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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. http://www.inquisitr.com/8604/meh-to-be-re...ictionary-word/ Meh. *clicks 'add to dictionary'*
  2. I hear the next episode of Cartoon Network's clone war series is going to be about Jar-Jar and C3PO.
  3. A character with supposed above average strength and above average speed isn't leaving a unit alive after attacking. So when you say You're basically giving all of her attacks to another unit. Sure you can use her, but it's incredibly diminished use. Above average for what game? 24 characters have better strength/magic and another 3 share the stat. Also, considering Ike has better weapon levels and a STR lead, the two are doing the about the same amount of damage until Ike gets Ragnell. ;) That's not even counting the number of characters with skills that boost damage, crit boosts, and supports. She has the best weapon type, but even then she's competing with the likes of Zihark in terms of damage. She also doubles, but the bulk of units do. Average. I've already given that? Above average? Not really. For what it's worth, you may be confusing averages with total value. I mean, even Knoll isn't awful in FE8 because it's easy. But he's well below average.
  4. Here's to hoping FE9 and perhaps 10 appear close on this list to FE3. But the first half of the post is the correct sentiment.
  5. Why should they? Well, I don't know. What I do know is that it was his idea to do so in the first place. He said she only needs a level or two of BEXP to get off the ground - Which isn't all that true.
  6. After ten levels, she'll gain less EXP than the rest of your units anyway. Less than that if your units have better levels than the enemy characters. It has little point after 10 levels, it's worthless at 20/20, and if she manages to be around 12 levels ahead of the pack, removing it gives you a negligible loss anyway. Eventually, there's no point in having it. You don't have to remove it, but there's a point where there is no loss in doing so. If you are using her after she hits 20/20, she's taking kills and gaining zero XP for them. Which does take from other characters. Just because it doesn't make them any worse doesn't mean they can't be any better. And what you're saying is she becomes dead weight for a chapter or two, and rather than being a slightly lower level for 4-6 chapters and being slightly above average with waning stats, you'd rather her have zero worth for a chapter or two.
  7. As far as magic goes, Wind is virtually worthless after Soren promotes. Elwind does nicely for Tormod, but that doesn't help either.
  8. And the writer of the X-Men movies. At least the first two.
  9. On the other hand, it was written by David Hayter and filmed by Zack Snyder, both who have great track records. I could see where one would and should be worried, and the altered ending and the fact that roughly an hour is being cut from the theater release don't help at all, but what's been shown has been incredibly solid. The key is to how well they manage to characterize Rorschach .
  10. Sorry, I don't think anyone would visit. :o I could give mine, and I live in the same state as four other people, and I still wouldn't get any visitors. And that's after you consider there's a decent chance they've all been to where I work. That's just life. But I'll check in if I ever need some cheese.
  11. After she's about 10 levels ahead of the rest of your units, what is the point in having it? If you don't remove it, she'll hit 20/20 and then using her will take away from the rest of your characters. And even at the same level as the rest of your cast, other skills are appealing.
  12. Not really. Per attack she does well below average, and per round she's about average. Considering she's doing some 2 more damage than Zihark at the same level, and he's got Adept and a crit boost to put him just above her damage wise, she's beating maybe 10 characters in damage per round, and more than half of them don't double consistently. It's debatable as to whether or not the amount of damage she inflicts is. . . effective, I guess would be the word for it, and with the small level advantage she'll run for a few of the later chapters, she does make it into the average area, but it begins to stagnate when you should realistically be removing Paragon. You really don't want to argue how ineffective she is early on without BEXP, though. And that's either way. ;)
  13. What you're saying is that it costs nothing to use a unit that comes in ten levels lower. Frankly. It'd be one thing if I was saying she's worthless and you shouldn't use her. But I'm not. I'm not even saying she's average. I said she's decent. I just know she does average damage, she has a lot to owe to mechanics of the game(that aren't even in a majority of the titles in the series, I might add), and that she'd be better if she didn't start with bows.
  14. It actually translates to her being rather average statwise *after* a decent amount is put into her, with movement, paragon, BEXP, steel axes, and canto that make the cost worthwhile.
  15. Of course, that doesn't affect my argument at all. Please, do pay attention.
  16. She takes a huge hit without BEXP. And even if that weren't the case, having a weapon type that could deal more damage would be more worthwhile to her in the long run regardless of how much BEXP she gets. Hit and Run with a bow would give her an edge for maybe the length of 3 chapters, but hey. Also, it's unrealistic to have her promoted in 2-3 chapters. Chapter 15 is a desert chapter, after all. Granted, since chapter 17 is 4 parts, she'll be promoted before 18, but there's no reason to have her promoted by 16, no matter how possible it is.
  17. Considering that you're giving her enough BEXP to be usable, my last post stands. The point is you aren't using her out the door, so really, she'd be better with any other weapon before promotion.
  18. Considering the only way to realistically use her and then claim she's decent is to load her with BEXP, having a direct attack weapon would only slightly dampen her ability in one chapter(Where the only reason people discuss using her in the chapter is because the ravens don't move). After that one chapter, you'd be able to use her like a normal unit, and she'd be better for it.
  19. lol tried. To be fair, while there may not have been a reason to add more mods, we won't know that until later. And considering that the most users we ever had at once happened today, and it's a total 20 more users than the previous record, the status quo in user to mod ratio is bound to be kept to a near equilibrium.
  20. Ewan, because magic is rare. I'd use none of them, though.
  21. Yes, because we all know the number of Archers that are top tier in this game. And all the Archers that were awesome in FE6-8. Being stuck to bows is rarely good. Just because it's a bit of a plus in her joining chapter doesn't mean diddly when she's stuck to bows before promotion.
  22. For what it's worth, while Astrid has decent growths, her strength is lacking. And it really doesn't help that she levels fast and she's stuck with bows before promotion. She lucks out that the Steel Axe is E rank, because otherwise she'd be in trouble in the damage area.
  23. I've played this. I still think Rock Band does it better. Why? Well. GH:WT is much improved over GH3, but that's to be expected. The other instruments match up fairly well as well. The drums have a bit of an issue. RB2 drums are much better. The GH:WT drums suffer from the same issue that hurt early copies of Rock Band - They're poorly made. Otherwise, they're solid as well. Vocals are a bit painful. I mean, mine suck. But really, you'll have to be pro to get 5 stars on expert, and that detracts from the game slightly. The big flaw? Band Play. You try getting off Star Power. Rock Band is a band game. Guitar Hero: World Tour seems like a game built for each part of the band.
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