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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Maybe you're just posting from the past. It's kind of funny. On topic, in a person's profile, it actually says they were last seen on the site on December 2nd as well, so perhaps that is what needs to be fixed.
  2. I see no reason to count posts but it's not my call. As for the margin of success of such a forum, it depends on how much of FFtF was a diary as opposed to humorous.
  3. I believe your intentions were good. But I see how it can be taken. Like I said. I think a five character minimum for posts could work wonders for the entire forum.
  4. A Warn is simply that. A warning. It's not as if he can no longer post on the forums. He still has all the features available to him before the warn. It literally did nothing to him. And the way I took it was that he was saying that Vincent's opinion wasn't worth much because he went to GameFAQs. Obviously that's not what he meant but if he had it'd could come off as rather insulting and breaks the rules which he wants enforced.
  5. Is that your only comeback? As for the topic, a five character limit to a post could work wonders. And that's like a word. But it's a long word and generally forces a sentence.
  6. Are you sure HE understood that? I personally felt it was dealt slightly derogatorily. Honestly, no, I don't know what it was for. Only you and others who can check your warn level do. Hell, perhaps it was to mock you for posting a 'spam' agreement post in a topic where you were against spam. But if it was in Fox's defense, it would have been done before the post, not after.
  7. That's not why he got the warn at all, however. It was more of an insult toward Vincent that got him a warn.
  8. He's bashed the entire staff on different occasions. Not just her. No, that doesn't earn him a warn off the bat, but I'm sure even he realizes that he's made at least one offense in this topic that could potentially get him a warning that does, to be frank, absolutely nothing unless he continues. There are more options than that to begin with. It is quite possible that the mods are doing the job well as is.
  9. There is a difference in the two. But when you accuse someone of not doing their job, you're bashing them. Especially if they feel as if they are. That's what he did, and that's why the post was directed at him and not everyone in the topic. Also, Death. While I can't really say anything to argue against what you said, posting there still couldn't hurt the situation. Some topics that are plagued in FFtF may actually qualify to be in general, and people always feel stupid when they post a sentence after someone posts three paragraphs.
  10. By the by, you don't have to sift through it. You don't have to read it. I already agreed that a post minimum was probably not out of the question, but I made a suggestion of my own as well.
  11. Acting like your better than others and still having nothing to offer. I made my point on the topic itself.
  12. It changes everything. Because now it's clear that something just isn't working. But you went about it the wrong way, and you acted like you were better than others when you have nothing substantial to offer.
  13. Is it completely invalid? The way you talked of the poor posting styles in the poor topics and how they would spread sounds just like drugs. Just because you can't take a comparison between a serious issue and a null issue doesn't make it invalid. Vincent said that changing the forum was beyond the scope of the members in such a manner, and I never said it was possible either. But you're trying to place limitations on others because you feel that allowing poor posting habits there will allow it to spread elsewhere without posting there.
  14. To an extent, yes. If you don't want your kid doing drugs you shouldn't do them. And just because a cop tells you that you won't doesn't mean you won't and doesn't mean they won't.
  15. So post something meaningful. Set a standard for topic quality on the forum instead of whining about it. If you're not going to post there, then don't worry about it.
  16. Why does it matter how many people back you up? My point still stands. Unless you're posting there and reading the topics, don't whine about it.
  17. You've bashed the moderating staff the entire topic and expected to get away scotch free? On the self titled important forums. And it's not the first time. You more than deserve the warn. And frankly, I think the complaint proposed in the topic is ultimately worthless because whether it completely changes or doesn't you probably won't post there and you don't have to read the topics.
  18. Pointing fingers is fun because I'm a jerk. Anyway. While I don't think a character minimum for topic names and first post is beyond unreasonable, it's not god awful as is. And I thought that harrassing Fox was kind of sad because most people who did it aren't really the best people to go to in terms of judging her of her job.
  19. To be fair, Stephen King writes books like they're nothing. Also, considering most authors actually put money into the books they're making, a second job is required until a book sells. After you're a success and waste the money you made, people will want more of the same but different. If you do that wrong you're a dead turkey and no matter how good your first book was it'll get new critics.
  20. Yes. He made a big topic. EDIT: While I'm here, what are the big 5? I can only think of 4. Someone fill it in? English, Spanish, French, German, ?
  21. It won't exactly fully heal them. Since it takes 2 hits to kill, you'll still have to heal in the long run anyway. And it takes 3 or so without an axe/mod weapon. And to that end, healing more with a staff is free XP+ more HP healed. At the loss of a turn at WORST in the long run. Generals generally can't double, the Knight Ward isn't *that* exclusive, and only Adept can give you a better chance to kill than Luna. You'll still OHKO most things with a modded Silver Lance, high strength, and a Luna activation.
  22. Technically, FFC regulations are only for female nipples.
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