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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. lol Also, the difference between 2 and 3 is context. You can say 'I kip every evening' AND 'I was just getting in a little kip'.
  2. Not in this context, though there are a number of cases of 2 and 3, and even 4 to an extent. I guess it's cool that they're similar, though.
  3. Statistically, there's a chance I've already talked to someone here.
  4. I find Dancers in every title except maybe 10 to be a bit overrated. Mostly because it's jnearly the same as using other units.
  5. Anyway I can make it so that, say, all supports are chapter specific?
  6. A common misunderstanding of the name Kira is that it means "killer" in Japanese. This is not true. Kira does not mean "killer" in Japanese, but when a person is speaking Japanese tries to pronounce the word "killer" it comes out sounding like "Kira" because L's in Japanese are pronounced as r's. Still, it's an incredibly common name.
  7. There's a save on the GFAQs board. DL that and then upload the game on the VBA. Then go under file, and down to upload Gameshark Snapshot. Load the file and you should be peachy.
  8. Well, I do think that part of BLS's point was that the game, while solid on it's own, sells mostly because of it's roots - Not so much Final Fantasy as Disney, but all the same. If it did the same thing with the same sales numbers and a completely original cast, BLS would have to bite his tongue. The problem with the Disney cast as it stands though is that they don't matter much in the story and they don't blend with each other, something that major Disney fans would like to see. Though in the next main title, the story will probably involve less Disney characters and may blend some Disney worlds, so it may work out for the better.
  9. It's basically a flame topic, with long posts and forced eloquence to distract from what it is.
  10. Suicide is fruitless, but no one was talking about that.
  11. Did you have one of these for 700 posts?
  12. I'm not sure anyone is that desperate to know anyone's name.
  13. That's a pretty common name. And I'm Brian.
  14. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/star_trek/news/?a=5210
  15. *crushes TC with a steam roller* Someones flatter now. ;)
  16. I'm not completely sure if that's supposed to be sarcasm, but the concept of the episode is roughly hit or miss regardless of what they're aiming for. I mean, it'd be one thing if either character was ever funny. ;) I don't see it going over well, even with some of the characters in the show seeming much better than their movie counter parts. As for the series and the movie, they kind of killed it for me by adding the girl. They don't need another scrappy. They need to make it seem like there's more than 2 people fighting the whole war, though.
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