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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Inner Hollow to the rescue. But still, they just went through the seven sins. The Devil is the next step.
  2. Ulq is going to pull a One Winged Angel. Again.
  3. Those last two don't sound like reaffirming life lessons at all.
  4. Didn't come out nearly as well as hoped. The Blind are lead along. Most of religious faith will live their life the same way week by week if everything is going right - Human nature.
  5. Didn't see this earlier. Blindness has no direction, while going in the wrong direction will, at worst, dig a deeper hole. If you believe what you're doing is pleasing God and he is in turn making you happy, then you'll continue as you are are continue to be happy. Of course, the second he lets you down you can't blame him. You let him down. You could be in the same place without God, and the only difference is the acceptance of your abilities and higher chances of using them elsewhere.
  6. Google tends to read the topic and provide the best ads. Then again, I imagine if you made a topic saying Skull Candy is awful, you'd still get the ad.
  7. 2 year product warranty. I heard they were notorious for cutting out, though. It's cool while it lasts at least.
  8. Awesome. The shit rocks. That's all I can say. I can't here anything but my music. I'm like 5 feet away from my TV. A bit uncomfortable, but they make a good way to drown people out.
  9. Religion has never stopped anyone from gaining knowledge. At least not in the last few centuries. But it was a simple set of knowledge and morals in a time where counting to ten was complex math. I mean, Calc and Stat have only developed extensively since computers were developed. Don't dare ask me to use a slide rule.
  10. I never said I did. I merely said it was possible. Because yes, it is possible to have better morals than someone else.
  11. In a world that only has questions because answers given to questions make more questions, is that needed.
  12. Trying to pull? But it's not hard to be 'morally superior' compared to some of the people here - Morals obviously aren't what he's going for anyway. Anyway. It was obvious it wasn't going to change off handedly, because it's been there. Still, if he's going for a record, he's going to need creativity anyway. It's still good to ask why.
  13. To be fair, you went and said no religion is true and then made it sound like God is the only truth and called other followers sheep.
  14. It's worth pointing out that just having faith in God and being religious are very different facets of life.
  15. It was very useful in Calc and Stat though.
  16. His name was changed from God though, so it's obvious that wasn't well recieved. A large point of the topic was to ask why the name and why it was just accepted. No great answers to be found, but hey.
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