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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. All I'm saying is that while acting like yourself may be natural, people are kind of expected to except you. If you can't make that easy and don't plan on staying, it's just harassment. Also, I got banned sometime before I joined Grandbell but after it started and I don't know why, so I haven't seen FESS in quite a while.
  2. For someone who is trying to teach a lesson, you're creating quite a large amount of tension, Blacken. I'm all for a valid point, and I don't think you came here to bond, but to be fair, having a pair isn't worth much when you don't have the shaft to back it up.
  3. For what it's worth, you're right. More mods aren't needed. Because all in all, this is just another day.

  4. The point is he's an asshole and he doesn't care. He's said both already. All that's left is whether or not that validates him.
  5. He's trying to prove a point. It's actually very deep.
  6. They say if you let assholes get to you, you end up in deep shit. Don't let things bother you.

  7. Blacken probably won't stay. And I'm not sure I'd go with the idea that they're all the same. You shouldn't worry so much.
  8. While I may be wrong, I'm pretty sure Ads only matter if they're clicked on(or at least matter more if they're clicked on)
  9. Shift in the balance of the force. One must admit that the sudden shift will come off a bit unnatural to some. But I can't answer for them.
  10. What would the forest be if it weren't green? But I suppose I'll say hi.
  11. Well yeah. And to be fair, I said you were THE FESSer, after all.
  12. Though FESS in it's glory days was heads and shoulders above the rest of the community because a lot of the members actually provided enough to the community to keep it going. Which, to respond to your post about all those users going to Superbus for advice - I don't recall any stories about Caesar's best warrior. ;) But it was an interesting point none the less.
  13. It took you a while to get that out, Blacken. Also, for what it's worth, it doesn't hurt to say that the series isn't exactly getting a breath of life every new release. Of course topical forums for it are dying. I will say that you were a bit over the top in kissing your own ass, though I can agree that there's nothing wrong with new people.
  14. All your stuff is great. I'm assuming that the color count of the FE10 sprites is a bit beyond 16 colors. But still cool. I'll have to pick through it.
  15. Funny thing is, AIDS doesn't really effect any other parts of the body. You can't really die from AIDS. All it does is kill your immune system. So you end up dying of cat diseases or old Italian Man diseases. Because AIDS basically destroys the antibodies produced by the body for food and uses the antibodies made to fight AIDS to produce more AIDS. Or something similar. Since bone marrow produces white blood cells which produce the antibodies, having someone else's bone marrow produces a new set of white blood cells and a new set of immunities for the body. Without the ability to make more AIDS, the body eventually phases it out. Or something similar. I'm not exactly pre-med, but I've studied both AIDS and Leukemia. I'm sure the explanation is riddled with errors, but the basic reason as to why this would remotely help either disease is there.
  16. But that is his fault. Trust me, when people tell you to blame them for it, you blame them for it. It's easier. Unless you're in love. Point is, no one had a heads up. And if you've counted the number of new users(20+ so far), the number of mods to active users hasn't changed much. Not to say that the ratio isn't a bit high, but I'm all for Status Quo.
  17. All things considered, I'm sure they do talk. But this time yesterday, I can't imagine more than a dozen people knew FESS was closing. So sitting down to discuss a potential merger or even whether they were going to take in the people coming from FESS wasn't an option. It's simply not the type of forum to turn people away. And the two new mods are little more than a gesture to the people moving so far. Not to say they have no powers, but I don't think Lord Glenn has removed the Forest and banned half the active users yet.
  18. Reliability was never the issue with people commenting on the subject of new mods.
  19. I'm not sure how early Jyo knew about the issue. I thought it was obvious this wasn't discussed - You could tell by some of Fox's early posts on the issue. I do think in the long run, with the rate of influx of new users, another mod can't be a bad thing, especially one that was considered in the first place.
  20. Of course, studies have shown that eating bone marrow is very healthy for your heart and body.
  21. For what it's worth, the increase in staff members seems completely as if it were a precaution. While no, I don't see the forum doubling by any means, a 50% increase would probably warrant two additional staff members, and simply having names they can recognize can't hurt. I imagine that if the demotion of Metal Arc had not come, Wist may have not been appointed and these two may have instead. But that's neither here nor there. While no, I don't think it will be needed in the long run, sometimes you can't just let shit happen. You also have to consider the potential for people who don't like FESS and are petty enough to harass it's once population when the news fully spreads.
  22. If you mean in this topic, he doesn't have a new one.
  23. Tino, why they may not be totally necessary, it's always nice to have them there at the moment. And it's not like nothing happened last night. Gaining 13 people mid week after midnight is no easy feat for a forum this small.
  24. The game has quite a few flaws that ultimately stick out like a door knob would a door. Some of these will be a bit frustrating because you could think of ways to correct the issue without much thinking. But ultimately, none of these are game breaking. Just a minor annoyance.
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