consider using a time skip as an excuse for an ENTIRE franchise reboot in various areas.
  5. Doesn't mean he won't get an evolution. I'd say it's an odd generation, which traditionally hasn't given many if any evos to older generations but this isn't a valid sample size. Chances are, this was made for the new year in general and they got lucky with this. As for showing the starters first, that's a terrible choice if they go traditional.They won't show the evolutions, so what's to gain? The only one with a chance at defining it's type is the fire pokemon.
  6. This post makes me feel old. Still, I have my doubts that the game will improve the pokemon games, so I have my issues with it as anyone who sees a sequel should. And that picture is a fake. Not only is it a bit too early in general(as any magazine that would feature that comes out towards the middle of the month), but the battle scene isn't accurate.
  7. Those pokemon need new evolutions, but it's fake. Look at the battle screen shot. It features some background tears which scream photoshop. Kind of sad they put that much effort into fakes though. If I were Game Freaks, I'd at least take the hint and drop evolutions for those two pokemon. I think, technically, they could use these if they wanted, but that's just a bad idea. And as far as Magneton goes in pokemon battles, he was a high tier pokemon until 4th gen when he evolved. Electric/Steel with Levitate says it all. But that's why I'm hoping a Dragon/Fire with levitate comes along. And a Dragon trio would make that easy.
  8. All I want is for them to make pokemon caught more dynamic and unique than in previous games. Take that, and improve breeding odds on just about everything, and I'd take that over. . . probably new pokemon and just about anything. You know. Height/size/build. Intelligence. Weight. I don't care if I can catch a bad pokemon because of those features. It wouldn't bother me if those were tiny modifiers that I couldn't change that make brash generalizations. Or if they could be modified with time. To ease the grind. Make the game harder, and make the catchable monster pool larger throughout the game, and that would make the game a lot more enjoyable. I mean, if I had my way, I'd love to see a Microsoft-Nintendo-Bioware/Bethesda do a pokemon game where the game is built more western RPG. It could be a brilliant PC game if done right, that with online would probably sell crazy and make bank, even if they essentially only remade Red/Blue to do it and the catchable cast was limited to the first 151 minus legendaries. But wanting that makes me the crazy one, apparently. For what it's worth, it's obvious I'll buy this game. But anything short of filling out what's left to fill out will be disappointing. I mean, you found the essential poke-god. The Legendaries should be his two strongest creations(physical and special) for the covers. Elemental Dragons. Most remaining type combos - Most remaining second evolutions. And difficulty should be a must at this point. At least make a hard mode with smart movesets, extra monsters, use of the IV and EV system on trainer monsters, and a gradual level increase if you want a kid friendly game as well.
  9. I can tell the list is terrible from 100. But when Darkwing Duck, FMA, Rugrats and some such are all in the 90s, you kind of lose faith. In Faith.
  10. Socialism, like peace, is worthless unless the whole world partakes.
  11. Abnormal life spans. Though the official timelines suggest that Soan formed Gallia, the Begnionese absorbed it, and another Lion later revived it.
  12. Give characters that are introduced a level for every chapter you can't use them after they are introduced. Even if it's limited to BEXP-like level ups, it still brings them further along. Or at least 2-5 per missed part, as some characters are gone forever. If you won't do that, at least increase the level of the enemies in the first part by like, 2-3 per enemy and drop a base point to all the part 1 characters base stats(Except BK, of course). Hell, to balance that out, you can give nearly every enemy for the rest of the game that stat point. Balance between the characters is, more or less, the biggest flaw in the game. Magic users could have also used a slight speed cap boost. Giving characters actual supports to, say, 5 other characters each, would have been a nice touch. Other than that, more skills - Inventive, and creative skills could both individualize and balance characters.
  13. Well, I still feel that they could improve the value of each by making them singular like Juggs is now. It's not quite worth ten, but I wouldn't under sell it either, as they deserve to profit. Ultimately it'll be affected by future DLC, which characters they include, and how many there are.
  14. On what basis do you think they'll re-release it? The fact that they did it for MUA1? I mean, unless you actually have some proof of that, you should at least use common stupid arguments like 'They could have released the game a month later!' Or 'I already paid 60 dollars, why should I pay 10 for less than 5% new content.' The DLC is different to begin with, don't plan so far down the line. Yes, chances are, months from now, if they do end up with, say, 20 DLC characters, then yes, they'll probably have discounts. Look, if the DLC was set up to have 1 pack and then 5 characters each with 1 sim for 160, then every character you loved would easily be worth it and a number of people would feel inclined to buy their second favorite. Hell, with 4 packs released, I wouldn't be surprised to hear 10 characters were bought on average. But it's a pack and it comes with the good and the bad. Besides, the 5 characters aren't broken. Just decent among the cast. They do have their downsides. And that concept isn't exactly a negative for the pack. I'd feel cheated to pick up DLC with 5 useless characters. And of course, value is all opinion based. Of course they could sweeten the deal. And for a supposedly fan based company, they likely should have. But 800 points isn't a terrible value.
