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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. I'm currently playing War of the Lions. It doesn't disappoint. Though they could have added more. It's harder than the original.
  2. Favre is old AND injured. I could go out and beat a Hobo up too. The Jets didn't even have a playoff chance at that point.
  3. The saying is 'third time's a charm'. Steelers have barely won a number of games through out the year in the last minute or so and as much as you'd like to think of a win as a win, it simply doesn't help. At the end of the day, the Steelers wouldn't want to play the Ravens simply because of how physical that game would be. Titans have a strong D, but if Rofflesburger is questionable after playing the Browns, then you don't want to go into the SB after playing the Ravens. Who made the comeback player look like he should go back to the Jets. And historically, the first round bye isn't as good a thing as they sell it to be. Most SB feature a 1st or 2nd seed team. But only 1 of 2, and only because the odds are generally in their favor to get there before you account for talent. It's rare to have two teams that took a bye in the Super Bowl - about 20%. This team usually goes on to lose. 1st and 2nd seed teams are only about .500 in SBs, and that's counting the SBs with only 1st/2nd Seed teams.
  4. I have to be honest, the Dolphins only made the playoffs because of a hurt Brady and a really REALLY easy schedule. And they beat no one important. I'll say Ravens over Giants in the repeat SB of 2000. Ed Reed is CATCHIN' YOU BALLIN. Also, lol at thinking the Steelers would take the Ravens. That's the game they wouldn't want to play. They barely won the last two times.
  5. Seriously. Working Christmas is the shit with my track record. So this girl I picked up on Christmas. Works at a Lingerie store. Got into Yale for Art. Has an awesome car. Full of energy. Lots of free time.
  6. Early next year a few good/decent games are coming out. STREET FIGHTER 4. But you don't have any of the more powerful systems. So. 358/2 days. Kingdom Hearts in general if you haven't played it. PSP with Dissidia. Rock Band 2 is also of the fun.
  7. Oh, I forgot about Benjamin Button. That's another good movie. Just not for Christmas. And like I said, Slumdog Millionaire could be the best movie all year.
  8. Of course, anyone who didn't like the second half of CBFD is crazy.
  9. http://www.muvico.com/default.asp?t=205 Bad story.
  10. Most of those came out yesterday, actually. Having a theater with 24 screens means we keep shit longer than dirt sometimes. Transporter 3 was crap too.
  11. None of the movies were good for Christmas day. Some were good, most were bad, but none for Christmas day. Considering how Seven Pounds ends, Desperaux and Bedtime Stories were made for kids, only the first 15 minutes of The Spirit is good, Four Christmases is eh, Nothing like the Holidays is depressing and most theaters can't carry more movies than that. Frost/Nixon is another great movie, but not built for Christmas. Mine still has Twilight, Quantum of Solace, and Transporter 3, but they are less christmas than the other 7 movies.
  12. While yes, movies that came out on Christmas are largely garbage(Marley and Me being probably the best, unless you can find Slumdog Millionaire), such a blanket statement is stupid/ However, you have no right to denounce such titles until you spend christmas night working in a movie theater. Do you realize how many people I had to tell that The Spirit sucked? It was ridiculous. On the plus side, three girls wanted my number. That's 3 in some 3000 people I talked to, though. So odds were in my favor. But in getting movies for free, I can tell you the number of movies that don't suck is actually pretty decent. Your problem is you're looking for a name, when 9/10 named actors actually come out to making 1 good movie in every 4-6 movies they make.
  13. Because any sequel that comes out 20+ years later with the same core cast as the original film deserves a fucking medal.
  14. Because someone didn't get the message when I said it was petty to bring up the subject in every topic.
  15. Because being petty in EVERY TOPIC is just so much easier.
  16. By entering you have failed. Your only chance of redemption is a post to appease me. But I will not read it to avoid entering the topic and thus failing. I mean, I could appease myself, but that'd be weird.
  17. It's not that I underestimate him. I just realize that he can't come out on top easily. The story is set up so that the captains essentially have to lose or else the manga will rob Ichigo of his Jump-hood.
  18. Won't happen. Bleach is notorious for lacking death. And in order for Aizen to lose, he needs to overlook something. Ukitake might die, and Shunsui is in a rather bad spot, and Dog face is actually one of the statistically weakest captains in terms of data book stats. But considering there are only really two or 3 near-captain-level vice captains, Kubo will probably leave them. The only reason Yama-ji is bound to die is because his age and state in Soul Society makes him manga death bait, and him living makes Aizen seem weak. The top three Espada will either massacre the captains and the Vizard will be protecting Soul Society long enough for Ichigo to get out or the top three Espada will win out in the end with aid from Aizen, with the three Espada being killed on earth and the traitor captains losing in Soul Society.
  19. Not that they have to, but they surely want to. Except Yammy. He's in villain limbo. A fate worse than death. But it's easier on the viewer to see Ichigo finally beat someone who has kicked his ass 4 or 5 times now than to see Hitsugaya or Shunsui lose without a huge effort on the Espada's part.
  20. They kind of have to go back to Ichigo. All the weak enemies are dead, and the three espada that are left are all ranked higher than Habiel. For the record, at this rate, Hitsugaya is gonna get raped. Shunsui is also bound to lose as well. And Aizen probably won't stay trapped much longer. Yama will probably die in the next 25 or so issues.
  21. No, but you could blow up military and not innocent people. And waiting 4 days for a surrender back in the 1940s wasn't enough by any means. And for the record, these were cities left untouched by warfare just so they could see how much damage the nukes could do. What the fuck is that?
  22. None. But I'd be willing to bet that most people would have picked a non-civilian drop zone for a nuke and most would have never dropped the second. And for what it's worth, every new president of anything generally has an urge to one up his predecessor. How the hell do you one up the man that put the country on the high road and was basically winning a war from the start? You take out two cities in a week.
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