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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Eh, to be fair, no one needs a reason to exist. People just want a reason to exist. Though to be fair, you're just claiming it's blind faith.
  2. And to be fair, I'm not attacking him. IF he shows up, that's on him. If he decides to defend his choice, well, honestly, I don't see that going anywhere. But it's, at best, for people to read. Because Attention topics aren't allowed, so calling him out would result in a topic lock.
  3. I wasn't asking him to change it. I just wish people could be above the sort of thing in general.
  4. Religion doesn't necessarily start more problems then it solves. Religion just isn't needed anymore, beyond a sense of protection.
  5. Political correctness isn't the issue here. Mentally Impaired Homosexual doesn't make for a better user name.
  6. God can be satirical in a sense, though. Anyone who laughs at the name retarded faggot for any reason other than how long he's kept it has issues.
  7. It's one thing for it to not bother people. Most people here aren't retarded and the small majority of gay people that exist here probably wouldn't have a problem with being called a faggot. But there's a near infinite combiation of letters and numbers to make a name, so you don't have to go out of your way to try and be offensive.
  8. Really. Really? REALLY? I mean, it's one thing to be classless over the internet and another for you to blatantly disregard all moral standards and for people to look past it. Just stop.
  9. That's all you got? I went to school every day my senior year with 3 hours of sleep.
  10. My computer crashed and burned. I just got done fixing it. "That's nothing." I served around 2500 Wings over the weekend. To ungrateful people. That's not counting the Fries, Pretzels, burgers, Pizza, Hotdogs, Chicken, Shrimp or Cheese Stix. . . es. Damn Tyler Perry.
  11. Since the Z movies were a retcon of the original series, expect this to continue that.
  12. You wear it so you have an electric blue penis like Dr. Manhattan. In case that's your thing.
  13. The Hollow form won't completely take over yet. He's only fighting number 4. But he just made the other three a hell of a lot scarier.
  14. The Watchmen Movie has a little piece of Merchandise it's trying to sell.
  15. Rockin HD Biatch. The image cells are also being expanded to 16:9 with added detail. And they're making it shorter. The first 219 episodes are being compressed into 100. For those who don't know, that means they are taking everything before the time skip and compressing it. Filler is being cut, Namek taking 5 minutes to blow up will actually be closer to 5 minutes, and so on.
  16. Music: Basic record contracts put your royalties(that is, profits per sale) at a low margin. 10 to 15% from big labels. So much for your 'directly proportional' argument. Most leading actors will get a small royalty check as well, by the by. That's at full price. Albums sold on sale cut your royalties to about 60%. Bands get paid per Album made, with basic contracts requiring them to make X Albums with them. No, a band will never see 20 million from a CD they produce. But they're also only making 10 songs, an hour's worth of entertainment, only 2-4 of which will see a radio release, with minimal marketing for the CD and frankly ridiculous amounts of competition in the industry. And that's not mentioning their profits for concerts. You can argue that it's generally 4+ people to a band, and that they have to produce the same song many times until it's perfected and they'll cuts songs from the final CD. But movies run the same scenes more than once and don't produce enough material to kick out another movie. The biggest thing the increasing piracy does to music is thin out the talent pool, making it harder for unestablished artists to make it, while forcing out small names bands that are more than like 70/30 at the least in your bad/good ratio. Any real music buff will tell you the industry is more likely to kill a band than piracy is. As for software, it takes someone to crack the program/build a program to use the software, and they do it for free generally without trouble from the company that would want to protect their software. Doesn't hurt that it's, more often than not, well over-priced and in these days built incomplete.
  17. There's an obvious reason why Piracy is illegal. It isn't because it's wrong or they don't want you to steal it, though. That's silly. Piracy is illegal simply to limit non-profits. Do note that a bulk of all artists actually make a living based on the sale of the product. It's the companies that make the bulk of the profits, and usually they make far more money off the product than they deserve. Music is a huge example of an industry that robs the artists, and then whines about pirating. I mean, yeah, the artist will be rich if his album/game/movie goes 'triple platinum', but that rarely happens, even if you count every pirate. The only industry I can't really support pirating is movies. It's a large industry that features a lot of talent and a lot of people working for a living. Are there movies that aren't worth watching? Yeah. But 9/10, you can find that out from trailers, reviews, or your own tastes. Plus it takes forever and uses up a ton of space.
  18. Different circumstances? Increased power? A very Dragonball like set up? Ichigo can win. Ulq said Ichigo was stronger than him at certain times a long time ago anyway. And Ichigo's power has increased. So either his peak and low end power are much higher and/or his low end power is higher and he can peak much easier. His power level is clearly increasing, though. Look at his mask now. And then look at it in it's first appearance. And second appearance. And third. Hell, it's appeared 11 times and the left half continues to get blacker. But anyway.
  19. Texas won't see a playoff win for 2 decades.
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