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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. No, no, and no. Technically, Fox Entertainment hired the writer.
  2. Marvel isn't writing the next Three Spider man Movies. That's why they'll suck.
  3. For what it's worth, relevance is subjective to who is judging it's relevance. Your example was poor because you assume that just because everyone will agree it's irrelevant doesn't make relevance subjective. Furthermore, prove the point wrong. Oh shit. We've been there, done that. You feel it goes one way I feel it's another way. The difference is that only one person can be right in this situation. It's not as simple as saying that something that can or can't be proved isn't real and feeling you're a bigger person for 'knowing' it's right. I posted in the topic to see how people felt on the situation. It's been revealing.
  4. It's not the easy way out. It's the point.
  5. But relevance is subjective.
  6. So it's someone else opinion and you're their. . . tool? You clearly missed my point when I brought up God. It's the same situation. If you can prove that God doesn't exist, than you can prove the same of this moral construct. We'll ignore when I said good and evil are moral constructs for the sake of arguments. I felt your insult to my intelligence was petty and pretentious. These qualities are truly the bane of evil showing within you. Prove me wrong, sweetheart.
  7. To be fair, we're discussing nothing. It's your opinion, amirite? I personally don't see the point in caring whether or not exists, which makes me the perfect irrational person to argue devils advocate.
  8. I wasn't bringing God into it. Merely stating that the situation is no different. No proof on either side, with neither side willing to argue with their heads out of their ass because neither side has nothing. Ultimately creating an underlying tension.
  9. Is that your theory or your opinion? And not a single one is being discussed. So we're all idiots for continuing to post in the topic. It means we're back to God.
  10. And yet, it doesn't make this topic worth more than two posts. Honestly, if it could truly be summed in such a way, than anyone who made more than 2 serious posts in the topic is an idiot.
  11. Unfortunately, the evidence against good and evil doesn't exist either. So we're back to God. All the same, I was only jumping in to a topic about 10 posts late. And frankly, it's no fun if you're just saying 'it's your opinion'.
  12. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. ;)
  13. Good and Evil are mere constructs. If you can't identify what is good or evil, then can you prove it exists?
  14. I never said I could. What I did say is that life and death must not be a piece to solving the puzzle of good and evil. Because both are natural. Planned, if you wish to go there, or the most logical result of evolution if that's your cup of tea. If you truly wish to believe evil exists in murderers, than evil must be natural.
  15. You eat dead animals and plants to continue living, don't you? As to whether Humans are the bane of all evil, the jury is still out.
  16. For the record, if you couldn't tell, I think that debating over other peoples lives is stupid. Especially when I don't have a vagina and I have a very firm stand on my own beliefs on how I would handle the matter. The only point that I find remotely arguable is the dad's perspective - If the mother gets pregnant and the father wants to keep it, that should be as worthwhile as the mother wanting to keep it, provided the father has the means to support the kid. The situation is rarer than an altered opinion on the subject coming from this topic. But in such a situation, the mother is given full control, when the life can be saved without ruining another life. Once again, I know that my opinion would change if I had the vagina to carry a baby. But I figured I'd make my stance clear.
  17. No offense, but with the likely hood of over population looming, I don't mind dead babies. It's not my dead baby, I'm not going to see the dead babies, and it's really none of my damn business.
  18. And thus, the only way to preserve life is through death. Clearly, this post has shocked and amazed those who wished to post in this topic at one point.
  19. You can eliminate evil by killing humans.
  20. Crush Crush Faint, out of boredom. Though it'll change. Soon.
  21. As for the movie itself, it's just a bit too far off. Considering Captain America likely will be revived in either Iron Man 2 or Avengers, the movie it's self is only loosely held to a release date only two months before the Avengers movie.
  22. The writers wrote The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. Considering both occur during the WWII era and are about war. . . Yeah, they don't have shit in common. But it's an interesting choice, like Iron Man's or the Joker's actor, so you got to take that from the ordeal. And it can't be any worse than the writer for the. . . third X-Men prequel.
  23. I understood the appeal in the class, though outside of 9 and 10(Which not only has a skill that vastly improves rescuing, but a much better mechanic for moving him and a better dancing ability) I don't quite feel that slowing down to use a unit that is supposed to help you beat chapters quicker is quite the logical construct it seems to be at first glance. And I'm the type that values low movement units. They don't exactly have the high tier stats that make them invincible either, so after you 'revive' the last unit near enough to you to keep your dancer safe, all you can rely on to use the dancer well is knowing where enemies come from before hand.
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