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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Clever. But at the end of the day, I wasn't the one being used like a toilet over the internet. So it was several topics combined into one. Wonderful.
  2. In shorter words, what you did is condense a number of topics into one. A decent feat, but it was bound to happen with the title. Name a movie "The Greatest Fucking Movie to Ever Exist" and people will watch it simply to learn that it isn't.
  3. I did no such thing. You'd best realize who shat on your topic before you pick up crap and try to fling it back. I'm merely observing, correcting a misjudgement. Frankly, if I wanted to ruin your fun, it'd be well constructed and you wouldn't realize I was trolling you until it was much too late. But anyway, the one person who continues to bring up effort needs to realize that while, initially, the claim that a topic lasted three months on a spam forum sound impressive, you have to consider it was a topic labeled after the most popular FE game, on an FE Fansite, in a spam forum. It'd be impressive if the topic had subject matter, but it didn't. The other thread mentioned actually was just mocking the FE4 topic. EDIT: You might want to actually understand the situation before you complain about it. It's sad when I do and you don't.
  4. To be fair, effort isn't quite the right word. No offense, but it doesn't take much more effort to talk more than others. There's a word out there for what it is, perhaps even a word that provide validation. But it takes effort to write a book. Effort to commit murder. Effort to raid a compound.
  5. An ex of mine who I cared about before she left me for the dumbest reason and crushed my very heart and soul called me Cuddle Bunny. But for what it's worth, I've been bunny for a long as hell time. No real reason.
  6. I could totally see this topic being locked before too long as well, if not totally blown over.
  7. And Joseph said, "God shall bring us redemption in the afterlife in the form of life." And Mary said, "What, I got pregnant for redemption in afterlife? Are you shitting me?"
  8. But then he'd actually have to search for a movie where he was good. THAT might be harder than saving the Matrix. I mean, I guess he was okay in The Replacements, but lol Sports Movies.
  9. Is this Librarian good looking? Because stereotypes say she has to be really old. And wear glasses.
  10. I find it ironic how this topic will shoot up a hundred posts in a matter of hours much like the previous topic. Of course, that's not irony. It's satire. My use of the word ironic is actually the only thing ironic there. But more people know what irony is, so I'll stick to that.
  11. It would be fucking awful, but Reeves already has the part of Spike locked, so the movie should be tossed aside now. Still, if Jack Black could revert him to Bill and Ted form, it might be worth it.
  12. Shit, don't even fucking play. I was IMing a friend a short while ago about how Jack Black could pass for Jet.
  13. I know, when will my topic about Keaneu Reeves get love.
  14. All posts in this thread were productive and spawned a mess of conversation. God, they could really use a Mod on the morning shift here. IT'S 5 AM, WHERE ARE YOUR MODS? Sleeping.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't hitting reload resend take less effort in spamming? EDIT: Ah, I see. You're a sly bastard, SF.
  17. bunny is my call sign. Fun? In this, a time of war and poverty? MADNESS.
  18. For something so forum wide, I missed a memo. So fuck you. Again.
  19. My only complaint about the trolling was that it was uncreative and it created all this bullshit drama. Really, Revan? Fuck you. You owe me for subjecting me to this shit.
  20. Back on the FE7 boards on GFAQs, I started the Scouring series topics that totalled in like 3000 posts overall before it was stopped. Now Sneakers was a real troll. He caused hell.
  21. Another tip, try not to care. Just make another topic. IF they continue to fuck it up, then they are trolling and then you can bitch and complain about that.
  22. When you want things to go your way, you shouldn't act so sure you're in the right. You're basically saying it should be done because you're better, when it probably would have been done had you said nothing. Not to say it won't be done, but fuck, don't act like your somebody.
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