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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Not to detract from the topic, but if you're actually getting somewhere in college, being at college longer can grant you any number of one ups against freshmen. Fraternities, better degrees, campus status, professorships, better dorm. . . It's more like people that are born deaf/go deaf before they can *remember* sound and people who go deaf later in life. Neither is waking up to the birds in the morning(the former still hates the latter, though, so that should speak for the situation). Blind people do it too, actually, though then it's a bit harder for them to do it.
  2. This won't end well. There will be blood. By the buckets.
  3. That's a bit offset by the huge avoid stat most of your characters will be running because of the limited options. And even if you were to decide to let the characters that are forced into the last chapter to rot, you'd still have 2 of those forced characters. I don't recall if one of the herons is forced on you, but even that doesn't change the situation. Something like a Dark, heaven, or light playthrough, even if you use the forced characters, would be a bit tougher. Though this is an interesting endeavor all the same. You did, however, ask for my opinion and got it.
  4. I think that you could make a much harder playthrough with another affinity.
  5. If you give Bors one more point of base speed and then compare him to the rest of the cast in HM, he jumps like quite a few spots. The extra point in speed makes it so only 1 of the fighters and the Bandit double him. It takes about 5 units to kill him, and he serves as a much better wall. And chapter 1 is arguably his hardest chapter. But being doubled and racking up some decent damage, he can't really take on more than two enemies, and Marcus with an Iron sword is taking around one more hit, isn't doubled, and is hitting the enemy. For the record, Bors isn't really doubled in the early chapters and he's only taking a few points in damage in normal mode. When mecs and Myrmidons become popular about 5 chapters into the game, he's being doubled, but only the mercs are dealing decent damage, and those guys are dangerous to your cast in general. As for someone saying Lot is a throw away unit, he has some nice supports, and while he isn't quite poweful enough, once he's in the game doing solid damage with his best supports he's not really dying.
  6. Looks like Serenes is rocking Maryland. Hard. lol Baltimore.
  7. He just said he renewed it, so I doubt he's going to let it die unless everyone just stop coming here between now and next year.
  8. I missed the new part of the first post. . . in the first point. One last thing that came to mind, how are you handling promoting?
  9. Bors is actually a really solid unit in normal mode. He's high tier there. The problem is the number of units that are actually viable in normal mode. If he started with a point of speed more, he would have been twice as good in Hard mode. There are enough spots for him by endgame, and you do get boots later(around the time where even though it might seem like a great idea to give it to Roy, his performance is beginning to wane), so using him in normal mode(especially if you like the class) is valid.
  10. Oh, and I've watched the Marcus video. It was great. I do think it'll be important to get something in there so that you know it went off. I was looking for it, and I had to watch the vid two or three times before I realized it was at the beginning. I remember FE8 had something for when it's skills activated. It'd probably take up too much time to use the way FE8 did it, but it's just hard to see at the moment. Of course, I'm sure you've considered that already. I'm just trying to make a constructive comment here and there. Are you making any additional skills beyond FE4? FE9 has like 1 or two extra. And you could make completely new ones if you wanted. Just wondering.
  11. Will all the new stuff you're adding be available for public use once you're finished? I don't want it to seem like I have no interest in the project - Because that isn't the case at all. I actually can't wait to see some of the newer chapters (and if/how you plan to break down the maps). And some of the new dialogue. It's just something I was interested in. I'm not sure what skills are being included, but I know at the moment it's not something I could exactly do myself. I've figured out how to change almost everything by Hex, so it's not like I'd need any special program to change things. I just wouldn't want you to stumble on to a patch somewhere down the line that uses skills and the magic/physical split if that's not what you wanted.
  12. Sleep is for the weak. Work too. But it's hard to even notice the new people are there.
  13. Everyone picks on Lyle. So this topic was no different.
  14. He acts like an asshole because he knows he won't be kicked.
  15. Are any generic classes getting a revamp? Because the general class is ugly, if I can just throw that out there.
  16. Funny thing is, I think maybe only the TC sees the whole picture.
  17. Can I ask what units are going to be/might be getting a new animation?
  18. No offense, but topics like these don't help. There's only one good way to get rid of a kidney stone. Let it pass.
  19. It wouldn't do any good to ban him. If it would, he would already be gone. GEOS was what they called stupid people, and I do remember him being a GEOS on FESS2.
  20. But Horror has mellowed out in recent years. I'm not sure if it says something of the culture, but outside of things jumping out, a lot of things are no longer scary.
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