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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Considering Shunsui is currently fighting Stark, the issue could have been about that.
  2. It makes the chapter seem short and the battle seem drawn out. He really ought to just collect the next 4 issues and stick them into a Jump a month from now at this rate. So many unimportant fights that seemed so randomly placed and end so quickly is getting kind of old, even if it seems to be heading for a climax. It'll look a bit better in Anime form, but that's because they turn 3 or so Manga Chapters into 1 episode. As for all the Captains dying - I doubt it, with Bleach's track record. 3 tops.
  3. That's the chapter this week. Kira is busy healing. . . Everyone. Since they all got rocked. As for me betting on his death, he's so old, they story can't really progress unless he dies, and since it's Jump and Ichigo has to kill Aizen eventually, Yama-ji is likely to be the first light aligned character to die.
  4. Too bad he's probably going to die by the end. . .
  5. http://defamer.com/5107081/touch-dongs-body
  6. It snowed here on Saturday. I feel sorry for your Football teams though. lol Tony Romo in the snow. Not that anyone has any idea who I'm talking about. . .
  7. It's supposed to come after part 1 and it covers Gravity, Evolution, Dinosaurs and tells us how to rid the world of War, Famine, and Pestilence.
  8. Looks like I called the homosexuality. Not that there's anything wrong with it.
  9. The world doesn't spin around as fast as it used to. So they have to add a second to the year.
  10. So Dec. 31st is going to be a second longer. At 6:59:59, instead of going to 7:00:00, it'll go to 6:59:60. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...TbSuMQD94UOUE00
  11. I'm talking to you. But seriously, Cows are high in intelligence. They even get excited when they solve intellectual challenges. Just because they're big creatures with few real defensive capabilities doesn't make them dumb. It makes them vulnerable.
  12. Why whine about fillers when if they didn't exist you'd be watching nothing? You'd whine more about the latter.
  13. I'd have the power to take away all of your powers. And the power to take away anyone's power who would take away my power to take away powers. In fact, that's actually what happened. Most of you were supposed to have super powers, but you don't because of me.
  14. From what I understand, Intelligence among animals has nothing to do with whether or not they become food. Utility>Intelligence in almost every situation. Cows are supposedly more intelligent than you average dog, but even the biggest nicest Bull does nothing that a decent Horse can't do better.
  15. Logically speaking, the chicken had to come after the egg, yeah.
  16. No word on who is starring. All I know is the writers are supposed to start it after Iron Man 2.
  17. They're remaking the first one. I believe the writers behind Iron Man are writing the script for it.
  18. I heard you could change topic titles as a royal.
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