  15. For the record, I wasn't calling to remove Hulk or Pheonix, but denouncing their value as characters in the storyline. It's 0. As for the DLC, consider that you get 4 new sim missions and 5 new characters only a month or so after release of the game; a game which matched it's predecessor in number of base characters and has DLC ~5 months sooner. Worth 800? Not quite. Largely because, lets face it, you'd have to have odd tastes for these to be the 5 characters missing from your 'perfect game'. But not bad unless you're one of those people that harp that this should have been in the game. Realistically, the PS2 version doesn't deserve an exclusive(despite sharing 3 with the Wii and PSP), and the DS doesn't exactly deserve two when the 360 and PS3 version only get 2, technically 1 without a preorder. Ultimately, PS3 and 360 version owners were cheated out of MAYBE 3 characters, and that's hoping they wouldn't then choose to make 360 and PS3 exclusives. And only one of those 3 characters is being used in DLC here. And even this analysis is given the fan a lot of unguaranteed items, such as the idea that She-Hulk and Sentry are even ABLE to be transposed. Ultimately, only one of those models were known to exist in a slightly worse form. The other 4 could have theoretically been built in a few weeks.
  16. For the record, Carnage is broken, I heard the same about Black Panther and Psylocke, and I expect mostly the same of Magneto and Cable. Like I said though, if they hold true to their word on the DLC, then 40-50 characters aren't so far fetched. Will they all be good characters or storyline related characters? Maybe like, 5 of them. But more is good. Not so much at 10 bucks, but you pick up some sim missions. Hulk wasn't truly important to the issue - At the time, it was fear mongering. If Iron Man couldn't save a baby, he would have been accused of being a baby hater. People actually like Matt Murdock. Oh, and I'm on the fence about this new info, but they're also talking a new costume per character as DLC. Which, for 10 dollars, would be a decent value(in a sense). However, it adds nothing(in a sense) to the playability of the game, so. . . I suppose they could add costume specific teams and sim missions but nothing drastic would come.
  17. They've hit just about the limit on DLC characters that matter, especially since the characters added will be lucky to have new personal conversations with characters. Punisher Bishop Hercules Sentry Doctor Octopus Would probably be my top 5 if they limited to characters that had some sort of relevance in the Civil War. And that list was thrown together. But as far as most VILLAINS go, the only one I want to see is the Mandarin. Often ignored, but let's face it, he'd be magnificently dynamic.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he appears once, gets a kill, and then isn't used again. Even if he's there, the fact that he gets a kill makes him all but ineffective. Hulk had nothing to do with registration, really. He created dissent in the Illuminati, and used his power to effectively end registration mattering, but his identity was very public. Jean Grey is dead, but still popular. Surprised Dark Reign story line hasn't tried to bring her back, actually. And to be fair, of the 4 announced DLC characters, 2 of them should have been available in game(Panther even had a 'moveset'), Spiderman needed more love regardless, and there's still a 5th character. Of what will likely be 15-25 DLC characters, based on comments about the MUA1 DLC. With only 3 real villains, the Punisher is suddenly less valuable in the story. He falls under the 'there should have been 10 more characters incorporated into the story' clause.
  19. Terrible for Video games, merely average in real life. I mean, a cast split in the name of villain incorporation when there's ultimately only three villains in the cast(at least, pre-DLC) is a bit of a joke. Not that the story was bad in this game, as it wasn't where the game faltered. But they could have gotten away with making something up - ultimately, that's what they sorta did, but people expect Civil and Secret War story lines. 10 or so more characters(5 more each way, even if those characters were on the fence you could move Ms. Marvel and others, add a few villains as well) would have helped the validity of the storyline, but having written off the Hulk and Thor before the game even started was probably a bad idea. The issue with the game lies almost completely in shared XP and ability points. Should have only given 10% or so of what you earned to inactive characters, and 50% or so to unavailable characters. You get every character regardless of which side you take,and you're probably not going to play the game more than twice.
  20. Less, probably, to catch dystonia. And you probably could die from a vaccine. If you had like, all the right diseases. I mean, numerous people catch a very weak version of the flu after getting the vaccine anyway, so having no immune system. . .
  21. For the record, as a back drop for a video game, the Civil War is terrible. If you've read it, you'd know that it's a bad idea. It incorporates villains. That's why it was used. Except that's half ass backwards when the game splits up anyway. So why not just have a heroes story and a villains story. Oh, and while there is a decent chance that the 5th DLC character is Magneto, they've stated that if they have the money they'll do as many DLC characters as possible. Which means they'll do 20-25 depending on DLC sales and then move on to Ultimate Alliance 3.
  22. Look, to be fair, we're talking a video game that has to be published. And keep in mind space constraints. If the world were fair, they'd give us every Marvel character ever. I hear Carnage isn't a Venom clone, though, so I guess that helps. Black Panther is in, I don't outright count Cable(or Deadpool for that matter) as an X-Men character, and there's another character. Would be nice if they weren't suddely worth more than the characters in MUA(by quite a bit, too) and if they would have put more in the actual game(because, lets face it, the game should have another 10 characters minimum built in), but basing the game outright on Civil War would be boring unless they included WWH or something else.
  23. This honestly should not be awfully hard - The game is loaded with great prepromotes. Even after that, Laguz, skills(some of which are broken), BEXP, weapon forgery, growth bands, and the Mag/Str split(to a small extent yay stat boosters) make the issue easier.
  24. Would still probably suggest an increase of characters you can use per part. While not needed for part 2 and most of part 3, it solves a delicate issue of the rest of part 3 and part 4, which will just end up impossible because they come in so underleveled.
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