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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Not really. He's not a real avenger, never has been, and Fox currently owns the license. Fox is abusing it, too, making 3 more movies of it. Better than the X-Men movies, though. 3 sequels>3 prequels. Marvel knows what it's doing with it's Avengers and the rest of it's movies. They've already planned movies for the members of the Avengers that would join in a theoretical Avengers 2. That's how deep the rabbit hole goes. If one of the actors were to die, it'd be like God taking a dump on comic book movies in general, and worse than Heath Ledger's death will effect Nolan Batman 3. Frankly, if DC wants to go anywhere with any character that isn't Batman, they'll need to move away from the WB. Beyonce will probably end up as Wonder Woman if they don't. Not that I'm against that, but I don't want to see another Catwoman movie. And where the fuck is my Green Lantern movie? They have three awesome Green Lanterns from Earth and not a single one of them haven't gotten their own anything ever outside of comics. I do however want to see the power level of Captain America. He can take down the Hulk in the Ultimates. I wasn't too fond of that.
  2. No. You have to be a colored fox of something. That's why regular Fox is a nobody.
  3. Also, it's worth considering that Monkeys throw feces all the time. I'm actually pretty sure fecal matter can't carry AIDS, but hey.
  4. Considering it's a blood transferred disease, it wouldn't have taken much more than a cut man trying to help an injured monkey.
  5. needs moar ROYGBIV Fox of Rainbows. I was looking at the other topic. Odd that my post would end up here. But ah well.
  6. lol trying to enter a candidate almost a month late.
  7. I never said it was alive. I said it's already happen. It can only be killed now.
  8. You can't abort something that's already happen.
  9. Eventually they'll run out of colors(or elements). They've already gotten sloppy. Not all 'Earth' is brown and not all metal is silver.
  10. And I for one aim to stop that. ;)
  11. For what it's worth, seeing as how they've actually regrown a full finger recently, each cell should be protected by the law.
  12. Names aren't required. Just a concept. Consider: Based on your pairings, kids will be born. Each pairing has 2 kids. 1 boy and 1 girl, usually(always?) Those kids make up the bulk of the cast in part 2.
  13. Asking a question like that won't make what I say any less true. Sure I can't *prove it* but it's logical. It's less traumatic to kill something that you don't want than it is to give up something that's been a part of you and having to give it away. Compare a kid who never had a father there for him to a kid whose dad was there every day. The dad dies. Who feels worse?
  14. It's not all that hard to have an abortion if you have the mindset that it's okay. It can be hard to give up a baby that's grown a bit, even if you failed at raising it.
  15. How is it easier for someone to give up something that looks like you compared to something that, quite frankly, could scare the shit out of me?
  16. And for what it's worth, not everyone runs straight to abortion. Adoption is also a hard task psychologically for some women.
  17. No, it's not like that at all. Immaturity can be cute anyway. I'm just saying that if she were afraid of spiders and this, and you could cure one and only one, this would probably be more beneficial to her. I can understand it, and frankly, I never knew her to beg her to come back. I just think it's one of the best things you could do for her. Whether that brings her back here or simply lets her check her email once a week is an improvement.
  18. You can be stalked and raped without internet. Not to say her reason is completely invalid, but these days, being afraid of the internet is like being afraid of life. It's not my life to deal in though.
  19. I'm not sure the statement was completely incorrect. My thoughts on the matter was that nature came before any sort of morality.
  20. All the same, I was arguing in circles to effectively end the topic; to prove the point that there is no point. When all was said and done, we'd end up at the conclusion that it's a matter of opinion and more than one serious post in this topic was stupid.
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